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Camilla Reid; Ingela P Arrhenius (6)
Camilla Reid; Ingela P Arrhenius (5)
Robert Quackenbush (1)
Robert Quackenbush/ Robert Quackenbush (ILT) (1)
卡蜜拉‧瑞德-文;英格拉‧亞瑞妮絲-圖 (1)

Nosy Crow UK (10)
HarperCollins Childrens UK (3)
Aladdin (2)
Nosy Crow US (1)
上誼文化 (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:卡蜜拉‧瑞德-文; 英格拉‧亞瑞妮絲-圖  出版社:上誼文化  出版日:2023/11/01 裝訂:硬頁書
全世界寶寶最愛的遊戲——PEEKABOO! 榮獲多項圖畫書獎入選肯定, 充滿驚喜的操作機關,讓愛玩躲貓貓的小寶寶愛不釋手!誰在玩躲貓貓呀?手指伸進洞裡推一推,哇!是蚯蚓! 誰在玩躲貓貓呀?小手抓著凹槽拉一拉,哇!是小鴨! 寶寶在推拉之中,可以說一說誰不見了,誰出現了? 透過操作遊戲認識各種小動物, 最後再把小鏡子拉開,看看是誰在玩躲貓貓呀?躲貓貓跨越了語言和文化的隔閡,是全世界寶寶都玩不膩的遊戲。寶寶喜歡「不見了、又找到了」的驚奇和愉悅感,並且在反覆的遊戲過程中感到樂此不疲。這本《來玩躲貓貓 小雞》以寶寶最愛的躲貓貓為主題,設計了10個精美的躲貓貓機關和1面小鏡子,系列入選英國多項圖畫書獎及荷蘭Booktart選書,甫推出即備受肯定。寶寶在閱讀與操作的過程中,需要動動小手找尋躲藏的小動物,不僅能滿足好奇和探索的需求、增加互動與參與感,還可以練習手眼協調和精細動作,學習控制操作的力道、方向。最後的小鏡子對寶寶更是具有莫大的魅力!他們在發展自我覺察的能力時,會開始對鏡中所看到的東西感到好奇,想要伸手去摸或是看著鏡中的自己發笑,隨著拉頁一下出現自己的臉,是給寶寶的最大驚喜,原來自己正是這場有趣躲貓貓遊戲的壓軸主角!爸爸媽媽可以隨著寶寶推拉操作,幫助他學習指物命名,在遊戲中認識各種小動物。也可以藉機跟孩子對著鏡子玩躲貓貓的遊戲,幫助他建立自我概念。這是一本可以反覆操作的遊戲書,一定會讓愛玩躲貓貓的小寶寶愛不釋手!※書籍特色: 1. 硬頁堅固:結構札實的硬頁書,適合寶寶反覆翻閱不易破。 2. 機關滑順:互動機關好滑又好拉,給予寶寶大大的成就感,增加閱讀的自主性。 3. 色彩鮮明:書中圖案的輪廓簡單、色彩明亮,吸引寶寶的目光。 4. 語句重複:反覆出現的問句,除了鼓勵寶寶動動手指找答案,也能幫助孩子掌握閱讀的節奏。※本系列共有: 來玩躲貓貓 小牛 來玩躲貓貓 小雞
定價:350 元, 優惠價:9 315
Peekaboo Chick-with 10 sliders and a mirror! (硬頁書)
作者:Camilla Reid; Ingela P Arrhenius  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2022/02/03 裝訂:硬頁書
Easy-to-use peekaboo sliders, super-cute faces and a surprise mirror ending combine in this stylish interactive board book for babies and toddlers! With a total of 10 ingenious mechanisms to push, pull or turn on every spread. From Camilla Reid and Ingela P Arrhenius, the award-winning team behind the bestselling Felt Flaps Where's Mr? series. Connecting with faces and playing peekaboo is one of the first games that babies play and it's why the very youngest of children will love this adorable book - and want to read it again and again! Also available: Peekaboo Cow, Peekaboo Apple, Peekaboo Bear, Peekaboo Sun, Peekaboo Love, Peekaboo Moon
定價:439 元, 優惠價:75 329
Peekaboo Car-with 10 sliders and a mirror! (硬頁書)
作者:Camilla Reid; Ingela P Arrhenius  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2023/08/03 裝訂:硬頁書
A new vehicle-themed title in the hit novelty series with multiple sliders!Easy-to-use peekaboo sliders, a funny rhyming text and surprise mirror ending combine in this stylish and interactive board book for babies and toddlers!With a total of 10 smooth mechanisms to push, pull or turn on every spread this beautiful book is packed full of fun!From Camilla Reid and Ingela P Arrhenius, the award-winning team behind the bestselling Felt Flaps Where's Mr? series. Connecting with faces and playing peekaboo is one of the first games that babies play. It's why the very youngest of children will love this cute car book - and want to read it again and again.Also available: Peekaboo Cow, Peekaboo Apple, Peekaboo Bear, Peekaboo Sun, Peekaboo Love, Peekaboo House, Peekaboo Moon, Peekaboo Chick, Peekaboo Baby and Peekaboo Lion
