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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:昆西.瓊斯  出版社:菓子  出版日:2023/02/01 裝訂:平裝
所有音樂的起源,不過十二個音符!每首震撼人心的歌曲/專輯背後,也有無比動人的機緣故事。全球流行樂壇的世紀推手,人稱「Q大師」的昆西.瓊斯,如何擺脫幼年的貧窮、歧視與黑幫環境,打造流行音樂巔峰並翻轉人生!打造麥可.傑克森的超級製作人,Q的名字就是史上流行與暢銷的傳奇保證!他不畏革新,本書流露的人生智慧正是最好的回答。受封為「全方位音樂教父」昆西.瓊斯對音樂藝術、傳奇人生的經典感悟之作。一本超越傳記,直達心靈之書,給藝術、音樂愛好者、年輕創作者的世紀獻禮。黑人音樂大師寫給每一個為藝術而生的靈魂。「音樂解救我的人生,水和音樂足以令人生存。」Q大師昆西.瓊斯曾有此名言,他也把傳奇一生獻給音樂與你。這是一本幫助你實現創造力之書,不只是藝術家,是所有人!「我們每個人都有創造的潛力,我們都應該實現它──」!• 全球知名流行音樂製作人Q,打造麥可‧傑克森等知名歌手暢銷國際,引領世界流行樂壇。同時他也是小號演奏家、作曲家,更打造史上最暢銷音樂專輯(麥可‧傑克森的“Thriller”,全球銷量超過一億張) ,創下最高紀錄。• 28座葛萊美獎得主,榮獲80項葛萊美獎提名,入圍與得獎次數都創造最多紀錄,無人可破!曾製作和指揮大合唱單曲(We Are the World,1985年),號召四十多位巨星為公益而做,備受矚目。• 一生橫跨娛樂產業超過七十年,列為史上 21 位 EGOT(艾美獎、葛萊美獎、奧斯卡獎、托尼獎)得主。• 新書甫出版立刻躍身美國亞馬遜暢銷書榜!讀者五顆星評價,感動力推!• 知名加拿大音樂製作人威肯(The Weeknd)為本書撰序。知名作家與音樂人聯合推薦:專文推薦 Brien John (《22世紀衛星》創辦人、音樂作家);威肯(The Weeknd,加拿大知名歌手與音樂製作人)誠摯力推 小樹(StreetVoice 音樂頻道總監)、瓦力(音樂故事人)、李明璁(社會學家、作家) 、耿一偉(衛武營國家藝術文化中心戲劇顧問)、陳建騏(資深音樂人)、鴻鴻(詩人/導演)、盧郁佳(作家)備受矚目的全球流行樂壇音樂製作人昆西.瓊斯最新力作,他於八十八高齡時寫下這本無私且誠摯分享,談創作與人生的溫暖之作!他將畢生的坎坷心路與人生智慧化為這本書,希望幫助你克服阻礙,實現創造力:一切都可以實現,只要你願意讓它發生
定價:420 元, 優惠價:9 378
Awaken Your Genius:Escape Conformity, Ignite Creativity, and Become Extraordinary
作者:Ozan Varol  出版社:PublicAffairs  出版日:2023/04/11 裝訂:平裝
A WALL STREET JOURNAL BESTSELLERUnlock your originality and unleash your unique talents with this simple guide from the acclaimed author of Think Like a Rocket Scientist. We say some people march to the beat of a different drummer. But implicit in this cliché is that the rest of us march to the same beat. We sleepwalk through life, find ourselves on well-worn paths that were never ours to walk, and become a silent extra in someone else’s story.Extraordinary people carve their own paths as leaders and creators. They think and act with genuine independence. They stand out from the crowd because they embody their own shape and color.We call these people geniuses—as if they’re another breed. But genius isn’t for a special few. It can be cultivated.This book will show you how. You’ll learn how to discard what no longer serves you and discover your first principles—the qualities that make up your genius. You’ll be equipped to escape your intellectual prisons and generate original insigh
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
The Good, the Bad and the Hungry: From "The Doodle Boy" Joe Whale (Bad Food #2)
作者:Eric Luper; Joe Whale  出版社:Scholastic Inc.  出版日:2022/03/01 裝訂:平裝
Slice, Scoop, and Totz -- the cafeteria food that came to life -- return to take on a new threat to Belching Walrus Elementary in this original series featuring the art of viral sensation Joe Whale, a.k.a. the Doodle Boy, and fan-favorite Eric Luper.After saving the pantry from the evil Baron Von Lineal, Slice, Scoop, and Totz are ready to kick back and relax. But when a new threat shows up in the halls of Belching Walrus, they'll have to spring from their seats and save the day -- all over again This fun, imaginative series will spur the creativity of kids worldwide. Highly illustrated with big black-and-white pictures from Joe on every page, this series will be sure to resonate with kids worldwide
定價:266 元, 優惠價:75 199
A Brief History Of The Mind
作者:William H. Calvin  出版社:Oxford Univ Pr on Demand  出版日:2005/10/08 裝訂:平裝
This book looks back at the simpler versions of mental life in apes, Neanderthals, and our ancestors, back before our burst of creativity started 50,000 years ago. When you can't think about the futur
定價:1064 元, 優惠價:9 958
As Edward Imagined:A Story of Edward Gorey in Three Acts (The 2024 New York Times / New York Public Library Best Illustrated Children's Books)
作者:Matthew Burgess; Marc Majewski  出版社:Random House USA Inc  出版日:2024/09/17 裝訂:精裝
The 2024 New York Times / New York Public Library Best Illustrated Children's BooksFrom an acclaimed author and illustrator team, here is a definitive picture book biography about a true original and creative genius: Edward Gorey.Discover the unique childhood and life of the enigmatic and eccentric Edward Gorey whose artwork and books had a profound impact on creators such as Neil Gaiman, Lemony Snicket, and Tim Burton.Even as a young boy, readers learn that Edward constantly forged his own path, passions, and pursuits never forsaking his individuality for fame.This brilliant picture book biography is paired with a whimsical art style that captures the unrelenting creativity Edward brought to his playfully macabre creations.
