在以珀耳修斯為中心的故事裡,梅杜莎註定成為令人膽寒的邪惡怪物。美麗聰慧、虔心奉獻的神殿祭司何以成為詛咒下的駭人女妖?當我們撥開這層僅剩恐懼與惡的扁平形象後,才能看見在幾乎被化約成相貌醜陋的殘忍毒婦之前,她所經歷的悲慘遭遇。繼柔卡絲塔與卡利俄佩,Natalie Hayne再次把說故事的權利,還給神話裡被寥寥數語帶過的女性角色。'Witty, gripping, ruthless' - Margaret Atwood via Twitter'Beautiful and moving' - Neil Gaiman via Twitter'So to mortal men, we are monsters. Because of our flight, our strength. They fear us, so they call us monsters.’Medusa is the sole mortal in a family of gods. Growing up with her Gorgon sisters, she begins to realize that she is the only one who experiences change, the only one who can be hurt. And her mortal lifespan gives her an urgency that her family will never know.When the sea god Poseidon commits an unforgivable act in the temple of Athene, the goddess takes her revenge where she can – and Medusa is changed forever. Writhing snakes replace her hair, and her gaze now turns any living creature to stone. The power cannot be controlled: Medusa can look at nothing without destroying it. She is condemned to a life of sha
A panoramic exploration of peoples, objects and beliefs over 40,000 years from the celebrated author of A History of the World in 100 Objects and Germany, following the new BBC Radio 4 documentary and
In the same format as his best-selling books A History of the World in 100 Objects and Germany: Memories of a Nation--the acclaimed art historian now gives us a magnificent new book that explores the
In the same format as his best-selling books A History of the World in 100 Objects and Germany: Memories of a Nation--the acclaimed art historian now gives us a magnificent new book that explores the
Yoshi, a Japanese teenager, faces the destruction of everything she knew and a new life living among the enemy after her home city is bombed with napalm in this new novel from the author of The Painte
Thor is dead! Asgard has been destroyed! Its gods are scattered across the Earth, living mortal lives with no memory of their past selves! Can Sif, Balder, Ulik the Troll, the Warriors Three, the En
Freya is an ordinary girl living in modern Britain, but with a twist: people still worship the Viking gods. She's caught in her parents' divorce, and shuttling between bickering adults is no fun. One
Freya is an ordinary girl living in modern Britain, but with a twist: people still worship the Viking gods. One evening, stuck with her dad on his night shift at the British Museum, she is drawn to th
From Scott Westerfeld, the acclaimed author of the Leviathan trilogy and the Uglies series comes a sweeping space opera, The Risen Empire, book one of the Succession duology. Captain Laurent Zai and his pacifist lover Senator Nara Oxham, separated by lightyears, hold the fate of the empire in theirhands. They serve an Emperor who has reigned with his sister the Child Empress for sixteen hundred years as living gods.But even gods might bow to the fanaticism of the Rix, machine-augmented humans, who long for the cybernetic rule of a vast AI.Only one immortal dynasty can prevail.
Isadora's family is seriously screwed up. Of course, when you're the human daughter of Egyptian gods, that comes with the territory. Isadora's sick of living a life where she's only worthy of a pass
Who are we and what do we do as agents living together? In We, Together, Hans Bernhard Schmid argues, first, that our living together is a joint activity. Joint activities involve shared intentions, and shared intentions have plural intentional subjects. We are, thus, the plural subjects of our shared intentions in the same way as we are the singular subjects of our individual intentions: through pre-reflective self-awareness. Just as there is no substantive, singular self, I, or ego, there is no substantive we. In order to understand who we are, together, it is important to see that intentional subjects are a feature of intentionality. Schmid continues with the assertion that the social worlds of roles and statuses, norms and structures, institutions and artifacts are our ways of living together. As such, the social worlds are determined neither by Nature nor Gods, but by us. What can be harmful, Schmid writes, is our frequent and systematic failure to understand our own place as both
It is a new beginning for Kratos. Living as a man, outside the shadow of the gods, he seeks solitude in the unfamiliar lands of Norse mythology. With new purpose and his son at his side, Kratos must f
Best-selling author Rick Riordan presents a second earth-shattering adventure based on Mesopotamian mythology by Sarwat Chadda, author of City of the Plague God.*"Chadda excels in this action-packed adventure, peppered with scenes examining Western theft of cultural artifacts, xenophobia, and Islamophobia and grounded in emotional depth and tenderness for humanity. An epic tale that contains multitudes."--Kirkus Reviews (starred review) While on vacation in London, Sikander Aziz gets his hands on the mythic tablet of destinies. Naturally Sik uses it to get his brother Mo back among the living. His wish is granted, but at a terrible cost. Sik's troubles multiply a billionfold when the tablet is stolen by the elder god of insanity, Lugal, who brings back Tiamat, the great chaos dragon and mother of all monsters. Nothing less than the fate of the world is at stake when a Muslim boy takes on the ancient gods of Mesopotamia in this action thriller by a master storyteller.
This book is a vivid reconstruction of the practical aspects of ancient Egyptian religion. Through an examination of artefacts and inscriptions, the text explores a variety of issues. For example, who was allowed to enter the temples, and what rituals were performed therein? Who served as priests? How were they organized and trained, and what did they do? What was the Egyptians' attitude toward death, and what happened at funerals? How did the living and dead communicate? In what ways could people communicate with the gods? What impact did religion have on the economy and longevity of the society? This book demystifies Egyptian religion, exploring what it meant to the people and society. The text is richly illustrated with images of rituals and religious objects.
This book is a vivid reconstruction of the practical aspects of ancient Egyptian religion. Through an examination of artefacts and inscriptions, the text explores a variety of issues. For example, who was allowed to enter the temples, and what rituals were performed therein? Who served as priests? How were they organized and trained, and what did they do? What was the Egyptians' attitude toward death, and what happened at funerals? How did the living and dead communicate? In what ways could people communicate with the gods? What impact did religion have on the economy and longevity of the society? This book demystifies Egyptian religion, exploring what it meant to the people and society. The text is richly illustrated with images of rituals and religious objects.
Clash with the gods of Theros in this campaign sourcebook for the world's great roleplaying game.Play DUNGEONS & DRAGONS in the MAGIC: THE GATHERING world of Theros--a realm shaped by the wrath of gods and the deeds of heroes, where champions vie for immortal favor and a place among legends.- Rise above the common throng with SUPERNATURAL GIFTS, abilities that give you remarkable powers that set you on the path to legend.- Explore Theros as a SATYR or LEONIN--mythic cat-like heroes from Magic: The Gathering. Mythic Odysseys of Theros introduces these races to fifth edition D&D for the first time.- Master new powers with Magic: The Gathering-inspired SUBCLASSES like the Bard's College of Eloquence and the Paladin's Oath of Heroism.- Encounter MYTHIC MONSTERS, creatures whose power and renown are such that their names are truly living myths.- Wield the weapons of the gods--five signature artifacts used by Theros's deities.- Created in 1974, D&D transformed gaming culture by b