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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

Penguin Little Black Classics
作者:Various  出版社:Penguin Classic UK  出版日:2015/09/03 裝訂:盒裝
*此套書盒子成本較高,因此價錢偏高。 The irresistibly collectible box set of all 80 Little Black Classics In celebration of Penguin's 80th birthday, this box set of the 80 books in the Little Black Classics series show
定價:5500 元, 優惠價:79 4345
The Rock Box!: A Who HQ Collection (共10本平裝本)
作者:Who Hq  出版社:Penguin Young Readers  出版日:2021/11/02 裝訂:平裝
Who Was人物傳記套書,認識披頭四等傳奇搖滾人物的一生。A ten-book box set dedicated to some of the most famous rock-and-roll artists of all time, from the creators of the #1 New York Times Best-Selling Who Was? series. Learn about the early lives and exciting careers of the Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Elvis Presley, Aretha Franklin, Bob Dylan, Stevie Wonder, Elton John, Bob Marley, Bruce Springsteen, and Bono. The Rock Box celebrates the musicians who have made us sing along to their songs for decades. With black-and-white illustrations and an easy-to-read narrative in each book, readers will enjoy discovering more about the history of the artists that shaped today's music.
定價:2276 元, 優惠價:79 1798
Math Games with Bad Drawings: The Ultimate Game Collection
作者:Ben Orlin  出版社:Running Pr Book Pub  出版日:2022/09/20 裝訂:盒裝
A party in a box! Based on Ben Orlin's Math Games with Bad Drawings, this all-in-one game kit contains 34 simple, challenging, meaningful math games to be played anytime, anywhere.Whether alone or as the perfect companion to Math Games with Bad Drawings, the Ultimate Game Collection is a treasure trove of fun that will appeal to the idly curious, the puzzle-passionate, students, teachers, and everyone else from ages 10 to 110. Inside this box you'll find 34 diverting and thought-provoking games that can be played using just the provided materials. It's the ultimate grab-and-go collection.The Ultimate Game Collection includes:8 customized wipe-off game boards4 different color pens1 eraser11 playing pieces2 diceA book of illustrated rules and instructions for 34 super-fun games including:Amazons • Ascenders • Banker • Black Hole • Bullseyes and Close Calls • Cats and Dogs • Connector • Crossed • Domineering • Dots and Boxes • Dots and Triangles • Hold That Line • The Know-Nothing Trivia
定價:646 元, 優惠價:79 510
作者:許毓容  出版社:元照  出版日:2023/11/01 裝訂:平裝
近年來,隨著科技的日新月異,自駕車已成為熱門話題。就法律層面而言,自駕車的「黑盒子」(black box)存在於車輛系統的訓練與使用階段,其不透明性與不可解釋性,使自駕車的風險分配成為特殊而複雜的議題。本書以自駕車事故為中心,建構所涉主體間錯綜的法律關係,並試圖於掌握事實層面的技術知識背景下,將「科技」與「法律」緊密交織在一起。期待透過法律要件的解釋適用,使民事損害賠償體系得充分發揮功能,實現自駕車時代下的社會正義。
定價:600 元, 優惠價:95 570
Lenny Lemmon and the Invincible Rat (Lenny Lemmon 1)
作者:Ben Davis; James Lancett  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2023/05/04 裝訂:平裝
Hilarious school-based comedy for 7+ with black and white illustrations throughout. A modern day Just William!Lenny Lemmon is looking forward to Olden Days Day at school. It's a chance to break the routine and try school as it was years ago.It explains the blackboard in the corner, his teacher's bad temper and why his friend Sam looks like Oliver Twist. And Lenny's pleased with his own contribution, too. It's in a cardboard box at the back of the class at the moment because it's not yet time to shine.Except it escapes and ends up in the bowl of sick, sorry, gruel, that Amelia Kelly has brought up, sorry, in. Soon there are small, gruelly footprints all over the classroom and also a lot of screaming because the rat that Lenny found by the back of the chip shop is FREE. It takes the arrival of cool new girl, Jessica Conrad, to distract everyone.Jessica has a plan to catch the rat but it'll cost them. Can the three kids round up the rat before more damage is done? Or will they end up in t
定價:439 元, 優惠價:75 329
作者:尼古拉斯‧韋伯  出版社:中國生產力  出版日:2022/11/23 裝訂:平裝
我們生活在一個競爭激烈的市場中,每位消費者都有許多選擇。沒有一家公司、品牌或服務會受到消費者100%的喜愛。為了成為顧客最好的選擇,大多數人必須最不討厭你。因此,你需要從消除顧客討厭的東西開始。本書告訴你要採取行動,包括︰ 1.如何降低顧客厭惡程度的積累,進而堆疊出對品牌的信賴 2.五個關鍵接觸點的重要性,企業應戒慎恐懼防範未然 3.確保第一線銷售人員訓練有素 4.企業應致力於建立「品牌大使」 5.認清十大顧客體驗殺手和解決方案 6.將「幸福」作為一種策略 「討厭」可能是社會科學家希冀在消費者黑箱(black box)挖掘的寶藏,因為,影響消費者惠顧並產生忠誠的因素,已有約90%被發掘並實踐中。若任何一家企業能率先實踐本書的建議「減少顧客厭惡點」,即使對顧客惠顧的影響力僅有5%,卻是競爭致勝的關鍵因素。
定價:480 元, 優惠價:9 432
作者:Amos Oz; Nicholas De Lange (TRN)  出版社:Houghton Mifflin Harcourt  出版日:2012/10/16 裝訂:平裝
Seven years after their divorce, Ilana breaks the bitter silence with a letter to Alex, a world-renowned authority on fanaticism, begging for help with their rebellious adolescent son, Boaz. One let
Black Box
作者:Julie Schumacher  出版社:Random House Childrens Books  出版日:2010/03/09 裝訂:平裝
WHEN DORA, ELENA’S older sister, is diagnosed with depression and has to be admitted to the hospital, Elena can’t seem to make sense of their lives anymore. At school, the only people who acknowledge
定價:532 元, 優惠價:79 420
Black Box
作者:Frank X. Walker  出版社:Old Cove Pr  出版日:2006/12/01 裝訂:平裝
Black Box (2005) continues the personal and autobiographical journey of Affrilachia with sixty eight new poems from Walker.