定價:439 元, 優惠價:75 329
Peekaboo Zoo-with 10 sliders and a mirror! (硬頁書)
作者:Camilla Reid; Ingela P Arrhenius  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2024/08/01 裝訂:硬頁書
Take a trip to the zoo in this new animal-themed title in the hit novelty series with multiple sliders and a mirror!Easy-to-use peekaboo sliders, a funny rhyming text and surprise mirror ending combine in this stylish and interactive board book for babies and toddlers!With a total of 10 smooth mechanisms to push, pull or turn on every spread this beautiful book is packed full of fun!From Camilla Reid and Ingela P Arrhenius, the award-winning team behind the bestselling Felt Flaps Where's Mr? series. Connecting with faces and playing peekaboo is one of the first games that babies play. It's why the very youngest of children will love finding all the friendly zoo animals in this book - and want to read it again and again.Also available: Peekaboo Cow, Peekaboo Apple, Peekaboo Bear, Peekaboo Sun, Peekaboo Love, Peekaboo House, Peekaboo Moon, Peekaboo Chick, Peekaboo Baby, Peekaboo Pumpkin, Peekaboo Car, Peekaboo Lion, Peekaboo Santa, Peekaboo Dinosaur, Peekaboo Dog
定價:439 元, 優惠價:75 329
Peekaboo Baby-with 10 sliders and a mirror! (硬頁書)
作者:Camilla Reid; Ingela P Arrhenius  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2022/06/16 裝訂:硬頁書
Easy-to-use peekaboo sliders, a funny rhyming text and surprise mirror ending combine in this stylish and interactive board book for babies and toddlers!With a total of 10 smooth mechanisms to push, pull or turn on every spread this beautiful book is packed full of fun!From Camilla Reid and Ingela P Arrhenius, the award-winning team behind the bestselling Felt Flaps Where’s Mr? series.Connecting with faces and playing peekaboo is one of the first games that babies play. It’s why the very youngest of children will love this cute baby-themed book – and want to read it again and again.Also available: Peekaboo Cow, Peekaboo Apple, Peekaboo Bear, Peekaboo Sun, Peekaboo Love, Peekaboo House, Peekaboo Moon and Peekaboo Chick
定價:439 元, 優惠價:46 199
Peekaboo Lion-with 10 sliders and a mirror! (硬頁書)
作者:Camilla Reid; Ingela P Arrhenius  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2023/05/04 裝訂:硬頁書
A new title in the hit novelty series with multiple sliders and a host of safari animals!Easy-to-use peekaboo sliders, a funny rhyming text and surprise mirror ending combine in this stylish and interactive board book for babies and toddlers!With a total of 10 smooth mechanisms to push, pull or turn on every spread this beautiful book is packed full of fun!From Camilla Reid and Ingela P Arrhenius, the award-winning team behind the bestselling Felt Flaps Where's Mr? series. Connecting with faces and playing peekaboo is one of the first games that babies play. It's why the very youngest of children will love this cute safari-themed book - and want to read it again and again.Also available: Peekaboo Cow, Peekaboo Apple, Peekaboo Bear, Peekaboo Sun, Peekaboo Love, Peekaboo House, Peekaboo Moon, Peekaboo Chick and Peekaboo Baby
