要想偵破最黑暗的罪行,就得找有黑暗過往的FBI探員。.即將改編NETFLIX電影,珍妮佛.羅培茲主演.22年資歷的FBI高階探員書寫最震撼人心的犯罪小說.亞馬遜當月推理選書.榮登亞馬遜電子書暢銷榜No.1!.Ms Magazine年度推理選書.The Real Book Spy選書從第一頁便令人心跳加速的小說。《暗碼》具備了頂尖驚悚小說的所有要素:情節設計巧妙、驚心動魄,以及人物角色──無論好、壞或介於兩者間的所有人──都刻劃得如此細膩,讓人敢說自己一定遇見過這些人。這本書我一口氣讀完,我保證各位也會一樣!──《紐約時報》暢銷書作者傑佛瑞.迪佛(Jeffery Deaver)那女孩的深色長髮披散在腦後的地面上,右側髮絲被乾涸的血漬糾結在一起。她四肢張開仰躺,赤裸的身體在髒汙的柏油路面展現出猥褻的姿態。FBI探員妮娜俯身向前,凝視那雙彷彿覆著眼翳、盲目回瞪著她的褐色眼眸。她目光往下移,察覺到有一些殘留的銀色大力膠帶碎片黏在女孩的上唇。女孩糾結雜亂頭髮旁的骯髒地面上有一條銀鍊,上面有個鑽石型墜飾,長長的鍊子圈繞在女孩纖細的頸項上。妮娜十六歲被綁架時就戴著同樣的項鍊。她細看那些塑膠串珠組成彩色同心鑽石的樣式,更加確認自己的懷疑。那條項鍊是我的。
Sailor York and the daring recruits of Explorer Academy uncover an elusive animal-smuggling ring in the first electrifying book in this new companion series.Soon after Cruz, Sailor, Emmett, and Lani return for their second year at Explorer Academy, their sense of calm is shattered when Sailor’s older sister goes missing. Amidst incredible expeditions to far-flung destinations and competitive classes, Sailor bravely steps into the lead to discover how her sister’s sudden disappearance may be linked to an illegal and deadly animal-trafficking ring. Despite winning the prestigious North Star Award and being surrounded by close friends and teachers who she has traveled the world with, Sailor’s never felt less sure of herself. As the team faces puzzling obstacles and follows complex clues aboad the new ship, Vela, Sailor grapples with a secret of her own. Will she she risk everything and choose to embrace her destiny?Series Overview: This exciting brand-new series picks up where the origina
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A heart-pounding final showdown changes the life of Cruz Coronado forever in the seventh and final book in this thrilling fact-based fiction series. Amid assignments that take the Explorer Academy recruits from the iceberg-filled waters of Antarctica to the bone-dry deserts of Argentina, Cruz Coronado is scrambling to complete the last piece of the cipher. With Nebula agents and the elusive explorer spy still out there, his opportunity to recover his mother's world-changing formula is slipping away. But as Cruz has learned from his time aboard Orion, true explorers must never give up. Even after completing dozens of high-risk missions and traveling to all seven continents, Cruz could never prepare himself for one ultimate surprise. Explorer Academy features: Gripping fact-based fiction plot that inspires curiosity with new technology and innovations; amazing inventions and gadgets; a cast of diverse, relatable characters; secret clues, codes, and ciphers to track down within the text;
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