定價:760 元, 優惠價:79 600
Against the Grain: The Slightly Eccentric Guide to Living Well Without Gluten or Wheat
作者:JAX PETERS LOWELL  出版社:Henry Holt & Co  出版日:1995/01/01 裝訂:精裝
According to its witty, wise, and glutenimpaired author, Against the Grain is about how to save your life and eat happily ever after. It is also the first truly hip primer on creativity and resourcefu
定價:855 元, 優惠價:66 564
Top Student, Grade K - Activity Book
作者:Evan Moor  出版社:Evan-Moor Corp  出版日:2020/01/01 裝訂:平裝
Provide young children a path to academic success with Top Student! This colorful activity book provides hundreds of creative and fun activities and practice pages that motivate young children to learn important reading, writing, and math skills!Top Student activities provide practice of the most important skills for each grade level, as well as opportunities for critical thinking and creativity. Colorful and creative practice pages and hands-on activities provide engaging practice to keep children motivated to learn! Core subject areas and topics include:AlphabetMathShapes, colors, and patternsPhonicsMindful momentsEarly readingReading comprehensionScienceSTEMGeographySocial and emotional learningComputer scienceThese robust workbooks also include:Reward stickersInformational postersMindful moments meditations and activities with downloadable audio**Mindful moments with audio help children incorporate reflection and meditation into their academic life. Includes a
定價:608 元, 優惠價:79 480
Nina Peanut Is Amazing (英國版)
作者:Sarah Bowie  出版社:Scholastic  出版日:2024/03/14 裝訂:平裝
Nina Peanut - super-star in the making, frozen pizza chef, creative genius, owner of the world's stinkiest cat. The funniest new friend for all kids, everywhere.“Watch out Dog Man and Wimpy Kid, there's a new comic book hero in town.” - Irish Independent“Bursting with creativity and humour” - Booktrust“A riot to read, this story touches on friendship, chasing popularity, the perils of internet fame, and the inauthenticity of life online. Unmissable for any young readers dreaming of YouTube stardom.” - Irish Examiner“Fans of Jamie Smart's Bunny vs Monkey series & the brilliant Grimwood books by Nadia Shireen will enjoy meeting Nina Peanut” - The TimesNina Peanut - super-star in the making, frozen pizza chef, creative genius, owner of the world's stinkiest cat. The funniest new friend for all kids, everywhere.Nina Peanut creates amazing videos - so why is it only her nan and best friend Brian who watch them? Surely everyone should be interested in her SERIOUS and NOT-STUPID videos ab
定價:494 元, 優惠價:75 370
Mindful Dancers Journey: Supporting Your Child's Growth Through Dance
作者:Rebecca Brettingham-Filice  出版社:Lightning Source Inc  出版日:2025/01/20 裝訂:平裝
In Mindful Dancer's Journey, Rebecca Brettingham-Filice provides a comprehensive guide for parents looking to support their child's dance experience with mindfulness and life skills. Drawing on over 30 years of teaching and guiding thousands of dancers, this book explores how mindfulness can enhance a dancer's focus, emotional resilience, creativity, and overall well-being.Filled with practical tools and insightful strategies, this book helps parents empower their dancers to thrive both in and outside of the studio. From managing performance anxiety and stress to nurturing personal growth and self-esteem, Mindful Dancer's Journey teaches parents how to foster a healthy, balanced approach to their child's dance journey.Whether your child is just starting their dance journey or is an experienced performer, this book offers valuable insights into how mindfulness can help them grow into confident, resilient, and well-rounded individuals. Join your dancer on this transformative journey, and
定價:494 元, 優惠價:1 494
作者:Stephanie Gunning  出版社:Createspace  出版日:2008/12/02 裝訂:平裝
Audacious (noun): 1. intrepidly daring, adventurous, bold, 2. marked by originality and verve. It's the way to be. Your success in life depends on how creative you are and on how willing you are to ac
定價:959 元, 優惠價:1 959
12 Notes: On Life and Creativity
