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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:卡洛琳.凱西; 凱蘿.韓德莉-合著  出版社:足智文化有限公司  出版日:2024/06/01 裝訂:平裝
★ 美國亞馬遜4.5顆星好評推薦! 當你對感情有任何困難時,可翻開《唯愛最真》,將會給你指引與建議。當你第一次翻到的篇章,討論的是當前的困難;第二次翻到的則是短期即將面臨的困難;第三次是未來長期的困難。只要你能依循本書的建議,並積極去實踐,對你將會有所助益。 本書的兩位作者都是努力工作的單親媽媽,也都有過痛苦而失敗的婚姻,也因此更加深了她們想尋得美好的感情想念。這兩位情同手足的好友,彼此許下重諾:一定要找到滿意而成功的婚姻。不管花多少工夫、不管多麼辛苦,都絕不放棄。《唯愛最真》就是她們一路走來的心得。她們運用書中所載的智慧,找到了人生的幸福,因而她們才想和普天下的人分享這些領悟,讓大家也都能享有應得的喜悅與滿足。
定價:360 元, 優惠價:9 324
作者:Edward Monkton  出版社:Andrews McMeel Pub  出版日:2009/11/23 裝訂:精裝
Love is a collection for the romantically minded. It is a warm, thoughtful, and quirky treasury of Edward Monkton's best-selling words of wisdom on the age-old subject of relationships. Readers will f
定價:380 元, 優惠價:79 300
作者:瑞克.韓森; 理查.曼度斯  出版社:心靈工坊文化  出版日:2011/07/15 裝訂:平裝
當佛陀捻花微笑,祂的大腦正發射出強大的正向能量!你知道嗎?當我們升起負面情緒,大腦立刻發出紅色警訊,交感神經系統像探照燈瞬間發亮,壓力荷爾蒙沖刷至血液中,全身都進入備戰狀態;而當我們快樂、放鬆、感受到愛和喜悅時,副交感神經將被喚醒,多巴胺及親密荷爾蒙大量分泌,平靜自在如漣漪般擴散,心靈、身體及大腦也得到療癒和釋放。 《像佛陀一樣快樂》是一本淺顯有趣的靈性科普書,作者透過許多例子和研究,再次證明一
定價:360 元, 優惠價:79 284
作者:露易絲‧賀  出版社:三采文化  出版日:2021/07/30 裝訂:平裝
★改變千萬人的生命啟示★ 世界最大的身心靈出版社Hay House創辦人 心靈成長界的新時代女神──露易絲.賀 ★擁抱內在力量的366天心靈之旅★ 只有你,才能真正療癒自己 露易絲.賀是深刻的心靈實踐勇者,歷經被繼父虐待、被鄰居強暴、高中輟學、未婚生女、低薪勞役、婚姻失敗、罹患癌症等種種嚴苛、痛苦的生命考驗,以自我療癒創造生命奇蹟,打造全世界最具指標性的身心靈出版王國。她的親身經歷證實,我們可以透
定價:480 元, 優惠價:9 432
Wherever You Go, My Love Will Follow: 8 Stories of Love and Wisdom
作者:Birgitta Sif  出版社:MAGIC CAT  出版日:2024/09/10 裝訂:精裝
定價:760 元, 優惠價:1 760
英文二字經 Two-word English wisdom
作者:劉毅主編  出版社:學習出版社  出版日:2024/03/01 裝訂:平裝
有一次清華大學「高階主管研習班」結業典禮時,校長說,你們三個月所學的領導、統御、管理,歸根結底,只有一個字,那就是「愛」(love)。Love wins. 愛能勝出。Love conquers. 愛能征服。Love prevails. 愛能戰勝。每天背「英文二字經」,心中有愛,做事情就能成功。Love achieves. 愛能達成。Love overcomes. 愛能克服。Love succeeds. 愛能成功。所有大企業家,共同的特色,就是全身充滿著愛,愛家人、愛同事、愛朋友、愛客戶、愛國家,愛所有的人。愛人者,人恆愛之,自己最受益。快樂很重要,不快樂就是在浪費時間。我們說:Happiness is important. 不如說:Happiness first. 快樂第一。Stay joyful. 保持快樂。Remain cheerful. 保持愉快。每句話兩個字,說出來更有力量。這樣的三句話,一說出來,就會讓人震撼。出口成章,句句金句,成為一個藝術品,人人聽到,都會佩服得五體投地,而你會越說越好,越說越有成就感,不斷在進步中。
定價:990 元, 優惠價:9 891
Stoic in Love:Ancient wisdom to make dating, domestic boredom and breakups a bit less terrible
作者:Annie Lawson  出版社:Murdoch Books  出版日:2024/11/07 裝訂:平裝
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
8 Rules of Love: How to Find It, Keep It, and Let It Go (英國版)
作者:Jay Shetty  出版社:HarperCollins Publishers  出版日:2023/01/31 裝訂:平裝
The author of the No.1 Sunday Times bestseller Think Like a Monk offers a revelatory guide to every stage of romance, drawing on ancient wisdom and new science.Nobody sits us down and teaches us how to love. So we're often thrown into relationships with nothing but romance movies and pop culture to help us muddle through. Until now.Instead of presenting love as an ethereal concept or a collection of cliches, Jay Shetty lays out specific, actionable steps to help you develop the skills to practice and nurture love better than ever before.He shares insights on how to win or lose together, how to define love, and why you don't break in a break-up. Inspired by Vedic wisdom and modern science, he tackles the entire relationship cycle, from first dates to moving in together to breaking up and starting over. And he shows us how to avoid falling for false promises and unfulfilling partners.By living Jay Shetty's eight rules, we can all love ourselves, our partner, and the world better than we
定價:824 元, 優惠價:79 651
