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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:圓圓世界 ROUNDGROUND  出版社:水滴  出版日:2024/06/29 裝訂:精裝
超人氣!韓國質感工作室設計榮獲 英國 Junior Design Awards 最佳童書設計獎──溫柔系幼兒啟蒙互動繪本──★搭配專屬配件【安全無毒紋身貼紙】更好玩!★掃描QRcode,即可聆聽英文名師Ruby老師朗讀中英雙語故事 豐富親子互動◆連結生活認知◆培養五感潛能◆觸發創意想像 動動手指頭,大手小手一起玩!變成小兔子,蹦蹦跳!變成鱷魚,比比看,誰的嘴巴比較大?雙手疊一起,張開手指頭,變成橫行霸道的螃蟹……哎呀!想一想,手指頭還能變出什麼呢?▍本書特色豐富親子互動:透過有韻律的文字並搭配紋身貼紙,和小寶貝一起做出相對應的手指遊戲,變!連結生活認知:親子一起想一想、動一動,利用紋身貼紙做出表情,手指頭還能變出什麼呢?培養五感潛能:讀繪本還能培養語感~聆聽中英雙語朗讀故事,兼具親子共遊和認知學習!觸發創意想像:自己來創作!搭配更多巧思靈感,玩出許多獨一無二的歡樂創作,讓創意無限延伸! ▍專家名人 大拇指推薦(依姓名筆畫排序)Céline 語言治療師私藏書單汪仁雅|繪本小情歌版主林虹瑜|音樂/職能治療師陳怡潔|兒童職能治療師陳蜜|確幸的小日子版主曾威舜|OFun遊戲教育團隊召集人、職能治療師黃淑貞|小兔子書坊店主駱郁芬|米露谷心理治療所所長、臨床心理師彎彎老師|一起來彎樂版主**************◆如果你跟孩子共讀時,總是無法抓住孩子的注意力,甚至在引導孩子時卡關。這套繪本非常適合作為家長跟孩子共讀的入門書籍,繪本本身的設計已充滿互動性,只要邀請孩子伸出他們的小手小腳就可以輕易地達到有趣的互動!──Céline 語言治療師私藏書單◆Lets Play!《手指頭變變變》、《小臉蛋變變變》和《腳趾頭變變變》是一系列互動性極佳的親子共讀繪本,畫風可愛並結合清晰的線條加上五官與肢體的認知元素,重複性高且有節奏韻律的文字,讓孩子使用想像力來創造舞蹈動作。繪本貼心的附上中英文朗讀音檔、貼紙以及五官配對卡,讓孩子體驗視覺、聽覺及觸覺的學習歷程。透過共讀、陪讀與親子互動遊戲,一起跳入書中探索五官與肢體,孩子與父母共度親子互動美好時光,相信這會是一個充滿驚喜與趣味的美好回憶。──林虹瑜(音樂/職能治療師)◆生動可愛的親子互動繪本,以臉蛋、手指、腳趾三個系列,透過專屬配件,引導孩子與情緒、動物、生活中常見的物品進行觀察和連結,讓孩子以認識自己為出發點
定價:480 元, 優惠價:9 432
作者:Roundground  出版社:東方出版社  出版日:2021/08/01 裝訂:精裝
定價:280 元, 優惠價:79 221
作者:圓圓世界 ROUNDGROUND  出版社:水滴  出版日:2024/06/29 裝訂:精裝
超人氣!韓國質感工作室設計榮獲 英國 Junior Design Awards 最佳童書設計獎──溫柔系幼兒啟蒙互動繪本──★搭配專屬配件【安全無毒趾甲貼紙】更好玩!★掃描QRcode,即可聆聽英文名師Ruby老師朗讀中英雙語故事豐富親子互動◆連結生活認知◆培養五感潛能◆觸發創意想像3、2、1……開始!先把腳趾頭縮緊緊,再慢慢伸展開來! 試試看,只留大拇趾,把其他趾頭藏起來! 碰碰好朋友的腳趾頭,搭出一座小山丘…… 把你的小腳丫對著媽媽的腳丫,比比看,誰的腳丫比較大呀?▍本書特色豐富親子互動:透過有韻律的文字並搭配趾甲貼紙,和小寶貝一起做出相對應的腳趾頭遊戲,變!連結生活認知:親子一起想一想、動一動,利用趾甲貼紙做出表請,腳趾頭還能變成什麼呢?