.歷久不輟的生活哲思文選,匯集古今中外聖者哲人作品,探索簡樸和生活之道.重新評估財產觀,對於經濟價值及自然、生命、慾望、需求的省思,深刻理解財富之道.《小即是美》作者修馬克(E. F. Schumacher)專文推薦擁有更少,活得更好文明的本質不在於數量上的無限擴張繁衍,而在於對人類需求的反思與減量。――甘地偉大有限制,速度有限制,數目有限制,複雜有限制,超過進步限度而遭遇的懲罰,反而比進步本身更
The book reflects the author's opinions, and not necessarily the views of EHGBooks.The Harmonious Culture Development Foundation (HCDF), Juexue Culture Center, was established in 2013 in Texas, USA, by North American disciples of the Chan Buddhism Zen School. As a charitable organization committed to promoting peace, improving health, popularizing Awakening Study cultural education, and fostering social harmony, it upholds the Buddhist spirit of worldly engagement combined with the essence of self-cultivation from the Zen School. The foundation seeks to make positive contributions to society and benefit the public.The foundation's mission is to deeply explore the inner value and meaning of life, with a focus on "awakening individual life." It strives to facilitate communication, interaction, and the integration of information and energy within life systems; optimize these systems, purify the mind, and cultivate character; practice the values of life; and create an environment defined b
Kid-friendly silliness, parent-approved wit, and art worthy of Charley Harper merge in this crossover pop culture humor book for all ages. In this charming and colorful board book, Wee Society answers