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2017年以前 (4)

平裝 (6)
精裝 (2)

Jean-Jacques Rousseau (2)
Not Available (NA) (2)
J. W. Cohoon (TRN)/ H. Lamar Crosby (TRN) (1)
Margaret Russett (1)
Michael Bennett (1)
凌筱嶠、孫曉靖、麥瑞怡(Karin Myhre)、伊維德(Wilt L. Idema)、辛兆坤、郭英德、王璦玲、裴志昂(Christian de Pee)、吳思遠、吳英均(Young Kyun Oh)、劉苑如、胡曉真、賀衛林(William C. Hedberg) (1)

Cambridge Univ Pr (3)
Loeb Classical Library (2)
Harvard Univ Pr (1)
Rutgers Univ Pr (1)
臺大出版中心 (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

本書從不同時期、文化層次、文本生產切入,探討日常生活中,被視為小道的戲曲、飲食等文化行為,與主流、正統文化碰撞後生發的種種文化意義。借重多位不同背景學者的研究考察,《小道可觀》旨在對米歇爾.賽托(Michel de Certeau)提出的日常生活實踐等社會文化史理論進行補充。凸顯權威、經典話語如何從日用美學中汲取能量,使主流的內涵因日常敘述的加入而更包容並蓄、富有活力。同時,這些考察也勾勒出不同社會文化、民族群體如何在富含張力的接觸中,不斷地對「自我」與「他者」進行重新聚焦,有助於我們了解或隱或顯的權力鬥爭中蘊含的文化意義。 本書以文化研究為主軸,既考察了菁英群體以及主流文化如何從日常生活中獲取靈感,又折射出文化群體以及個體自我認知乃是飽含張力的動態機制;展現「經典」與「草根」並非自上而下、抑或反其道而行之的線性動態,而是在多重空間、交叉話語中因權宜而靈變的隱性機制,其能量正來自於蘊藏在日用美學中的文化。
庫存 > 10
定價:690 元, 優惠價:9 621
Dio Chrysostom: Discourses 31-36
作者:J. W. Cohoon (TRN); H. Lamar Crosby (TRN)  出版社:Loeb Classical Library  裝訂:平裝
Dio Cocceianus Chrysostomus, ca. 40–ca. 120 CE, of Prusa in Bithynia, Asia Minor, inherited with his brothers large properties and debts from his generous father Pasicrates. He became a skilled
定價:1140 元, 優惠價:9 1026
Dio Chrysostom: Discourses Xxxvii-Lx/Lcl 376
作者:Not Available (NA)  出版社:Loeb Classical Library  出版日:1946/06/01 裝訂:平裝
Dio Cocceianus Chrysostomus, ca. 40–ca. 120 CE, of Prusa in Bithynia, Asia Minor, inherited with his brothers large properties and debts from his generous father Pasicrates. He became a skilled
定價:1140 元, 優惠價:9 1026
Dio Chrysostom ─ Discourses Lxi-Lxxx/Lcl 385
作者:Not Available (NA)  出版社:Harvard Univ Pr  出版日:1951/06/01 裝訂:精裝
Dio Cocceianus Chrysostomus, ca. 40?ca. 120 CE, of Prusa in Bithynia, Asia Minor, inherited with his brothers large properties and debts from his generous father Pasicrates. He became a skilled rhetor
定價:1140 元, 優惠價:9 1026
Rousseau: The Discourses and Other Early Political Writings
作者:Jean-Jacques Rousseau  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2018/06/01 裝訂:精裝
A comprehensive and authoritative anthology of Rousseau's important early political writings in faithful English translations. This volume includes the Discourse on the Sciences and Arts and the Discourse on the Origin and the Foundations of Inequality among Men - the so-called First and Second Discourses - together with Rousseau's extensive Replies to critics of these Discourses; the Essay on the Origin of Languages; the Letter to Voltaire on Providence; as well as several minor but illuminating writings - the Discourse on Heroic Virtue and the essay Idea of the Method in the Composition of a Book. In these as well as in his later writings, Rousseau probes the very premises of modern thought. His influence was wide-reaching from the very first, and it has continued to grow since his death. The American and the French Revolutions were profoundly affected by his thought, as were Romanticism and Idealism. This new edition features up-to-date translations, an expanded introduction, and an
定價:3444 元, 優惠價:9 3100
Rousseau ― The Discourses and Other Early Political Writings
作者:Jean-Jacques Rousseau  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2018/08/31 裝訂:平裝
A comprehensive and authoritative anthology of Rousseau's important early political writings in faithful English translations. This volume includes the Discourse on the Sciences and Arts and the Discourse on the Origin and the Foundations of Inequality among Men - the so-called First and Second Discourses - together with Rousseau's extensive Replies to critics of these Discourses; the Essay on the Origin of Languages; the Letter to Voltaire on Providence; as well as several minor but illuminating writings - the Discourse on Heroic Virtue and the essay Idea of the Method in the Composition of a Book. In these as well as in his later writings, Rousseau probes the very premises of modern thought. His influence was wide-reaching from the very first, and it has continued to grow since his death. The American and the French Revolutions were profoundly affected by his thought, as were Romanticism and Idealism. This new edition features up-to-date translations, an expanded introduction, and an
定價:1299 元, 優惠價:9 1169
Democratic Discourses ― The Radical Abolition Movement And Antebellum American Literature
作者:Michael Bennett  出版社:Rutgers Univ Pr  出版日:2005/05/20 裝訂:平裝
"An arresting book that juxtaposes major and minor antebellum texts to develop its own democratic discourse. Michael Bennett writes with verve and brio, and offers some juicy surprises."—David Lever
定價:1853 元, 優惠價:1 1853
De Quincey's Romanticism:Canonical Minority and the Forms of Transmission
作者:Margaret Russett  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2006/11/02 裝訂:平裝
Margaret Russett uses the example of Thomas De Quincey, the nineteenth-century essayist best remembered for his Confessions of an English Opium-Eater and his memoirs of Wordsworth and Coleridge, to examine the idea of the 'minor' author, and how it is related to what we now call the Romantic canon. The case of De Quincey, neither a canonical figure nor a disenfranchised marginal author, offers a point of access to specifically Romantic problems of literary transmission and periodization. Taking an intertextual approach, Russett situates De Quincey's career against the works of Wordsworth and Coleridge; the essays of Lamb, Hazlitt, and other writers for the London Magazine; and discourses of ethics and political economy which are central to the problem of determining literary value. De Quincey's Romanticism shows how De Quincey helped to shape the canon by which his career was defined.
定價:1689 元, 優惠價:9 1520



