時代洪流沖刷,仍未減其半分鋒芒。搖滾傳奇滾石樂團的60年。From the Sunday Times bestselling authorOn 12 July 1962, the Rollin' Stones performed their first-ever gig at London's Marquee jazz club. Down the line, a 'g' was added, a spark was lit and their destiny was sealed. No going back.These five white British kids set out to play the music of black America. They honed a style that bled bluesy undertones into dark insinuations of women, sex and drugs. Denounced as 'corruptors of youth' and 'messengers of the devil', they created some of the most thrilling music ever recorded. Now, their sound and attitude seem louder and more influential than ever. Elvis is dead and the Beatles are over, but Jagger and Richards bestride the world. The Stones may be gathering moss, but on they roll. Yet how did the ultimate anti-establishment misfits become the global brand we know today? Who were the casualties, and what are the forgotten legacies? Can the artist ever be truly divisible from the art? Lesley-Ann Jones's new histor
How old are you? The more thought you bring to bear on the question, the harder it is to answer. For we age simultaneously in different ways: biologically, psychologically, socially. And w
Three of the world's most accomplished and deep thinkers come together to explore Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the way it is transforming human society--and what this technology means for us all.An AI learned to win chess by making moves human grand masters had never conceived. Another AI discovered a new antibiotic by analyzing molecular properties human scientists did not understand. Now, AI-powered jets are defeating experienced human pilots in simulated dogfights. AI is coming online in searching, streaming, medicine, education, and many other fields and, in so doing, transforming how humans are experiencing reality. In The Age of AI, three leading thinkers have come together to consider how AI will change our relationships with knowledge, politics, and the societies in which we live. The Age of AI is an essential roadmap to our present and our future, an era unlike any that has come before. A "Top Ten Tech Books Of 2021" (Forbes) Wall Street Journal bestseller One of Newsweek'
In the tradition of Michio Kaku’s The Future of the Mind, acclaimed technologist and inventor Amir Husain answers the universal question of how we can live amidst the coming age of sentient mach
The Digital Age we live in is as transformative as the Industrial Revolution and Joshua Cooper Ramo explains how to survive. If you find yourself longing for a disconnected world where information is
#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • From the author of Sapiens comes the groundbreaking story of how information networks have made, and unmade, our world.“Striking original . . . A historian whose arguments operate on the scale of millennia has managed to capture the zeitgeist perfectly.”—The Economist“This deeply important book comes at a critical time as we all think through the implications of AI and automated content production. . . . Masterful and provocative.”—Mustafa Suleyman, author of The Coming WaveFor the last 100,000 years, we Sapiens have accumulated enormous power. But despite all our discoveries, inventions, and conquests, we now find ourselves in an existential crisis. The world is on the verge of ecological collapse. Misinformation abounds. And we are rushing headlong into the age of AI—a new information network that threatens to annihilate us. For all that we have accomplished, why are we so self-destructive?Nexus looks through the long lens of human history to consider h
To be health and full of energy is our birthright. We should never be burdened with fear of illnesses or worries about medical care. So how can our layer of protective energy remain intact? The realiz
兩河流域的算術泥板、搜尋引擎、巡航定速…數學早已是人類文明進程中的要角。斯德哥爾摩大學最年輕的博士Stefan Buijsman以趣味十足,引人入勝的筆法,向讀者解釋生活中無處不在的數學概念,及數學與哲學、心理學、歷史背後的關聯。Thousands of years ago the inhabitants of Mesopotamia became the first to use numbers. Since then, mathematics has been unstoppable. It's behind almost everything, from search-engines to cruise-control, from coffee-makers to timetables.But now that we hardly ever need to do arithmetic, how relevant is mathematics to everyday life? Pluses and Minuses demonstrates the role mathematics plays in human endeavour. It answers questions such as: What is life without numbers? Is the usefulness of mathematics mere chance? How can we get a grip on uncertainty? Stefan Buijsman's richly entertaining guide makes connections between philosophy, psychology and history, while explaining the wonderful world of mathematics for absolutely everyone.Born in 1995, Stefan gained a master's degree in philosophy in Leiden at the age of eighteen, after which he moved from Sweden to work on a PhD. Wi
From the bestselling, trusted team behind the Dino Tales: Life Guides for Families series (1.5 million copies sold life to date!) comes this introductory guide that "should be required reading for all of us—of any age" (Horn Book), encouraging even the littlest ones to become engaged citizens. Democracy has never been more at the forefront of the national conversation. Using a direct style and kid-friendly dinosaur art as an entry point into tough but important topics is the Dino Tales formula for success. Democracy for Dinosaurs takes key values on every parent's mind and gives them tools to showyoung readers how things they do every single day can be guided by principles we must share in a democratic society: freedom, fairness, the rule of law, equality, respect for free speech, and respect for the truth. By modeling accessible ways to practice being a good citizen, kids will see they are part of their country and that they have an important role to play. Democracy has neve