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Alma Katsu (1)
Anne Fadiman (1)
Elissa Bassist (1)
Lucia Berlin (1)
Sara Novic (1)
安.法第曼 (1)

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Hachette Books (1)
Penguin Group USA (1)
Picador USA (1)
Random House US (1)
大家 (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:安.法第曼  出版社:大家  出版日:2023/11/08 裝訂:平裝
那些「不遵醫囑」的現象背後體現的是脆弱族群的無助處境★美國國家書評獎、紐約時報年度好書獎等多項書獎得主★出版二十餘年,影響力至今不輟◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇最知名的醫療人類學大眾讀物北美各大醫學院醫學人文課程常用指定教材探討醫病關係與文化衝突的報導文學經典※本書為《黎亞:從醫病衝突到跨文化誤解的傷害》新版※吳易澄|新竹馬偕紀念醫院精神科醫師/馬偕醫學院醫學系助理教授、阿 潑|文字工作者、張 元|清華大學榮譽退休教授、陳嘉新|國立陽明交通大學科技與社會研究所副教授兼所長、黃宣穎|國立陽明交通大學醫學系/公共衛生研究所副教授、黃涵榆|臺灣師範大學英語系教授、劉紹華|人類學家、蔡友月|中央研究院社會學研究所副研究員◎強力推薦(按姓氏筆畫序)▍內容簡介人人都愛黎亞,卻都救不了黎亞當行醫所仰賴的科學精神,成為阻礙溝通的高牆醫病之間,是否有互相理解的可能? 一九八二年十月二十四日夜裡,罹患癲癇的苗族難民女兒李黎亞被母親抱在懷中,來到加州美熹德郡的醫療中心求診。不通苗語的急診醫生將黎亞誤診為「初期支氣管肺炎」,開立抗生素後便請黎亞父母離去。接續這場烏龍而來的,是一連串的醫病衝突與文化誤解。黎亞儘管擁有天下最慈愛的父母,與醫術高明且最認真盡責的主治醫生,但雙方愈是竭力付出,彼此的撞擊與誤解卻也越快將黎亞推往無可挽回的悲劇。 作者安.法第曼為了解這樁奇異的醫病衝突始末,實地走訪醫院與社福機構,更深入苗族社群,與李家建立深厚友誼。在她的細膩觀察下,各方觀點逐漸交織成複雜而立體的現實。原來擁有泛靈宇宙觀的苗人無法完全信任「醫身不醫心」的西方醫學,語言隔閡既讓黎亞父母在目睹女兒所受的各種侵入式治療及服藥副作用時茫然心痛,也讓兩人難以遵照醫囑給黎亞服藥。主治醫生始終不了解背後的真正原因,平白為家屬不願配合而焦頭爛額,護士與社工協助李家適應西方醫學的努力,也一次次淪為徒勞。 作者在本書中不斷探究,如果病人理解身體乃至世界的角度與西方的科學觀點截然不同,醫生該如何調整療法與溝通策略?出身不同文化背景的雙方,究竟有無可能找到共同的語言?她一面爬梳黎亞的求醫史,一面細述苗族固守傳統及信仰,一次次抵抗強權、傲然定居高地的強悍民族性,以及二戰時如何成為美國傭兵又被美國犧牲的血淚史,少數幸運者得以移民美國,但失去土地叢林也形同失去了謀生能力及生命尊嚴。傳承了幾千年的民族驕傲,及累積了幾千年的
定價:450 元, 優惠價:9 405
The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down ─ A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, and the Collision of Two Cultures
作者:Anne Fadiman  出版社:Farrar Straus & Giroux  出版日:2012/04/24 裝訂:平裝
The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down explores the clash between a small county hospital in California and a refugee family from Laos over the care of Lia Lee, a Hmong child diagnosed with severe epilepsy. Lia’s parents and her doctors both wanted what was best for Lia, but the lack of understanding between them led to tragedy. Winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award for Nonfiction, the Los Angeles Times Book Prize for Current Interest, and the Salon Book Award, Anne Fadiman’s compassionate account of this cultural impasse is literary journalism at its finest.