培養五感潛能:讀繪本還能培養語感~聆聽中英雙語朗讀故事,兼具親子共遊和認知學習!觸發創意想像:自己來創作!搭配更多巧思靈感,玩出許多獨一無二的歡樂創作,讓創意無限延伸!▍專家名人 大拇指推薦(依姓名筆畫排序)Céline 語言治療師私藏書單汪仁雅|繪本小情歌版主林虹瑜|音樂/職能治療師陳怡潔|兒童職能治療師陳蜜|確幸的小日子版主曾威舜|OFun遊戲教育團隊召集人、職能治療師黃淑貞|小兔子書坊店主駱郁芬|米露谷心理治療所所長、臨床心理師彎彎老師|一起來彎樂版主**************◆如果你跟孩子共讀時,總是無法抓住孩子的注意力,甚至在引導孩子時卡關。這套繪本非常適合作為家長跟孩子共讀的入門書籍,繪本本身的設計已充滿互動性,只要邀請孩子伸出他們的小手小腳就可以輕易地達到有趣的互動!──Céline 語言治療師私藏書單◆Let's Play!《手指頭變變變》、《小臉蛋變變變》和《腳趾頭變變變》是一系列互動性極佳的親子共讀繪本,畫風可愛並結合清晰的線條加上五官與肢體的認知元素,重複性高且有節奏韻律的文字,讓孩子使用想像力來創造舞蹈動作。繪本貼心的附上中英文朗讀音檔、貼紙以及五官配對卡,讓孩子體驗視覺、聽覺及觸覺的學習歷程。透過共讀、陪讀與親子互動遊戲,一起跳入書中探索五官與肢體,孩子與父母共度親子互動美好時光,相信這會是一個充滿驚喜與趣味的美好回憶。──林虹瑜(音樂/職能治療師)◆生動可愛的親子互動繪本,以臉蛋、手指、腳趾三個系列,透過專屬配件,引導孩子與情緒、動物、生活中常見的物品進行觀察和連結,
定價:480 元, 優惠價:9 432
作者:圓圓世界 ROUNDGROUND  出版社:水滴  出版日:2024/06/29 裝訂:精裝
超人氣!韓國質感工作室設計榮獲 英國 Junior Design Awards 最佳童書設計獎──溫柔系幼兒啟蒙互動繪本──★搭配專屬配件【安全無毒五官配對卡】更好玩!★掃描QRcode,即可聆聽英文名師Ruby老師朗讀中英雙語故事豐富親子互動◆連結生活認知◆培養五感潛能◆觸發創意想像眨眨眼、皺皺小眉毛,變!臉上變出一隻毛毛蟲!傷心難過的時候,眼睛會流出小水滴……心情不好的時候,還會出現小閃電不好意思的時候,臉頰變成紅蘿蔔一樣紅通通!哇,可愛的小臉蛋!仔細看,這些表情在說什麼故事呢?▍本書特色豐富親子互動:透過有韻律的文字並搭配五官配對卡,和小寶貝一起做出相對應的五官遊戲,變!連結生活認知:親子一起想一想、動一動,利用五官配對卡做出表請,小臉蛋還能變成什麼呢?培養五感潛能:讀繪本還能培養語感~聆聽中英雙語朗讀故事,兼具親子共遊和認知學習!觸發創意想像:自己來創作!搭配更多巧思靈感,玩出許多獨一無二的歡樂創作,讓創意無限延伸!▍專家名人 大拇指推薦(依姓名筆畫排序)Céline 語言治療師私藏書單汪仁雅|繪本小情歌版主林虹瑜|音樂/職能治療師陳怡潔|兒童職能治療師陳蜜|確幸的小日子版主曾威舜|OFun遊戲教育團隊召集人、職能治療師黃淑貞|小兔子書坊店主駱郁芬|米露谷心理治療所所長、臨床心理師彎彎老師|一起來彎樂版主**************◆如果你跟孩子共讀時,總是無法抓住孩子的注意力,甚至在引導孩子時卡關。這套繪本非常適合作為家長跟孩子共讀的入門書籍,繪本本身的設計已充滿互動性,只要邀請孩子伸出他們的小手小腳就可以輕易地達到有趣的互動!──Céline 語言治療師私藏書單◆Lets Play!《手指頭變變變》、《小臉蛋變變變》和《腳趾頭變變變》是一系列互動性極佳的親子共讀繪本,畫風可愛並結合清晰的線條加上五官與肢體的認知元素,重複性高且有節奏韻律的文字,讓孩子使用想像力來創造舞蹈動作。繪本貼心的附上中英文朗讀音檔、貼紙以及五官配對卡,讓孩子體驗視覺、聽覺及觸覺的學習歷程。透過共讀、陪讀與親子互動遊戲,一起跳入書中探索五官與肢體,孩子與父母共度親子互動美好時光,相信這會是一個充滿驚喜與趣味的美好回憶。──林虹瑜(音樂/職能治療師)◆生動可愛的親子互動繪本,以臉蛋、手指、腳趾三個系列,透過專屬配件,引導孩子與情緒、動物、生活中常見的物品進行觀察和連結,讓孩子以認識自己