作者:Quincy Jones  出版社:Abrams Image  出版日:2022/01/11 裝訂:精裝
Wisdom and musings on creativity and life from one of the world’s most beloved musicians, producers, and mentors, Quincy Jones12 Notes is a self-development guide that will affirm that creativity is a
定價:988 元, 優惠價:79 781
Art As a Way of Life
作者:Roderick Maciver  出版社:Random House Inc  出版日:2009/12/15 裝訂:平裝
Filled with elegant watercolors and inspirational prose, Art as a Way of Life offers reflections on art and creativity, empowering us to discover and nurture the creative spirit within. It is an encou
定價:644 元, 優惠價:79 509
Black Women Have Always...:Conversations on Life, Culture and Creativity
作者:Kevin Morosky  出版社:HarperCollins Publishers  出版日:2023/09/28 裝訂:精裝
定價:1210 元, 優惠價:79 956
Play and Creativity in Psychotherapy
作者:Terry Marks-tarlow; Daniel J. Siegel; Marion Solomon  出版社:W W Norton & Co Inc  出版日:2017/11/07 裝訂:精裝
Through play, as children, we learn the rules and relationships of culture and expand our tolerance of emotions—areas of life "training" that overlap with psychotherapy. Here leading writers such as M
定價:1425 元, 優惠價:79 1126
We Shall Grow ─ A Collection on the Themes of Life, Love and Creativity
作者:Keenan Brookland  出版社:Trafford on Demand Pub  出版日:2011/09/27 裝訂:平裝
定價:604 元, 優惠價:1 604
Accidentally on Purpose ─ Reflections on Life, Acting, and the Nine Natural Laws of Creativity
作者:John Strasberg  出版社:Hal Leonard Corp  出版日:1996/10/01 裝訂:精裝
(Applause Books). Based on his own experience and the teachings of his celebrated but distant father, Lee, John Strasberg defines the talent of becoming real in a role. He surveys the traditional part
定價:948 元, 優惠價:79 749
Accidentally on Purpose ─ Reflections on Life, Acting, and the Nine Natural Laws of Creativity
作者:John Strasberg  出版社:Hal Leonard Corp  出版日:2000/02/01 裝訂:平裝
(Applause Books). An exploration into the mysteries of creativity in life and art. Powerfully written of life, families, fathers, mothers, sons, of the price of talent and the burden of fame.
定價:638 元, 優惠價:79 504
Iconic Artists and Their Masterpieces:The Colouring Book - An Inspiring Journey of Colour and Creativity
作者:Vicky Benaim; Magu Villar  出版社:Octopus Publishing Group  出版日:2024/04/11 裝訂:平裝
Step into the fascinating world of art history with this inspiring collection of artists and their most famous works, ready and waiting for you to bring to life with colourAwaken your creativity and produce your own artistic masterpieces with this stunning selection of art icons. From painters and engravers to sculptors and quiltmakers, this book features illustrations of 23 artists from across the world and throughout time. Including figures as varied as Vincent van Gogh, Claude Monet, Gustav Klimt, Evelyn de Morgan and Harriet Powers, each illustration is accompanied by a concise biography and insight into the artist's unique style.Embark on this journey of colour and creativity to practise mindfulness and ease everyday stresses. These intricate, original designs are perfect for developing fine motor skills, improving focus, reducing tension and relieving anxiety. So, relax, quieten your mind and let your imagination soar as you create your own renditions of the world's most iconic w
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
The Mystical Swing ― Confidence from Creativity in Golf, Life, and Speaking from the Heart
作者:Augusto Tomas  出版社:Balboa Pr  出版日:2017/06/29 裝訂:平裝
“Augusto Tomas offers a truly unique perspective in this intriguing golf manual and spiritual guide. Drawing on an eclectic set of influences, he shows how the game has inspired his outer and in
定價:456 元, 優惠價:1 456
The Mystical Swing ― Confidence from Creativity in Golf, Life, and Speaking from the Heart
作者:Augusto Tomas  出版社:Balboa Pr  出版日:2017/06/29 裝訂:精裝
“Augusto Tomas offers a truly unique perspective in this intriguing golf manual and spiritual guide. Drawing on an eclectic set of influences, he shows how the game has inspired his outer and in
定價:1100 元, 優惠價:1 1100
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