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Aaron Reynolds/ Peter Brown (ILT) (2)
Aaron Reynolds; Peter Brown (2)
Aaron Renolds (1)
Aaron Reynolds-作;Peter Brown-繪 (1)
Aaron Reynolds/ Dan Santat (ILT) (1)
Aaron Reynolds/ Emma Reynolds (ILT) (1)
Aaron Reynolds; Peter Brown (1)
Terry Border/ Terry Border (ILT) (1)

Simon & Schuster (3)
Philomel Books (1)
Roaring Brook (1)
S&S Books for Young Readers (1)
Scholastic (1)
Scholastic Reference (1)
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers (1)
童夢館 (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:Aaron Reynolds-作; Peter Brown-繪  出版社:童夢館  出版日:2022/05/01 裝訂:精裝
本書榮獲多項大獎★凱迪克榮譽銀牌獎★★伊利諾伊州立圖書館元首獎★★美國圖書館協會最佳書籍★★美國國家親子書出版金獎★★SCBWI水晶風箏獎★「我已經長大了!」到了特定的年紀,孩子都會發出像這樣的成長宣言,可是成長也意味著勇敢面對恐懼,自己想辦法解決問題!毛毛兔好喜歡吃跳跳溝的胡蘿蔔,那裡的胡蘿蔔是最清脆可口的,還可以免費吃到飽!毛毛兔每天都要拔好幾根胡蘿蔔,一點也不覺得可惜。直到有一天,好像有什麼東西開始跟蹤他……胡蘿蔔怪真的存在嗎?他們為什麼要跟蹤毛毛兔呢?怎麼樣才能擺脫可怕的胡蘿蔔怪?除了逃跑以外,有沒有其他更聰明的作法呢?好評推薦Mom&Dad 親子YouTuber/育兒神器APP「媽爹講故事」主理人水瓶面面-李貞慧老師 繪本閱讀推廣者彥如姐姐 環宇廣播•Podcast/《童話夢想家》節目主持人愛塗鴉聯絡簿的飛天麻辣郭―郭俊成老師 臺北市特殊優良教師/臺北市Super教師碧安朵 童書譯者/親子共讀推廣者本書特色1. 幫助即將和爸爸媽媽分開睡的小朋友們,成功克服分離期焦慮,邁出獨立的第一步小朋友面對的每一天不會總是陽光明媚,在長大的路上有時也會面臨小小的恐懼和焦慮。本書從孩子的視角出發,鼓勵孩子發揮想像,勇敢面對成長中的各種問題!2. 生動的畫風與幽默有趣的故事本書畫面節奏感十足、色彩對比強烈。意想不到的結局充滿驚喜與溫馨。尤其適合睡前親子共讀。3. 內文搭配注音當孩子學會注音,也可以試著自己閱讀此書,從中再次獲得不同感受與成就感。*適用年齡:3歲以上
定價:280 元, 優惠價:9 252
Creepy Carrots! (Caldecott Medal Honor)
作者:Aaron Reynolds; Peter Brown (ILT)  出版社:Simon & Schuster  出版日:2012/08/21 裝訂:精裝
The Twilight Zone comes to the carrot patch in this clever picture book parable about a rabbit who fears his favorite treats are out to get him. Jasper Rabbit loves carrots—especially Crackenhopper F
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
作者:Aaron Reynolds; Peter Brown  出版社:Scholastic Reference  裝訂:平裝
2013 Caldecott Honor BookJasper Rabbit loves carrots, especially Crackenhopper Field carrots. He eats them on the way to school. He eats them on his way to Little League. He eats them walking home. Th
Creepy Carrots (單CD 無書)
作者:Aaron Renolds  出版社:Scholastic  裝訂:有聲書
In this Caldecott Honor–winning picture book, The Twilight Zone comes to the carrot patch as a rabbit fears his favorite treats are out to get him. Jasper Rabbit loves carrots—especially Crackenhopper
定價:492 元, 優惠價:79 389
Jasper Rabbit's Creepy Tales! : Creepy Carrots!; Creepy Pair of Underwear!; Creepy Crayon!