定價:480 元, 優惠價:9 432
Playing Baglama for Beginners: Learn Essential Scales, Chords, Tuning, Finger picking Styles, Popular Songs, Practice Exercises, And Rhythms To Play
作者:Kaiden Gavin  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2025/01/23 裝訂:平裝
定價:480 元, 優惠價:1 480
Little Farm Animals: A Finger Wiggle Book (硬頁遊戲書)
作者:Sally Symes  出版社:Walker Books Ltd  出版日:2021/01/07 裝訂:硬頁書
Enjoy and encourage imaginative play with your baby in this joyful finger wiggle book!Poke your fingers through the holes of this brilliant board book to make wiggly legs for eight adorable animals as
定價:384 元, 優惠價:79 303
Little Wild Animals: A Finger Wiggle Book (硬頁遊戲書)
作者:Sally Symes  出版社:Walker Books Ltd  出版日:2021/01/07 裝訂:硬頁書
Enjoy and encourage imaginative play with your baby in this joyful finger wiggle book!Poke your fingers through the holes of this brilliant board book to make wiggly legs for eight wonderful wild anim
定價:384 元, 優惠價:79 303
The Pigeon and Duckling Finger Puppets (鴿子&小鴨手指玩偶)
作者:Yottoy; Mo Willems  出版社:Yottoy  裝訂:盒裝
Great friends come in small packages! The Pigeon and Duckling Finger Puppets inspire creative interactive play as an adorable duo, handmade of sewn tricot with screen-printed eyes, felt wings and beak
定價:570 元, 優惠價:79 450
See You Later, Alligator! (精裝本) 廖彩杏老師推薦有聲書第29週
作者:Annie Kubler  出版社:UK Childs Play  出版日:2004/09/01 裝訂:精裝
Alligator, presented in the form of an interactive finger puppet, refuses to help Crocodile with daily chores.
