


原文書 (6)
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$400~$599 (1)
$800以上 (6)

2017年以前 (7)

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精裝 (3)

D. J. H. Garling (2)
(德) 瑞貝爾 (Triebel.H.) (1)
B. Malcolm Brown (EDT)/ Jan Lang (EDT)/ Ian G. Wood (EDT) (1)
Juha Heinonen (1)
Manfred Stoll (1)
Michael Ulbrich (1)

Cambridge Univ Pr (4)
Cambridge University Press (1)
Springer Verlag (1)
世界圖書(北京)出版公司 (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:B. Malcolm Brown (EDT); Jan Lang (EDT); Ian G. Wood (EDT)  出版社:Springer Verlag  出版日:2011/11/05 裝訂:精裝
This is a collection of contributed papers which focus on recent results in areas of differential equations, function spaces, operator theory?and interpolation theory.?In particular, it?covers current
作者:Michael Ulbrich  出版社:Cambridge University Press  出版日:2011/07/28 裝訂:平裝
A comprehensive treatment of semismooth Newton methods in function spaces: from their foundations to recent progress in the field. This book is appropriate for researchers and practitioners in PDE-con
作者:D. J. H. Garling  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2007/07/05 裝訂:精裝
This book contains a wealth of inequalities used in linear analysis, and explains in detail how they are used. The book begins with Cauchy's inequality and ends with Grothendieck's inequality, in between one finds the Loomis-Whitney inequality, maximal inequalities, inequalities of Hardy and of Hilbert, hypercontractive and logarithmic Sobolev inequalities, Beckner's inequality, and many, many more. The inequalities are used to obtain properties of function spaces, linear operators between them, and of special classes of operators such as absolutely summing operators. This textbook complements and fills out standard treatments, providing many diverse applications: for example, the Lebesgue decomposition theorem and the Lebesgue density theorem, the Hilbert transform and other singular integral operators, the martingale convergence theorem, eigenvalue distributions, Lidskii's trace formula, Mercer's theorem and Littlewood's 4/3 theorem. It will broaden the knowledge of postgraduate and
Inequalities: A Journey into Linear Analysis
作者:D. J. H. Garling  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2007/07/05 裝訂:平裝
This book contains a wealth of inequalities used in linear analysis, and explains in detail how they are used. The book begins with Cauchy's inequality and ends with Grothendieck's inequality, in between one finds the Loomis-Whitney inequality, maximal inequalities, inequalities of Hardy and of Hilbert, hypercontractive and logarithmic Sobolev inequalities, Beckner's inequality, and many, many more. The inequalities are used to obtain properties of function spaces, linear operators between them, and of special classes of operators such as absolutely summing operators. This textbook complements and fills out standard treatments, providing many diverse applications: for example, the Lebesgue decomposition theorem and the Lebesgue density theorem, the Hilbert transform and other singular integral operators, the martingale convergence theorem, eigenvalue distributions, Lidskii's trace formula, Mercer's theorem and Littlewood's 4/3 theorem. It will broaden the knowledge of postgraduate and
定價:3184 元, 優惠價:9 2866
作者:Juha Heinonen  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2015/03/31 裝訂:精裝
Analysis on metric spaces emerged in the 1990s as an independent research field providing a unified treatment of first-order analysis in diverse and potentially nonsmooth settings. Based on the fundamental concept of upper gradient, the notion of a Sobolev function was formulated in the setting of metric measure spaces supporting a Poincaré inequality. This coherent treatment from first principles is an ideal introduction to the subject for graduate students and a useful reference for experts. It presents the foundations of the theory of such first-order Sobolev spaces, then explores geometric implications of the critical Poincaré inequality, and indicates numerous examples of spaces satisfying this axiom. A distinguishing feature of the book is its focus on vector-valued Sobolev spaces. The final chapters include proofs of several landmark theorems, including Cheeger's stability theorem for Poincaré inequalities under Gromov–Hausdorff convergence, and the Keith–Zhong self-improvement
作者:(德) 瑞貝爾 (Triebel.H.)  出版社:世界圖書(北京)出版公司  出版日:2010/09/01 裝訂:平裝
《函數結構》內容簡介:This book deals with the symbiotic relationship betweenI Quarkonial decompositions of functions,on the one hand,andII Sharp inequalities and embeddings in function spaces,III Fractal ellipt
定價:474 元, 優惠價:87 412
Invariant Potential Theory in the Unit Ball of Cn
作者:Manfred Stoll  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:1994/05/12 裝訂:平裝
This monograph provides an introduction and a survey of recent results in potential theory with respect to the Laplace–Beltrami operator D in several complex variables, with special emphasis on the unit ball in Cn. Topics covered include Poisson–Szegö integrals on the ball, the Green's function for D and the Riesz decomposition theorem for invariant subharmonic functions. The extension to the ball of the classical Fatou theorem on non-tangible limits of Poisson integrals, and Littlewood's theorem on the existence of radial limits of subharmonic functions are covered in detail. The monograph also contains recent results on admissible and tangential boundary limits of Green potentials, and Lp inequalities for the invariant gradient of Green potentials. Applications of some of the results to Hp spaces, and weighted Bergman and Dirichlet spaces of invariant harmonic functions are included. The notes are self-contained, and should be accessible to anyone with some basic knowledge of several
定價:1884 元, 優惠價:9 1696



