Corrections looks at the correctional system and offers arguments for and against the practice of the laws and policies that comprise corrections, from parole and probation to imprisonment, to the app
Corrections: Exploring Crime, Punishment, and Justice in America provides a thorough introduction to the topic of corrections in America. In addition to providing complete coverage of the history and
This textbook on management and supervision of correctional facilities is designed for advanced undergraduates in courses in criminal justice or sociology. Early chapters cover the nature and function
Offering rare insiders’ perspectives, Trends in Corrections: Interviews with Corrections Leaders Around the World is a comprehensive survey of correctional programming and management styles used acros
In response to recognition in the late 1960s and early 1970s that traditional incarceration was not working, alternatives to standard prison settings were sought and developed. One of those alternativ
More than 8 million adults and juveniles are under correctional supervision in the United States, and even those who are confined will eventually be supervised by professionals in the field of communi
Much of the debate over the efficacies of various rehabilitation strategies in the realm of criminal justice come down to the question of how the available evidence should be evaluated, with a particu
It is no secret that America's sentencing and corrections systems are in crisis, and neither system can be understood or repaired fully without careful consideration of the other. This handbook examin
Community corrections programs are emerging as an effective alternative to incarceration for drug-involved offenders, to reduce recidivism and improve public health and public safety. Since evidence-
For courses in Introduction to Corrections and Corrections Theory and Policy Brief. Affordable. Visual. Corrections provides an affordable, thought-provoking look at corrections tha
Revel™ is Pearson’s newest way of delivering our respected content. Fully digital and highly engaging, Revel replaces the textbook and gives students everything they need for the course. I