專業與穩定,是駱駝的基因。The camel needs to be professional and stable.工作DNA駱駝之卷工作了一段時間,成為公司或組織裡的中堅幹部之後,你成了一隻駱駝。駱駝只能在茫茫的沙漠中行走。駱駝的風險,在於看起來幾乎沒有任何機會。漫漫黃沙,一望無際。你被託付了重任,所以一切都理所應該。甚至,加在你身上的重擔太多,根本就連你的身影也淹沒了。你不但是一隻駱駝,還是
Renowned for his absurdist re-visioning of the world and experimentation with the techniques of humour in his writings, Lao She has written about most major historical events in modern China. In is ma
The Sex God has left the country, taking Georgia's heart with him. So she decides to display glaciosity to all boys -- a girl can only have her heart broken so many times. Until she meets Masimo, the
How did the camel get his hump? Why won't cats do as they are told? How did an inquisitive little elephant change the lives of elephants everywhere? Kipling's imagined answers to such questions draw o
These twelve magical tales tell, among other things, how the camel got his hump; the leopard his spots; the elephant his trunk; how the alphabet was made; and how a butterfly caused mayhem at the cour
In this hilarious collection of twenty-one original animal poems and paintings, the animals are out in all their finned, furry, and feathered glory. From lobsters to rheas to fireflies, kiwis to camel
A mother reassures her child that, no matter what the child may change into--be it rhinoceros, camel, ringtail raccoon, or giraffe--the mother will recognize the child anywhere.
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