★ 紐約時報暢銷榜第一名《耶穌的叮嚀》續作!★ 基督教書商協會年度最佳福音書(ECPA Christian Book of the Year)!★ 今日美國、出版人週刊、基督教書商協會 好評推薦!★ 美國亞馬遜5顆星好評推薦!當你的世界最灰暗之時,正是盼望閃耀最明亮的時刻!《盼望不停歇》是莎拉揚在生命中非常困苦的時期完成之作,然而此時聖經的經文與耶穌自己的同在卻更靠近她,每天都帶給她嶄新的盼望與安慰。無論你現在是否正在處於灰心絕望中,極需一條救命索,或者只是渴望此許鼓勵,這本靈修新作,也是紐約時報暢銷書榜首《耶穌的叮囑》續作;都同樣能對你的生命說出盼望。本書口吻像耶穌自己向你保證衪掌管一切,衪乃良善的主,衪預備了光明的未來等候那些仰望衪的人。作者以上帝的話語中充滿平安的耶穌同在,就是來自自己與救主獨處的內心深領受;提醒我們、觸動我們,一篇篇動人的靈修短文挑望你、激動你的心親近主、愛慕主,使你親密地、安靜地與耶穌連結,因衪是那位你生命任何景況與你相遇的獨一真神。
★ 紐約時報暢銷榜第一名《耶穌的叮嚀》續作! ★ 基督教書商協會年度最佳福音書(ECPA Christian Book of the Year)! ★ 今日美國、出版人週刊、基督教書商協會 好評推薦! ★ 美國亞馬遜5顆星好評推薦! 當你的世界最灰暗之時,正是盼望閃耀最明亮的時刻! 《盼望不停歇》是莎拉揚在生命中非常困苦的時期完成之作,然而此時聖經的經文與耶穌自己的同在卻更靠近她,每天都帶給她嶄新的盼望與安慰。 無論你現在是否正在處於灰心絕望中,極需一條救命索,或者只是渴望此許鼓勵,這本靈修新作,也是紐約時報暢銷書榜首《耶穌的叮囑》續作;都同樣能對你的生命說出盼望。本書口吻像耶穌自己向你保證衪掌管一切,衪乃良善的主,衪預備了光明的未來等候那些仰望衪的人。 作者以上帝的話語中充滿平安的耶穌同在,就是來自自己與救主獨處的內心深領受;提醒我們、觸動我們,一篇篇動人的靈修短文挑望你、激動你的心親近主、愛慕主,使你親密地、安靜地與耶穌連結,因衪是那位你生命任何景況與你相遇的獨一真神。 作者寫下自己與耶穌獨處的內心深刻領受,本書有150篇動人的靈修短文,可挑望、激動基督徒在生活中親近神,親密地與耶穌對話與連結。
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This book is a fascinating study of the Vietnamese experience and memory of the Vietnam War through the lens of popular imaginings about the wandering souls of the war dead. These ghosts of war play an important part in postwar Vietnamese historical narrative and imagination, and Heonik Kwon explores the intimate ritual ties with these unsettled identities which still survive in Vietnam today as well as the actions of those who hope to liberate these hidden but vital historical presences from their uprooted social existence. Taking a unique approach to the cultural history of war, he introduces gripping stories about spirits claiming social justice and about his own efforts to wrestle with the physical and spiritual presence of ghosts. Although these actions are fantastical, this book shows how examining their stories can illuminate critical issues of war and collective memory in Vietnam and the modern world more generally.
This book is a fascinating study of the Vietnamese experience and memory of the Vietnam War through the lens of popular imaginings about the wandering souls of the war dead. These ghosts of war play an important part in postwar Vietnamese historical narrative and imagination, and Heonik Kwon explores the intimate ritual ties with these unsettled identities which still survive in Vietnam today as well as the actions of those who hope to liberate these hidden but vital historical presences from their uprooted social existence. Taking a unique approach to the cultural history of war, he introduces gripping stories about spirits claiming social justice and about his own efforts to wrestle with the physical and spiritual presence of ghosts. Although these actions are fantastical, this book shows how examining their stories can illuminate critical issues of war and collective memory in Vietnam and the modern world more generally.