With an Introduction by Tim Cook. Shakespeare's sonnets have an intensity of both feeling and meaning unmatched in English sonnet form. They divide into two parts; the first 126 sonnets are addressed
Nineteen essays, three from the past decade and 16 newly written, explore the sonnets from such approaches as the new historicism, the new bibliography, formalism, feminism, reception history, cultura
This book is at once an edition of Shakespeare's Sonnets and a guide to how to read these exquisite and complex poems, and is designed both for readers new to the poems and for those who are familiar
FOLGER SHAKESPEARE LIBRARYTHE WORLD'S LEADING CENTER FOR SHAKESPEARE STUDIESThis edition includes: Full explanatory notes conveniently placed on the page facing each sonnet and poem A brief in
The Sonnets, edited by the founding editors of the translation journal Telephone, pairs 154 poet-translators with each of Shakespeare's 154 sonnets--literally rewriting history, or at least the great
This introduction provides a concise overview of the central issues and critical responses to Shakespeare's sonnets, looking at the themes, images, and structure of his work, as well as the social and