―永遠的名偵探誕生!一切都從貝克街221號B座開始…...收錄福爾摩斯經典作品〈血字的研究〉與〈四簽名〉風靡世界的名偵探首部曲,福爾摩斯初登場!收錄60幅英文初版插畫。福爾摩斯探案全集1 【血字的研究】A STUDY IN SCARLET◎福爾摩斯系列首部曲,多年受到讀者肯定的譯本。◎收錄60幅值得珍藏的十九世紀英國插畫家為福爾摩斯系列所繪的經典插畫。◎另收錄福爾摩斯延伸探索,分別包含福爾摩斯及作
All legends begin somewhere, and the two novels here are where one of the world's best-loved legends began. In A Study in Scarlet, Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson first meet and investigate a seemingly
HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics. There's the scarlet thread of murder running through the colourless skein of life, and our duty is to unravel it. Aft
With an Introduction by David Stuart Davies. 'Doctor Watson, Mr Sherlock Holmes' - The most famous introduction in the history of crime fiction takes place in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's A Study in Scarl
It is more than a century since the ascetic, gaunt and enigmatic detective, Sherlock Holmes, made his first appearance in A Study in Scarlet. From 1891, beginning with The Adventures of Sherlock Holme
偵探、推理小說的世界級經典,推理迷必備的案頭書籍風靡全球,讀者無數的神探福爾摩斯百年獨占推理小說中《聖經》地位不可動搖英國偵探小說之父柯南‧道爾經典之作一條謀殺的紅線,穿過了灰暗的生活霧團,我們的職責就是要解開它,剝離它,將它一點一滴地展示給人們。――血字的研究 A Study In Scarlet英國著名小說家毛姆:「和柯南‧道爾所寫的《福爾摩斯探案集》相比,沒有任何偵探小說曾享有那麼大的聲譽。」高個子中年男人,身材瘦削,極具穿透力的雙眼下是獨具特點的鷹鉤鼻子。福爾摩斯身披風衣,頭戴獵帽,經常帶著雨傘急匆匆地走在倫敦的霧雨天氣中。福爾摩斯誕生至今已有一百多年的歷史,被譽為「英國偵探小說之父」的著名作家柯南‧道爾在一八八七年為世界塑造了這個冷靜、智慧、勇敢,甚至可以說是完美的神探形象。從此,大偵探福爾摩斯成了家喻戶曉、令人難以忘懷的經典小說人物。福爾摩斯的每個探案故事都是常人難以解開的犯罪之謎,其情節驚險曲折,往往在最後關頭才真相大白。作者筆下的福爾摩斯可以通過細節進行精確觀察,從一個人的外貌和穿著就可以判斷出一個人的職業習慣和嗜好。同時,福爾摩斯還能運用嚴密的推理方法,即使是隱藏在身邊的、偽裝得再逼真的狡猾罪犯都難以逃脫他鷹樣的目光。※「福爾摩斯小知識」:福爾摩斯與華生的住處:貝克街221號B貝克街221號B是小說中所設定的福爾摩斯寓所及偵探事務所地址。今日的貝克街221號B則是福爾摩斯紀念館。首次出現於《血字的研究》貝克街是真實存在於倫敦的街道,但221號B在小說連載的時候尚是個不存在的虛構地址,直到1930年才成為可用地址,一開始是一家金融機構所進駐,導致公司職員在多數時間常常都會收到指名給福爾摩斯的信件。1990年後,現今該地址分配給福爾摩斯紀念館使用。
The first of the Sherlock Holmes stories, this was also the first of Conan Doyle's books to be published. In this fascinating and exciting tale, the two towering creations of detective fiction--Holm
On his return after serving in the Second Anglo-Afghan War as an assistant surgeon, Doctor Watson is looking for a place to live in London. He is introduced a certain Mr Holmes, an eccentric-looking,
This book includes an introduction by Mark Billingham. When Dr Watson ends up renting rooms in Baker Street with the eccentric Sherlock Holmes, he finds that he has let himself in for a great deal mor