Written in simple language with relevant examples, this illustrative introductory book presents best practices in experimental design and simple data analysis. Taking a practical and intuitive approac
This textbook presents the design and analysis of experiments that comprise the aspects of classical theory for continuous response, modern procedures for categorical response, and especially for corr
The design of experiments holds a central place in statistics. The aim of this book is to present in a readily accessible form certain theoretical results of this vast field. This is intended as a tex
The textbook shows some signs of being used because there is a small dent on the spine. But other than that, the book feels like brand new and the pages are clean.
This book offers a step-by-step guide to the experimental planning process and the ensuing analysis of normally distributed data, emphasizing the practical considerations governing the design of an ex
Unlike other books on the modeling and analysis of experimental data, Design and Analysis of Experiments: Classical and Regression Approaches with SAS not only covers classical experimental design the
Handbook of Design and Analysis of Experiments provides a detailed overview of the tools required for the optimal design of experiments and their analyses. The handbook gives a unified treatment of a
This set includes Design and Analysis of Experiments, Volume 1, Introduction to Experimental Design, 2nd Edition &Design and Analysis of Experiments, Volume 2, Advanced Experimental Design. De
The eighth edition of this best selling text continues to help senior and graduate students in engineering, business, and statistics-as well as working practitioners-to design and analyze experiments
One of the first texts to use R to illustrate the construction of experimental designs and analysis of data, this book covers both classical ideas in experimental design and the latest research topics
This companion for the college textbook Design and Analysis of Experiments introduces the use of MINITAB and gives step-by-step instructions for completing the MINITAB examples in the textbook. The tu
A book for mathematicians who intend to design experiments. John (mathematics and statistics,(U. of Texas at Austin) covers changeover designs with residual effects, analysis of covariance, linear mod
Introduction to Design and Analysis of Experiments explains how to choose sound and suitable design structures and engages students in understanding the interpretive and constructive natures of d