A 2012 Michael L. Printz Honor BookCharlie Bucktin, a bookish thirteen year old, is startled one summer night by an urgent knock on his bedroom window. His visitor is Jasper Jones, an outcast in their
A 2012 Michael L. Printz Honor BookCharlie Bucktin, a bookish thirteen year old, is startled one summer night by an urgent knock on his bedroom window. His visitor is Jasper Jones, an outcast in their
Charlie Bucktin, a bookish thirteen year old, is startled one summer night by an urgent knock on his bedroom window. His visitor is Jasper Jones, an outcast in their small mining town, and he has come
A 2012 Michael L. Printz Honor BookCharlie Bucktin, a bookish thirteen year old, is startled one summer night by an urgent knock on his bedroom window. His visitor is Jasper Jones, an outcast in their
Marine Composites: Design and Performance presents up-to-date information and recent research findings on the application and use of advanced fibre-reinforced composites in the marine environment. Fol
Sir Hugh Lloyd-Jones was Regius Professor of Greek at Oxford University from 1960 to 1989. He has made important contributions to our knowledge of ancient Greece. In September 1997 a group of former p
The marine environment presents significant challenges for materials due to the potential for corrosion by salt water, extreme pressures when deeply submerged and high stresses arising from variable w
Guided by their Christian beliefs, sixth-graders Jasper Jones and Penny Gordon work together to foil a plot to assassinate Governor Bradley and to catch a thief at school.
Seventh-graders Jasper "Sherlock" Jones and Penny Gordon use their detective skills and faith to identify a software pirate at Diamond Computer Technology, then help solve the kidnapping of the owner'
Seventh-graders Jasper "Sherlock" Jones and Penny Gordon again put their Christian beliefs into action when they witness a bank robbery and set out to find the thieves and clear the name of a friend.
Over 2,000 men were recruited for this regiment from the counties of Covington, Jackson, Jasper, Jones, Lincoln, Leake, Monroe, Perry, Oktibbenha and Simpson, through out 1861-1865! The 27th Mississip
“ARE YOU READY TO BE TOTALLY FREAKED OUT?”As the most unpopular kid in high school, Summer Jones isn’t ready for much of anything, except for teasing from classmates. Then Jasper, her eccentric Dad, m