作者:Aaron Reynolds; Peter Brown  出版社:S&S Books for Young Readers  出版日:2022/09/20 裝訂:精裝
The delightfully creepy New York Times bestselling picture book series about a young rabbit and his eerie encounters is now available as a collectible hardcover boxed set!Whether it’s loving carrots a little too much, being panicked by some petrifying underwear, or feeling haunted by a horrible crayon, Jasper Rabbit always has a knack for getting into trouble. Follow his adventures with the spooky and the strange!This peculiar hardcover boxed set includes:Creepy Carrots!Creepy Pair of Underwear!Creepy Crayon!
定價:2166 元, 優惠價:79 1711
Creepy Crayon!
作者:Aaron Reynolds; Peter Brown  出版社:Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers  出版日:2022/08/23 裝訂:精裝
詭異的紫色蠟筆,竟然讓毛毛兔不忍卒睹的成績突飛猛進?但當它露出可怕的真面目時,毛毛兔該怎麼做,才能對抗恐怖的蠟筆怪?《我不怕內褲怪!》作者再次獻上克服恐懼,面對問題的爆笑恐怖故事。From the team behind the New York Times bestselling Creepy Carrots! and Creepy Pair of Underwear! comes the third in this hilariously spooky series about a young rabbit and his peculiar encounters-featuring a sinister crayon!Jasper Rabbit has a problem: he is NOT doing well in school. His spelling tests? Disasters. His math quizzes? Frightening to behold. But one day, he finds a crayon lying in the gutter. Purple. Pointy. Perfect. looked happy to see him. And it wants to help. At first, Jasper is excited. Everything is going great. His spelling is fantastic. His math is stupendous. And best of all, he doesn't have to do ANY work! But then the crayon starts acting weird. It's everywhere, and it wants to do everything. And Jasper must find a way to get rid of it before it takes over his life. The only problem? The creepy crayon will not leave.
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
Creepy Pair of Underwear! (精裝本)
作者:Aaron Reynolds; Peter Brown (ILT)  出版社:Simon & Schuster  出版日:2017/08/22 裝訂:精裝
From the celebrated team behind Creepy Carrots!, Aaron Reynolds and Caldecott Honor winner Peter Brown, comes a hilarious (and just a little creepy) story of a brave rabbit and a very weird pair of un
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
作者:Aaron Reynolds; Dan Santat (ILT)  出版社:Roaring Brook  出版日:2018/04/24 裝訂:精裝
The author of Nerdy Berdy and Creepy Carrots! teams up with the Caldecott–winning illustrator behind The Adventures of Beekle: The Unimaginary Friend to create the hilarious, gnarly summer adventure p
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
Rescuing Mrs. Birdley
作者:Aaron Reynolds; Emma Reynolds (ILT)  出版社:Simon & Schuster  出版日:2020/06/30 裝訂:精裝
In this wildly charming and fantastically imaginative story by the New York Times bestselling author of Creepy Carrots and Creepy Pair of Underwear, a young animal expert knows just what to do when sh
定價:684 元, 優惠價:79 540
Snack Attack!
作者:Terry Border; Terry Border (ILT)  出版社:Philomel Books  出版日:2019/09/03 裝訂:精裝
From the creator of the popular world of Peanut Butter & Cupcake! comes a wry and witty story in which no snack is safe from the monster that is the Kid. Perfect for fans of Creepy Carrots and A Creepy Pair of Underwear.They had been warned of the dangers that lurked outside of their packages, but they didn't care. These three snacks were on a mission to have some fun, and no Monster Kids could stop them. The world of the kitchen belonged to Cookie, Pretzel, and Cheese Doodle--or so they thought.But when the three treats find a chilling note from Mom, they know it's time to come up with a plan to save themselves from the horrifying threat of the Kid. What should a smart Cookie and her friends do?Terry Border creates a brand-new, deliciously eerie masterpiece in which the kitchen tables are turned, and after-school snacks become the heroes of a sweet and salty story of survival.Praise for Snack Attack:"This comedic horror-lite story about snacks is just
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570