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
True Biz
作者:Sara Novic  出版社:Random House US  出版日:2022/03/15 裝訂:精裝
A transporting novel that follows a year of seismic romantic, political, and familial shifts for a teacher and her students at a boarding school for the deaf, from the acclaimed author of Girl at WarTrue biz (adj/exclamation; American Sign Language): really, seriously, definitely, real-talk True biz? The students at the River Valley School for the Deaf just want to hook up, pass their history final, and have doctors, politicians, and their parents stop telling them what to do with their bodies. This revelatory novel plunges readers into the halls of a residential school for the deaf, where they'll meet Charlie, a rebellious transfer student who's never met another deaf person before; Austin, the school's golden boy, whose world is rocked when his baby sister is born hearing; and February, the headmistress, who is fighting to keep her school open and her marriage intact, but might not be able to do both. As a series of crises both personal and political threaten to unravel each of
定價:1064 元, 優惠價:1 1064
A Manual for Cleaning Women ─ Selected Stories
作者:Lucia Berlin  出版社:Picador USA  出版日:2016/08/02 裝訂:平裝
即將改編同名電影,凱特布蘭琪領銜主演。以輕巧卻精準,直指核心卻不顯尖刻的筆觸,描繪筆下各形各色的生命樣貌。這是柏林以生命經歷寫就的故事,更是屬於當代美國的故事。"Stories from a lost American classic "in the same arena as Alice Munro" (Lydia Davis) "In the field of short fiction, Lucia Berlin is one of America's best kept secrets. That's it. Flat out. No mitigating conditions." --Paul Metcalf A Manual for Cleaning Women compiles the best work of the legendary short-story writer Lucia Berlin. With her trademark blend of humor and melancholy, Berlin crafts miracles from the everyday--uncovering moments of grace in the cafeterias and Laundromats of the American Southwest, in the homes of the Northern California upper classes, and from the perspective of a cleaning woman alone in a hotel dining room in Mexico City. The women of Berlin's stories are lost, but they are also strong, clever, and extraordinarily real. They are hitchhikers, hard workers, bad Christians. With the wit of Lorrie Moore and the grit of Raymond Carver, they navigate a world of jockeys, doctors, and
定價:684 元, 優惠價:79 540
作者:Elissa Bassist  出版社:Hachette Books  出版日:2022/09/13 裝訂:精裝
Equal parts medical mystery, cultural criticism, and rallying cry, writer Elissa Bassist shares her journey to reclaim her authentic voice in a culture that doesn't listen to women.Between 2016 and 2018, Elissa Bassist saw over twenty medical professionals for a variety of mysterious ailments. Bassist had what millions of American women had: pain that didn’t make sense to doctors, a body that didn’t make sense to science, a psyche that didn’t make sense to mankind. But then an acupuncturist suggested some of her physical pain could be caged fury finding expression, and that treating her voice would treat the problem. It did.Growing up, Bassist's family, boyfriends, school, work, and television had the same expectation for a woman’s voice: less is more. She was called dramatic and insane for speaking her mind; she was accused of overreacting and playing victim for having unexplained physical pain; she was ignored or rebuked like women throughout history for using her voice “inappropriat
定價:1102 元, 優惠價:79 871
Fervor, The
作者:Alma Katsu  出版社:Penguin Group USA  出版日:2022/04/26 裝訂:平裝
From the acclaimed and award-winning author of The Hunger and The Deep comes a new psychological and supernatural twist on the horrors of the Japanese American internment camps in World War II.1944: As World War II rages on, the threat has come to the home front. In a remote corner of Idaho, Meiko Briggs and her daughter, Aiko, are desperate to return home. Following Meiko’s husband’s enlistment as an air force pilot in the Pacific months prior, Meiko and Aiko were taken from their home in Seattle and sent to one of the internment camps in the Midwest. It didn’t matter that Aiko was American-born: They were Japanese, and therefore considered a threat by the American government. Mother and daughter attempt to hold on to elements of their old life in the camp when a mysterious disease begins to spread among those interned. What starts as a minor cold quickly becomes spontaneous fits of violence and aggression, even death. And when a disconcerting team of doctors arrive, nearly more threa
定價:684 元, 優惠價:79 540



