.歷久不輟的生活哲思文選,匯集古今中外聖者哲人作品,探索簡樸和生活之道.重新評估財產觀,對於經濟價值及自然、生命、慾望、需求的省思,深刻理解財富之道.《小即是美》作者修馬克(E. F. Schumacher)專文推薦擁有更少,活得更好文明的本質不在於數量上的無限擴張繁衍,而在於對人類需求的反思與減量。――甘地偉大有限制,速度有限制,數目有限制,複雜有限制,超過進步限度而遭遇的懲罰,反而比進步本身更
Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Mind showcases the leading contributors to the field, debating the major questions in philosophy of mind today.* Comprises 20 newly commissioned essays on hotly d
Cardiac electrophysiologists face many challenging situations in which there is no clear-cut answer about the best way to handle a particular clinical problem. This issue brings together articles on m
Debates and controversies about how to treat difficult problems or conditions abound in cardiac electrophysiology. This issue attempts to bring together a variety of controversial subjects and to pre
As a consequence of India's attempts to carve out a foreign policy that is in sync with its rising stature in the international system, the country is dealing with a range of issues that are controver
Debates in Modern Philosophy: Essential Readings and Contemporary Responses provides an in-depth, engaging introduction to important issues in modern philosophy. It presents 13 key interpretive debat
?The subject of historic struggle and contemporary dispute, public lands in the United States are treasured spaces. In Public Lands, Public Debates, environmental historian Char Miller explores the hi
Debates in Music Teaching encourages student and practising teachers to engage with contemporary issues and developments in music education. It aims to introduce a critical approach to the central con
Debates in Modern Philosophy: Essential Readings and Contemporary Responses provides an in-depth, engaging introduction to important issues in modern philosophy. It presents 13 key interpretive debat
Debates in Physical Education explores major issues physical education teachers encounter in their daily professional lives. It engages with established and contemporary debates, promotes and supports
Debates in Physical Education explores major issues physical education teachers encounter in their daily professional lives. It engages with established and contemporary debates, promotes and supports
In a series of thought-provoking and original essays, eighteen leading philosophers engage in head-to-head debates of nine of the most cutting edge topics in contemporary metaphysics. Explores the f
Contemporary Debates in Bioethics features a timely collection of highly readable, debate-style arguments contributed by many of today’s top bioethics scholars, focusing on core bioethical concerns of
"Contemporary Debates on Terrorism is an innovative new textbook, addressing a number of key issues in contemporary terrorism studies from both 'traditional' and 'critical' perspectives. In recent yea