庫存 > 10
定價:439 元, 優惠價:46 199
Peekaboo Santa-with 10 sliders and a mirror! (硬頁書)
作者:Camilla Reid; Ingela P Arrhenius  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2023/11/09 裝訂:硬頁書
A sparkling new Christmas title in the hit novelty series with multiple sliders!Easy-to-use peekaboo sliders, a funny rhyming text and surprise mirror ending combine in this stylish and interactive board book for babies and toddlers!With a total of 10 smooth mechanisms to push, pull or turn on every spread this beautiful book is packed full of fun!From Camilla Reid and Ingela P Arrhenius, the award-winning team behind the bestselling Felt Flaps Where's Mr? series. Connecting with faces and playing peekaboo is one of the first games that babies play. It's why the very youngest of children will love this cute Christmas-themed book - and want to read it again and again.Also available: Peekaboo Cow, Peekaboo Apple, Peekaboo Bear, Peekaboo Sun, Peekaboo Love, Peekaboo House, Peekaboo Moon, Peekaboo Chick, Peekaboo Baby, Peekaboo Pumpkin and Peekaboo Lion
庫存 > 10
定價:439 元, 優惠價:46 199
Peekaboo Pumpkin-with 10 sliders and a mirror! (硬頁書)
作者:Camilla Reid; Ingela P Arrhenius  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2022/09/15 裝訂:硬頁書
Easy-to-use peekaboo sliders, a funny rhyming text and surprise mirror ending combine in this stylish and interactive board book for babies and toddlers!With a total of 10 smooth mechanisms to push, pull or turn on every spread this beautiful book is packed full of Halloween fun!From Camilla Reid and Ingela P Arrhenius, the award-winning team behind the bestselling Felt Flaps Where’s Mr? series.Connecting with faces and playing peekaboo is one of the first games that babies play. It’s why the very youngest of children will love this cute Halloween-themed book – and want to read it again and again.Also available: Peekaboo Cow, Peekaboo Apple, Peekaboo Bear, Peekaboo Sun, Peekaboo Love, Peekaboo House, Peekaboo Moon, Peekaboo Chick and Peekaboo Baby
定價:439 元, 優惠價:46 199
Peekaboo: Chick (美國版)
作者:Camilla Reid; Ingela P Arrhenius  出版社:Nosy Crow US  出版日:2022/03/01 裝訂:硬頁書
Ingela P. Arrhenius’s unmistakable, enchanting artwork, combined with an ingenious slider mechanism on every page, make this a totally irresistible board book for toddlers. Young children will be captivated by the peekaboo concept as they look for items found in springtime and―with something to push, pull, or turn on every spread―they won’t be able to put it down!