定價:549 元, 優惠價:79 434
Baby Faces Where Are You? (共3本) (附音檔QRcode)
作者:Ekaterina Trukhan  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2023/05/04 裝訂:硬頁書
Baby Faces: Little Lamb, Where Are You? (附音檔QRCode)Baby Faces: Little Bear, Where Are You? (附音檔QRcode)Baby Faces: Little Dog, Where Are You? (附音檔QRcode)Find your baby’s face in this delightful new lift-the-flap book with a mirror on every page!One thing is for sure – babies love mirrors! This brand new series of board books aims to enhance early mirror play as very young children will enjoy finding their own face on every page. Featuring large card flaps with friendly animals which are easy for even the littlest hands to grab, babies will enjoy reaching for these books again and again.Scan the QR code on the back cover to join in with the playful rhyming song based on the classic ‘Finger Family’ rhyme!
定價:1317 元, 優惠價:75 988
Baby Faces Where Are You? (共5本) (附音檔QRcode)
作者:Ekaterina Trukhan  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2024/01/04 裝訂:硬頁書
9781839948435 Baby Faces: Little Tiger, Where Are You?Find your baby's face in this delightful new lift-the-flap book with a mirror on every page! One thing is for sure - babies love mirrors! This brand new series of board books aims to enhance early mirror play as very young children will enjoy finding their own face on every page. Featuring large card flaps with friendly animals which are easy for even the littlest hands to grab, babies will enjoy reaching for these books again and again. Scan the QR code on the back cover to join in with the playful rhyming song based on the classic 'Finger Family' rhyme! Other books in the series include: Little Bear, Little Dog and Little Owl9781839948442 Baby Faces: Little Owl, Where Are You?Find your baby's face in this delightful new lift-the-flap book with a mirror on every page! One thing is for sure - babies love mirrors! This brand new series of board books aims to enhance early mirror play as very young children will enjoy findin
定價:2195 元, 優惠價:75 1646
Baby Faces: Little Penguin, Where Are You?
作者:Ekaterina Trukhan  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2024/10/10 裝訂:硬頁書
Find your baby’s face in this delightful new lift-the-flap book with a mirror on every page!One thing is for sure – babies love mirrors! This series of board books aims to enhance early mirror play as very young children will enjoy finding their own face on every page. Featuring large card flaps with friendly animals which are easy for even the littlest hands to grab, babies will enjoy reaching for these books again and again.Scan the QR code on the back cover to join in with the playful rhyming song based on the classic ‘Finger Family’ rhyme!Other books in the series include: Little Bear, Little Dog, Little Owl, Little Tiger, Little Lamb, Little Lion and Little Mouse
庫存 > 10
定價:439 元, 優惠價:75 329
Don't You Dare Dragon (1CD only)(韓國JY Books版)
作者:Annie Kubler  出版社:JY Books Kr  裝訂:有聲書
On a hot summer's day, Dragon tries to ice skate, swim, and eat ice cream to cool off, but causes trouble for the other participants, in a story in which readers can play with the finger puppet poking
定價:190 元, 優惠價:79 150
Baby Faces: Little Bear, Where Are You? (附音檔QRcode)
作者:Ekaterina Trukhan  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2023/05/04 裝訂:硬頁書
Find your baby’s face in this delightful new lift-the-flap book with a mirror on every page!One thing is for sure – babies love mirrors! This brand new series of board books aims to enhance early mirror play as very young children will enjoy finding their own face on every page. Featuring large card flaps with friendly animals which are easy for even the littlest hands to grab, babies will enjoy reaching for these books again and again.Scan the QR code on the back cover to join in with the playful rhyming song based on the classic ‘Finger Family’ rhyme!Other books in the series include: Little Dog, Where Are You?
