創意思考之父、當代最具影響力的商業思想家之一狄波諾創意思考練習的經典之作沒有解不開的難題,只是你還沒有掌握創新的方法!62個創意思考工具 X 365每日練習的思維習慣風行全球超過50年,提升你的原創思維技能微軟、特斯拉、麥肯錫、海尼根、花旗銀行、NTT……全球企業精英、個人高效生成創意點子的練習秘笈市場與顧客需求多變,如何開發新產品、新服務?怎麼吸引遊客來到偏鄉小鎮觀光?超市出現偷竊問題怎麼辦?如何紓解道路交通雍塞的難題?怎樣讓一道料理更美味、更有吸引力?面對問題毫無頭緒、靈感乾涸、沒有想法,你需要「非線性思維」!創新法寶,教你翻轉僵固受限的處境,催生新創意、創造新改變!點燃跨域聯想的火種爆發舉一反無限的多層次創造力非線性思維是一種橫向思維,也就是水平思考(Lateral thinking),運用自由聯想的方式,採行跳躍、不連貫的思路,產出向外擴散的思維,針對假設問題提出有效的解決方案。身為創意思考之父、當代最重要創意大師的狄波諾,為區別憑藉經驗知識、垂直線性的邏輯思考,發明水平思考一詞,被《牛津英語大詞典》收錄,許多後進者都受到他的啟發,風行全球超過50年。非線性思維給你一整套改變觀念和認知,並且系統性地生成新構想的工具與技術,幫助你實現:1.解決特定問題2.改進或簡化流程3.提供新想法4.開啟全新的思路5.定義新概念6.定義新價值免靠靈感,超越慣性讓非線性思維成為本能在本書中,狄波諾圍繞隨機單詞打造了62個不同功能的練習題,幫助你增進創意與水平思考的能力,所有練習都非常簡單、實用,且饒富趣味,一個人或一群人都能做。你有五種方法來隨機取得單詞,活化大腦思考的靈敏度、寬廣度,書中提供思考工具的功能多樣又豐富,刺激你發掘無限制的奇思妙想,有效構思無數創意點子,不論企劃提案、說故事、解決難題等都好用:-隨機輸入:運用隨機單詞,建立焦點,激發新想法-配對:取兩列隨機單詞,定義標準,嘗試配對-連結:找出隨機單詞之間的關聯,將其連結-相乘:擴大單詞間概念與聯想的可能性-部分:思考某些事物能否成為其他事物的一部分、並增加價值AI大浪襲來,養成「非線性思維」的態度與習慣,打破過往垂直思考的邏輯、衡量事物的不同角度,積累創造新價值的跨界競爭實力,是個人與組織持續創新的高效途徑與可靠優勢!
Develop creative writing skills with inspiration from the world of Roald Dahl.Who can be a writer? You can! Start the story machine, choose your heroes and villains, and you’re off – from brilliant beginnings to excellent endings!Supports the Key Stage 2 curriculum for ages 7-11Packed full of fun activities and writing prompts to expand vocabulary and develop creative writing skills.Find out how to set the scene, give your characters a voice, and guide them through the action.By the end of this book you’ll have written your very own splendiferous story!How to Be a Writer gives aspiring writers to room to get creative. Pick up a pen and have a go at new techniques and styles! Filled with tips and examples inspired by the world of Roald Dahl to spark ideas, and with plenty of space on the page to practise the skills needed for story writing.
How to Have Great Ideas is the essential guide for students and young professionals looking to embrace creative thinking in design, advertising and communications. It provides 53 practical strategies
A source book of visual ideas and strategies for visual communication How to Solve any Creative Brief: An A Z of Ideas explains the key ideas, sources of inspiration and visual techniques that have be
With 233 (to be exact) hints, tips, and pieces of advice, Now Try Something Weirder shows those in the creative industry how to have great ideas (every day). Internationally award-winning graphic desi
The highly practical lessons in HOW TO HAVE GOOD IDEAS are based on neuroscience,psychology, and behavioral economics. Written by the former Creative Director of OgilvyOne,Dave Birss,this book offers
Many creative individuals working in organizations today encounter resistance to new ideas, much as the path-breaking artists, scientists, and inventors have experienced throughout history. Experts re
The Nature of Creative Development explores how creative individuals come to have ideas, pursue projects, and make contributions to society. The author pays specific attention to the ways in which cr
"Some of the 22 sculptors are internationally known while others have regional reputations. Each artist has compelling things to say: personal goals, where ideas come from and how they transform them
Conversations about climate change at the science-policy interface and in our lives have been stuck for some time. This handbook integrates lessons from the social sciences and humanities to more effectively make connections through issues, people, and things that everyday citizens care about. Readers will come away with an enhanced understanding that there is no 'silver bullet' to communications about climate change; instead, a 'silver buckshot' approach is needed, where strategies effectively reach different audiences in different contexts. This tactic can then significantly improve efforts that seek meaningful, substantive, and sustained responses to contemporary climate challenges. It can also help to effectively recapture a common or middle ground on climate change in the public arena. Readers will come away with ideas on how to harness creativity to better understand what kinds of communications work where, when, why, and under what conditions in the twenty-first century.
Conversations about climate change at the science-policy interface and in our lives have been stuck for some time. This handbook integrates lessons from the social sciences and humanities to more effectively make connections through issues, people, and things that everyday citizens care about. Readers will come away with an enhanced understanding that there is no 'silver bullet' to communications about climate change; instead, a 'silver buckshot' approach is needed, where strategies effectively reach different audiences in different contexts. This tactic can then significantly improve efforts that seek meaningful, substantive, and sustained responses to contemporary climate challenges. It can also help to effectively recapture a common or middle ground on climate change in the public arena. Readers will come away with ideas on how to harness creativity to better understand what kinds of communications work where, when, why, and under what conditions in the twenty-first century.
Clever ideas and imaginative solutions from BBC Gardeners’ World host Adam Frost to help you transform your garden, element by element, into a personalized dream space.Adam shows how small plantings, design flourishes, hands-on creative projects, and simple hard landscaping projects can help transform your garden. Taking an artisan’s approach to his own garden, Adam emphasizes how you too can find inspiration and turn it into a garden feature, how to personalize your ideas – using what you already have – and upcycling. There’s something to suit everyone’s taste, space, and budget. Each project starts with Adam’s inspiration, and then walks the reader through how he created the end product with clear step-by-step photography and instructions. Adam shows that inspiration doesn’t have to come from other gardens. In fact, for him, it rarely does. It could be a natural feature such as a heap of wood, something you already own, or a salvage yard item you can upcycle. With a little work and a
Do you love gaming? Do you have ideas for games of your own and want to learn how to produce them Professionally? Longtime game designer Justin Gary has the answers you seek. After twenty years in the
The Cambridge Companion to Narrative provides a unique and valuable overview of current approaches to narrative study. An international team of experts explores ideas of storytelling and methods of narrative analysis as they have emerged across diverse traditions of inquiry and in connection with a variety of media, from film and television, to storytelling in the 'real-life' contexts of face-to-face interaction, to literary fiction. Each chapter presents a survey of scholarly approaches to topics such as character, dialogue, genre or language, shows how those approaches can be brought to bear on a relatively well-known illustrative example, and indicates directions for further research. Featuring a chapter reviewing definitions of narrative, a glossary of key terms and a comprehensive index, this is an essential resource for both students and scholars in many fields, including language and literature, composition and rhetoric, creative writing, jurisprudence, communication and media s
This resource has been designed to offer practical and creative ideas on how to use illustrated storybooks therapeutically with children. Exercises have been created to encourage imagination and free