定價:380 元, 優惠價:1 380
Sherlock Chick and the Peekaboo Mystery
作者:Robert Quackenbush  出版社:Aladdin  出版日:2023/01/31 裝訂:平裝
定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
Sherlock Chick and the Peekaboo Mystery
作者:Robert Quackenbush; Robert Quackenbush (ILT)  出版社:Aladdin  出版日:2020/01/28 裝訂:精裝
定價:760 元, 優惠價:79 600
Peekaboo with 10 sliders and a mirror! (Bear/Chick/Cow/Love)(共4本)(硬頁書)
作者:Camilla Reid; Ingela P Arrhenius  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2022/02/03 裝訂:硬頁書
9781788005784 Peekaboo Cow-with 10 sliders and a mirror! (硬頁書)9781788005791 Peekaboo Love-with 10 sliders and a mirror! (硬頁書)9781839942662 Peekaboo Chick-with 10 sliders and a mirror! (硬頁書)9781788005760 Peekaboo Bear-with 10 sliders and a mirror! (硬頁書)
定價:1756 元, 優惠價:75 1317
Peekaboo Dog-with 10 sliders and a mirror! (硬頁書)
作者:Camilla Reid; Ingela P Arrhenius  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2024/06/06 裝訂:硬頁書
A new dog-themed title in the hit novelty series with multiple sliders and a mirror!Easy-to-use peekaboo sliders, a funny rhyming text and surprise mirror ending combine in this stylish and interactive board book for babies and toddlers!With a total of 10 smooth mechanisms to push, pull or turn on every spread this beautiful book is packed full of fun!From Camilla Reid and Ingela P Arrhenius, the award-winning team behind the bestselling Felt Flaps Where's Mr? series. Connecting with faces and playing peekaboo is one of the first games that babies play. It's why the very youngest of children will love finding all the friendly dogs and cute puppies in this book - and want to read it again and again.Also available: Peekaboo Cow, Peekaboo Apple, Peekaboo Bear, Peekaboo Sun, Peekaboo Love, Peekaboo House, Peekaboo Moon, Peekaboo Chick, Peekaboo Baby, Peekaboo Pumpkin, Peekaboo Car, Peekaboo Santa, Peekaboo Lion and Peekaboo Dinosaur
定價:439 元, 優惠價:75 329
Peekaboo with 10 sliders and a mirror! (共10本)(硬頁書)
作者:Camilla Reid; Ingela P Arrhenius  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2022/09/15 裝訂:硬頁書
UKMums Baby & Pre-school 2022 Awards GoldPeekaboo Baby-with 10 sliders and a mirror! (硬頁書)Peekaboo Pumpkin-with 10 sliders and a mirror! (硬頁書)Peekaboo Moon-with 10 sliders and a mirror! (硬頁書)Peekaboo House-with 10 sliders and a mirror! (硬頁書)Peekaboo Apple-with 10 sliders and a mirror! (硬頁書)Peekaboo Sun-with 10 sliders and a mirror! (硬頁書)Peekaboo Cow-with 10 sliders and a mirror! (硬頁書)Peekaboo Love-with 10 sliders and a mirror! (硬頁書)Peekaboo Chick-with 10 sliders and a mirror! (硬頁書)Peekaboo Bear-with 10 sliders and a mirror! (硬頁書)
定價:4390 元, 優惠價:75 3293
Twirlywoos - Meet The Twirlywoos
出版社:HarperCollins Childrens UK  出版日:2015/10/08 裝訂:硬頁書
It's the Twirlywoos - Great BigHoo, Toodloo, Chickedy and Chick, and Peekaboo too! Say hello to your favourite TV characters in this fun board book. The Twirlywoos are playing ball. Bouncing, spinnnin
定價:329 元, 優惠價:79 260
Twirlywoos Book & Toy Giftset
出版社:HarperCollins Childrens UK  出版日:2016/09/08 裝訂:盒裝
It's the Twirlywoos - Great BigHoo, Toodloo, Chickedy and Chick, and Peekaboo too! Say hello to your favourite TV characters in this fun book and plush toy set!The Twirlywoos are playing ball. Bouncin
定價:714 元, 優惠價:79 564
Twirlywoos – Gone
出版社:HarperCollins Childrens UK  出版日:2016/05/05 裝訂:硬頁書
It’s the Twirlywoos – Great BigHoo, Toodloo, Chickedy and Chick, and Peekaboo too! Today, they’re learning all about… Gone! The Twirlywoos watch a train going round and round a track. Then it disappea
定價:329 元, 優惠價:79 260



