Alvin Miller, a gifted seventh son of a seventh son, utilizes his skills as a Maker to help create a brighter future for America, but his task is further challenged by his ancient enemy, the Unmaker,
From the author of The Dogfighter, hailed by Geoff Dyer as ?the most exciting debut?by an American writer since Eugenides’s The Virgin Suicides,” comes Journeyman, a tightly wound novel about dwelling
Alvin is a Maker, the first to be born in a century.Now a grown man and a journeyman smith, Alvin has returned to his family in the town of Vigor Church. He will share in their isolation, work as a b
When your Exam Preparation Class is complete, this simulated exam will help your students see where their strenths and weaknesses are. It is set up with the bubble sheets for their answers and a tim