定價:853 元, 優惠價:1 853
作者:Erin Belieu  出版社:Consortium Book Sales & Dist  出版日:2006/10/01 裝訂:平裝
“Belieu’s poems use a vernacular of their own to suggest a noir world of erotic innuendo and red lights waiting to be run.”—Neon Black Box is a raw, intense book, fueled by a devastating infidelity.
定價:570 元, 優惠價:1 570
作者:(日)伊藤詩織  出版社:中信出版社  出版日:2019/04/04 裝訂:平裝
性侵的案發現場,隔絕的私密空間,被稱為“黑箱”,而揭開這個“黑箱”時,暴露出來的則是調查機構與司法體系中的更為巨大的“黑箱”。 本書是日本#MeToo運動核心事件全紀實。2015年,4月3日,伊藤詩織就工作簽證問題與當時TBS電視臺華盛頓分局長、首相晉三傳記作者山口敬之相約進餐會談,卻遭對方性侵。之後的一年,面對媒體、社會、司法的重重壁壘,她不斷訴諸法律……為何司法系統無法制裁傷害女性的人?作為弱
定價:288 元, 優惠價:87 251
作者:Robert Stowe England  出版社:Greenwood Pub Group  出版日:2011/09/30 裝訂:精裝
In recent years, the American mortgage market moved away from the regulated banking industry to the shadow banking system (or the parallel banking system), which is not overseen by traditional banking
定價:3900 元, 優惠價:1 3900
The Black Box
作者:Michael Connelly  出版社:Little Brown & Co  出版日:2012/11/26 裝訂:精裝
In a case that spans 20 years, Harry Bosch links the bullet from a recent crime to a file from 1992, the killing of a young female photographer during the L.A. riots. Harry originally investigated the
定價:1330 元, 優惠價:79 1051
The Black Box
作者:Michael Connelly  出版社:Little Brown & Co  出版日:2012/11/26 裝訂:精裝
In a case that spans 20 years, Harry Bosch links the bullet from a recent crime to a file from 1992, the killing of a young female photographer during the L.A. riots. Harry originally investigated the
定價:1520 元, 優惠價:79 1201
The Black Box
作者:Michael Connelly  出版社:Hachette Audio  出版日:2012/11/26 裝訂:有聲書
In a case that spans 20 years, Harry Bosch links the bullet from a recent crime to a file from 1992, the killing of a young female photographer during the L.A. riots. Harry originally investigated the
定價:1139 元, 優惠價:79 900
The Black Box
作者:Michael Connelly  出版社:Hachette Audio  出版日:2012/11/26 裝訂:有聲書
In a case that spans 20 years, Harry Bosch links the bullet from a recent crime to a file from 1992, the killing of a young female photographer during the L.A. riots. Harry originally investigated the
定價:1519 元, 優惠價:79 1200
作者:Gavin J. D. Smith  出版社:Taylor & Francis  出版日:2013/09/11 裝訂:精裝
Social control has, in recent times, undergone a series of technological transformations. Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) is one such innovation. Substantial capital has been invested in vast CCTV ne
作者:Rebekka Sputtek  出版社:Springer Verlag  出版日:2012/07/13 裝訂:平裝
Rebekka Sputtek sheds light upon the question of how the personality and emotional traits of executives influence their decision making and leadership behavior. While recent strategic management resea
作者:馬修‧席德  出版社:商周文化  出版日:2016/05/20 裝訂:平裝
人人都知道「失敗為成功之母」,可是當真正面臨失敗,我們卻總是選擇視而不見 籃球大帝麥可‧喬丹曾經說過:「我在生涯錯失了超過 9,000 次的投籃,輸掉接近 300 場比賽,有26 次帶著隊友的期望執行最後一擊,但是失手;因為這一次又一次的失敗,所以我成功。」 所以失敗重要嗎?相信很多人都會點頭稱是,可往往在自己面對錯誤的時候,卻因為內在與外在因素而否定錯誤,導致同樣的錯誤一再發生。 在航空業,它們
作者:(英)馬修‧薩伊德  出版社:江西人民出版社  出版日:2020/08/17 裝訂:平裝
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