Waking Up Together ─ Intimate Partnership On The Spiritual Path
作者:Ellen Birx; Charles Shinkai Birx  出版社:Wisdom Pubns  出版日:2005/05/30 裝訂:平裝
Waking Up Together is written for those who want to journey to new depths of intimacy, both spiritually and in their love relationship. The book shows how a committed, long-term relationship can enha
定價:763 元, 優惠價:1 763
Nobody Will Tell You This But Me: A True (as Told to Me) Story
作者:Bess Kalb  出版社:Vintage  出版日:2021/04/20 裝訂:平裝
From the Emmy-nominated TV writer and New Yorker contributor, a totally new, virtuosic form of memoir: a reconstruction of a beloved grandmother's words and wisdom to tell her family's story with equal parts poignancy and hilarity Bess Kalb saved every voicemail her grandmother Bobby Bell ever left her. Bobby was a force--irrepressible, glamorous, unapologetically opinionated. Bobby doted on Bess; Bess adored Bobby. Then, at ninety, Bobby died. But in this debut memoir, Bobby is speaking to Bess once more, in a voice as passionate as it ever was in life. Recounting both family lore and family secrets, Bobby brings us four generations of indomitable women and the men who loved them. There's Bobby's mother, who traveled solo from Belarus to America in the 1880s to escape the pogroms, and Bess's mother, a 1970s rebel who always fought against convention. But it was Bobby and Bess who always had the fiercest bond: Bobby her granddaughter's fiercest supporter, giving Bess unequivocal love,
定價:684 元, 優惠價:79 540
The Philosopher's Tarot
作者:Sereptie  出版社:Repeater  出版日:2022/11/08 裝訂:盒裝
The Philosopher’s Tarot is a mashup of the original classic Rider-Waite tarot with eminent philosophers, intellectuals, and revolutionaries of history. This deck infuses the mystery of cards with renowned archetypes of the intellect offering a confluence of contemplations.Let your love of fate go beyond the cards―and as far as the amor fati of Nietzsche! The Philosophers Tarot is chance’s tryst with reason: a marriage of philosophy’s conceptual creativity with the tarot’s path of intuition. Read your spreads in the traditional manner, or delve deeply into the rich philosophical implications that emerge with every draw. While every tarot deck seeks to lift the veil from the forces of the universe, The Philosopher’s Tarot does so by gesturing towards the wisdom of history’s most notable sages.The Philosopher’s Tarot is a tarot deck which infuses the classic 78 card Rider-Waite deck with popular philosophical figures and their theoretical creativity. With added flair and vibrance, The Phi
定價:948 元, 優惠價:79 749
作者:Prince Harry  出版社:Random House  出版日:2023/01/10 裝訂:精裝
It was one of the most searing images of the twentieth century: two young boys, two princes, walking behind their mother’s coffin as the world watched in sorrow—and horror. As Diana, Princess of Wales, was laid to rest, billions wondered what the princes must be thinking and feeling—and how their lives would play out from that point on.For Harry, this is that story at last.With its raw, unflinching honesty, Spare is a landmark publication full of insight, revelation, self-examination, and hard-won wisdom about the eternal power of love over grief.
定價:1368 元, 優惠價:79 1081
作者:Miguel Ruiz; Don Miguel Ruiz  出版社:Amber-Allen Pub  出版日:1999/05/30 裝訂:平裝
Identifies four self-limiting beliefs that impede one's experience of freedom, true happiness, and love.
