Few sectors of the global economy have experienced the dynamic and structural change that has occurred over the past several decades in banking and financial services or as much turbulence and damage
Examines the resilience of Islamic banking during the 2007--2008 global financial crisis and the subsequent recession. Do Islamic financial institutions perform better than their conventional counterp
Without a means of crediting and debiting accounts worldwide and the non-physical transfer of funds, the rapid global economic integration of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries would ha
The recent global financial crisis has brought to the fore the risks that accompany the benefits of global banking for emerging market economies. This book, a collection of seminal papers published by
The banking industry extensively lobbied against Basel III and governments have been keen to delay its full implementation. Chorafas' latest book takes a well-rounded approach on Basel III's strengths
One of the most salient features of the 2007-9 global financial crisis was the role played by global banking and multinational banks in transmitting international financial shocks and maintaining cred
Written by a former practitioner, this book fills a clear gap in the current literature for a practice-focused text that brings together the organizational structure, economics and governance of the f
An Introduction to Global Financial Markets describes the financial world in clear, easy to understand terms. The authors provide comprehensive coverage of commercial and investment banking, foreign e