對紐約時報暢銷書榜作家嘉妲.狄羅倫提斯(Giada De Laurentiis)來說,義大利麵食永遠都是餐桌上最令人愉悅的佳餚!它兼顧健康與美味,可以清淡雅緻,也能濃郁豐盛,且材料唾手可得,前置作業簡單,滿足您一餐所有需求。沒有什麼比它更能滿足您對義大利美食的渴望了!透過本書,嘉妲邀您分享她對這種百變料理的熱愛,提供逾百款創新的義大利麵食譜,並搭配各種醬汁、沙拉與配菜,保證全家大小都會滿意!嘉妲的
For New York Times bestselling author Giada De Laurentiis, pasta has always been one of the great pleasures of the table: it’s healthy and delicious; it can be light and delicate or rich and hearty; i
75 fail-proof recipes for fresh pasta from the world’s most trusted and bestselling Italian cookbook series.Affordable and compact, it offers easy everyday recipes for busy people, on all budgets.Read
The low-carb craze is over and pasta is back, with its fresh, robust flavors, everyday convenience, and endless versatility. Chef Carlo Middione presents this Italian staple at its most savory and aut