定價:492 元, 優惠價:1 492
How to Talk about Love:An Ancient Guide for Modern Lovers
作者:Plato  出版社:Prinston  出版日:2025/01/28 裝訂:精裝
定價:824 元, 優惠價:95 782
Berry Song (Caldecott Medal Honor)
作者:Michaela Goade  出版社:Little Brown & Co  出版日:2022/07/19 裝訂:精裝
Caldecott Medalist Michaela Goade's first self-authored picture book is a gorgeous celebration of the land she knows well and the powerful wisdom of elders. Publishers Weekly Best Children's Books of 2022On an island at the edge of a wide, wild sea, a girl and her grandmother gather gifts from the earth. Salmon from the stream, herring eggs from the ocean, and in the forest, a world of berries.Salmonberry, Cloudberry, Blueberry, Nagoonberry.Huckleberry, Snowberry, Strawberry, Crowberry.Through the seasons, they sing to the land as the land sings to them. Brimming with joy and gratitude, in every step of their journey, they forge a deeper kinship with both the earth and the generations that came before, joining in the song that connects us all. Michaela Goade's luminous rendering of water and forest, berries and jams glows with her love of the land and offers an invitation to readers to deepen their own relationship with the earth.
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
作者:CHIMA NGOZI ADICHIE  出版社:Harpercollins  出版日:2022/09/15 裝訂:平裝
A personal and powerful essay on loss from Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, the bestselling author of Americanah and Half of a Yellow Sun. 'Grief is a cruel kind of education. You learn how ungentle mourning can be, how full of anger. You learn how glib condolences can feel. You learn how much grief is about language, the failure of language and the grasping for language'On 10 June 2020, the scholar James Nwoye Adichie died suddenly in Nigeria. In this tender and powerful essay, expanded from the original New Yorker text, his daughter, a self-confessed daddy's girl, remembers her beloved father. Notes on Grief is at once a tribute to a long life of grace and wisdom, the story of a daughter's fierce love for a parent, and a revealing examination of the layers of loss and the nature of grief.
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
The Accidental Holiday
作者:Mimi Deb  出版社:HARPERCOLLINS 360  出版日:2024/09/10 裝訂:平裝
Escape to Mallorca with this cute, forced proximity romcom - the perfect beach read A totally gorgeous and escapist romcom. Fans of Beth O'Leary and Emily Henry will be totally hooked from the very first page. Readers loved Mimi's debut, Love on the Menu: 'A delicious rom com! In Love on the Menu, Deb pens a stirring story about serendipitous connections and chasing your dreams that readers are sure to enjoy' Kate Bromley, author of Talk Bookish to Me'This slow-burn rom com has the most delicious payoff! With hilarious and witty prose and characters who won't leave your brain, Love on the Menu is a vibrant, fresh take on modern love!' Farah Heron, author of Accidentally Engaged'A really sweet and warm-hearted read' Niamh Hargan, author of Twelve Days in May'Love on the Menu is a delicious delight! A unique meet-cute that blossoms into a beautifully imagined, gorgeous love story. It's packed with wisdom, humour and brilliant characters and I adored every page' Miranda Dickinson, auth
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
Romance or the End ― Poems
作者:Elaine Kahn  出版社:Soft Skull Pr  出版日:2020/02/04 裝訂:平裝
"This book takes me right back to the Carnage Years―yours, too―sacrificed to love. If only I, you, had possessed Elaine Kahn's wisdom and wit. These poems are lacerating, coy, bloody, and so true I wa
定價:608 元, 優惠價:1 608
Growing Brave: Words to soothe fear and let in more life
作者:Donna Ashworth  出版社:BONNIER ADULT  出版日:2024/09/05 裝訂:精裝
FROM THE SUNDAY TIMES NO.1 BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF WILD HOPE'Powerful and comforting ... Donna's words could change your life.' DAWN FRENCH'Absolutely beautiful ... whenever I'm feeling lost, I reach for Donna Ashworth's words and feel found.' BRYONY GORDON'Some people have the Bible by their bed.Others a self-help manual. I have Donna Ashworth.' SUSANNAH CONSTANTINEIn this powerful new collection of wisdom and poetry, Donna Ashworth helps us to find strength and courage on the days we feel lost, to pick ourselves up when times are hard, to soothe fear and self-doubt when we are in their grip, and to let in more life and love as we brave our challenges. Every day we are bombarded by thoughts, feelings and information that make us feel anxious and afraid.We worry we don't measure up, we are scared of failure and we find it hard to be ourselves. We also feel powerless watching the world getting messier. Fear is a limiting factor for many of us and if we don't challenge it we can find ourse
定價:824 元, 優惠價:79 650
Growing in Love and Wisdom ─ Tibetan Buddhist Sources for Christian Meditation
作者:Susan J. Stabile  出版社:Oxford Univ Press USA  出版日:2012/11/02 裝訂:精裝
In Growing in Love and Wisdom, Susan Stabile draws on a unique dual perspective to explore the value of interreligious dialogue, the essential spiritual dynamics that operate across faith traditions,
定價:874 元, 優惠價:9 787
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