★全球兩大商業巨頭比爾‧蓋茲與華倫‧巴菲特一致推薦。★《紐約時報》暢銷書,Amazon.com商業類暢銷書Top1。★長銷超過50年的商業經典,三度獲得財經新聞界最高榮譽羅布獎得主的代表作。十二則永垂不朽的經典商業案例,一本比爾蓋茲讀過最棒的商業書一個來自鄉下的連鎖超市老闆,孤身挑戰華爾街的投機作手;一件劃時代的新產品,造就全錄(Xerox)以驚人的速度驟然崛起;一款慘虧三.五億美元的新車,幾乎賠掉了福特汽車公司一整年的淨收益……有關商業與華爾街的故事,總是充滿戲劇轉折與冒險,展現金融世界的奇謀詭計與動盪變化。本書作者布魯克斯是美國享譽已久的財經作家,他善於以獨到的見解,栩栩如生的敘述,將冷酷不帶感情的交易員、企業家帳戶的數字、與枯燥乏味的財務報告昇華為深刻、深具戲劇性的故事書寫,並以充滿文學性、豐富的形容詞為財經報導這個文類注入了活力。他形容股市是「是有錢人的白日冒險,若沒了漲跌波動,也就不成股市了。」;在形容福特災難般的新車款愛德索時,「這輛車笨重、強悍、過時、粗拙但很友善,就像是畫家威廉‧德‧庫寧(Willem de Kooning)筆下的女子。」;描述奇異公司內部雞同鴨講的溝通效率時,「公司內部的溝通嚴重失能,相形之下,巴別塔的建造都像是彰顯組織默契的一場勝利。」在他的筆下,一九六二年美國股市突如其來的崩盤又奇蹟般快速回升,就像是一場峰迴路轉的拳擊比賽般有來有往、緊湊刺激。又比如一九六〇年代的英鎊幣值保衛戰,表面上只是幣值數字的波動,而布魯克斯描述這實則是一場牽涉貨幣體系改變的世界金融大戰,藉由銀行家們的大膽行動與合作無間才得以讓世界又平安無事地度過一天。 商業的策略、模式不斷推陳出新,但商業的基本原則始終如一。收錄在本書中的十二則經典商業例證,說明一家標竿性公司可能因為特定一刻的榮光或惡名,帶給世人難以抹滅的印象。誠如這本睿智、有趣且發人深省的書所示,這些例子為我們帶來的商業教訓歷久彌新,直到今天仍然切身中肯。重磅推薦:「本書作者布魯克斯真是說故事的行家……他的作品非常明確地提醒我們,經營一樁強盛事業與創造價值的規則仍然不變。舉例來說,每項商業行動背後都有人的存在,是不是有完美的產品、生產計劃與行銷手段都無關緊要,你還是需要適當的人來理解並實施這些計劃。……直到今天,布魯克斯對商業的深入見解,切題性仍然不減當年。」──比爾‧蓋茲,《華爾街日報》(The W
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Gary D. Schmidt offers an unforgettable antihero in The Wednesday Wars - a wonderfully witty and compelling novel about a teenage boy's mishaps and adventures over the course of the 1967-68 school year.Meet Holling Hoodhood, a seventh-grader at Camillo Junior High, who must spend Wednesday afternoons with his teacher, Mrs. Baker, while the rest of the class has religious instruction. Mrs. Baker doesn't like Holling - he's sure of it. Why else would she make him read the plays of William Shakespeare outside class? But everyone has bigger things to worry about, like Vietnam. His father wants Holling and his sister to be on their best behavior: the success of his business depends on it. But how can Holling stay out of trouble when he has so much to contend with? A bully demanding cream puffs; angry rats; and a baseball hero signing autographs the very same night Holling has to appear in a play in yellow tights. As fate sneaks up on him again and again, Holling finds Motivation - the Big M
More heartwarming and humorous adventures await in the fourth book of this graphic novel series that is the Baby-Sitters Club for pets!Summer break is just around the corner, and the PAWS team is gearing up for a busy season full of dog-walking, travel, and fun! Gabby’s got a packed schedule with about a hundred different camps plus playing host to her mysterious cousin visiting from out of town. Meanwhile Mindy is headed to her dad’s house for a month-long stay. With so much going on, the girls are looking forward to scaling back and taking it easy this summer. . . with one exception.When the opportunity to cat-sit two new fur babies arises, Hazel jumps at the chance. Their new client’s house is even wheelchair accessible! But when everyone’s hectic summer plans mean she would have to take on the job alone, Hazel knows her overprotective mother would never approve. On the other hand, managing a side business all on her own could prove that she is much more capable than her mom might t
Timme Rosenkrantz (1911-1969) was a journalist, author, concert and record producer, broadcaster, and entrepreneur with a consuming passion for jazz and little head for business. He was the first Euro
Hailed as a business classic by the likes of Bill Gates and Warren Buffett and widely acknowledged as a forerunner to the writing of Michael Lewis, BUSINESS ADVENTURES is an insightful and gripping lo
A classic Arthur Adventure - now on CD!When Arthur decides to try babysitting a neighbor's dog for a week to prove he really can take care of a pet, it doesn't turn out the way he plans. And as word o
In this unusual memoir and travelogue, a longtime employee of 3M climbs up the corporate ladder and starts traveling the world-for free. Author Randall L. Erickson, PhD, recalls his adventures of trav
In this unusual memoir and travelogue, a longtime employee of 3M climbs up the corporate ladder and starts traveling the world-for free. Author Randall L. Erickson, PhD, recalls his adventures of trav
Trevor is a young boy born into the circus performing with his family and learning everything he can about the business. But being an adventurist finds himself getting into trouble on many occasions.
William Watson spent two years evading Union gunboats and dealing with the "sharpers" who fed off the misfortune of the Civil War. In 1892, using log books, personal papers, and business memoranda, he