Max and Mia are very excited about their school trip to the zoo. But when they arrive not much is happening; the zebra is asleep, the lions are hiding and they can't even see a monkey. Max and Mia mak
With 10 cool sound buttons, fun facts, full-color pictures and much more, this Discovery sound-and-reference book is a unique way for kids to learn about life at the zoo! Kids will love matching the s
This board book combines simple counting with Carle's unusual illustrations of animals. Early learners will find the whimsical pictures appealing as they learn the beginning rudiments of numbers and counting.- Midwest Book Review來、來、來,大家一起到動物園!1隻大象,2隻獅子,3隻長頸鹿……跟著艾瑞‧卡爾的動物火車出發,數一數有多少隻動物。《1,2,3到動物園》是國際繪本大師艾瑞‧卡爾第一本自寫自畫的創作,結合孩子喜愛的動物跟火車,加上繽紛色彩,成為生動有趣的故事,讓孩子邊玩邊學數概念。故事一開始是冒著黑煙的火車,再來出現1隻大象,2隻獅子,3隻長頸鹿……猜猜看,再來還有什麼動物?找找看,牠們都到動物園了嗎?隨著故事進展,書中出現各種不同數量、表情的動物,每個畫面都充滿驚喜。爸媽可以帶著孩子說故事,跟著小老鼠跑來跑去,也可以帶著孩子指認動物的名稱、數量,透過頁面下方的小圖學習車廂前後的關係;最後火車到達動物園時,孩子一定會興高采烈地確認車廂內的動物是不是都到了,還會仔細數一數數量是否正確呢。設計背景出身的艾瑞‧卡爾擅長以線條、圖形強調視覺印象,獨特的作畫技巧也是他最大的特色。他習慣先將壓克力顏料塗刷在紙上,以蠟筆、水彩筆、海綿等點綴出紋理、花色,再把一張張手繪的色紙或剪或撕,拼貼成圖,繽紛的色彩加上動物生動俏皮的表情,搭配簡潔輕快的故事,深受大小朋友喜愛。艾瑞‧卡爾曾說:「我相信孩子天生就有創意,而且也渴望學習。」他的作品也以自由、輕鬆、有趣、生動的方式,讓孩子在閱讀中體驗圖畫書的魅力。預備好了嗎?趕快帶著孩子一起快樂玩數數吧。本書中文版《1,2,3到動物園》由上誼出版
Goat has always dreamed of having his very own space.But Goat lives in a petting zoo, surrounded by hugs and rubs and grabby little hands.Determined to find his perfect alone space, Goat escapes into