庫存 > 10
定價:439 元, 優惠價:69 299
Baby Faces: Little Tiger, Where Are You? (附音檔QRcode)
作者:Ekaterina Trukhan  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2023/09/30 裝訂:硬頁書
Find your baby's face in this delightful new lift-the-flap book with a mirror on every page! One thing is for sure - babies love mirrors! This brand new series of board books aims to enhance early mirror play as very young children will enjoy finding their own face on every page. Featuring large card flaps with friendly animals which are easy for even the littlest hands to grab, babies will enjoy reaching for these books again and again. Scan the QR code on the back cover to join in with the playful rhyming song based on the classic 'Finger Family' rhyme! Other books in the series include: Little Bear, Little Dog and Little Owl
定價:439 元, 優惠價:69 299
Baby Faces: Little Lion, Where Are You? (附音檔QRcode)
作者:Ekaterina Trukhan  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2024/04/11 裝訂:硬頁書
Find your baby's face in this delightful new lift-the-flap book with a mirror on every page! One thing is for sure - babies love mirrors! This series of board books aims to enhance early mirror play as very young children will enjoy finding their own face on every page. Featuring large card flaps with friendly animals which are easy for even the littlest hands to grab, babies will enjoy reaching for these books again and again. Scan the QR code on the back cover to join in with the playful rhyming song based on the classic 'Finger Family' rhyme! Other books in the series include: Little Bear, Little Dog, Little Owl, Little Tiger and Little Lamb
定價:439 元, 優惠價:69 299
Baby Faces: Little Lamb, Where Are You? (附音檔QRCode)
作者:Ekaterina Trukhan  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2024/01/04 裝訂:硬頁書
Find your baby's face in this delightful new lift-the-flap book with a mirror on every page! One thing is for sure - babies love mirrors! This brand new series of board books aims to enhance early mirror play as very young children will enjoy finding their own face on every page. Featuring large card flaps with friendly animals which are easy for even the littlest hands to grab, babies will enjoy reaching for these books again and again. Scan the QR code on the back cover to join in with the playful rhyming song based on the classic 'Finger Family' rhyme! Other books in the series include: Little Bear, Little Dog, Little Tiger and Little Owl
定價:439 元, 優惠價:69 299
Baby Faces: Little Mouse, Where Are You? (附音檔QRcode)
作者:Ekaterina Trukhan  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2024/07/04 裝訂:硬頁書
Find your baby's face in this delightful new lift-the-flap book with a mirror on every page! One thing is for sure - babies love mirrors! This series of board books aims to enhance early mirror play as very young children will enjoy finding their own face on every page. Featuring large card flaps with friendly animals which are easy for even the littlest hands to grab, babies will enjoy reaching for these books again and again. Scan the QR code on the back cover to join in with the playful rhyming song based on the classic 'Finger Family' rhyme! Other books in the series include: Little Bear, Little Dog, Little Owl, Little Tiger, Little Lamb and Little Lion
定價:439 元, 優惠價:69 299
Baby Faces: Little Dog, Where Are You? (附音檔QRcode)
作者:Ekaterina Trukhan  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2023/05/04 裝訂:硬頁書
Find your baby’s face in this delightful new lift-the-flap book with a mirror on every page!One thing is for sure – babies love mirrors! This brand new series of board books aims to enhance early mirror play as very young children will enjoy finding their own face on every page. Featuring large card flaps with friendly animals which are easy for even the littlest hands to grab, babies will enjoy reaching for these books again and again.Scan the QR code on the back cover to join in with the playful rhyming song based on the classic ‘Finger Family’ rhyme!Other books in the series include: Little Bear, Where Are You?
庫存 > 10
定價:439 元, 優惠價:69 299
Baby Faces: Little Owl, Where Are You? (附音檔QRcode)
作者:Ekaterina Trukhan  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2023/09/14 裝訂:硬頁書
Find your baby's face in this delightful new lift-the-flap book with a mirror on every page! One thing is for sure - babies love mirrors! This brand new series of board books aims to enhance early mirror play as very young children will enjoy finding their own face on every page. Featuring large card flaps with friendly animals which are easy for even the littlest hands to grab, babies will enjoy reaching for these books again and again. Scan the QR code on the back cover to join in with the playful rhyming song based on the classic 'Finger Family' rhyme! Other books in the series include: Little Bear, Little Dog and Little Tiger
定價:439 元, 優惠價:69 299
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