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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:艾琳‧梅爾  出版社:好優文化  出版日:2023/07/05 裝訂:平裝
跨國、跨地域、跨文化的合作指南 ⇨對你而言的「遲到」,可能不是「遲到」? ⇨對你而言的「讚美」,可能不是「讚美」? ⇨「講話比較直」的問題,外國人也有? ⇨「隨和」,可能也是「缺乏領導力」?溝通──是最難的事八個面向的文化量表(the eight-scale model) ‧溝通:低情境,或高情境?‧評估:直接否定回應,或是間接否定回應?‧說服:原理優先,或應用優先?‧領導:平權式,或更看重階級?‧決策:重視共識,或是由上而下?‧信任:任務導向,或是關係導向?‧歧異:不怕對峙,或是避免對峙?‧時程:線性時間,或是彈性時間?讓你精確掌握文化交鋒的真相,避免淪為「國際文盲」!「你有兩隻眼睛,兩隻耳朵,一張嘴,你應該按照比例使用他們」,這句中國俗諺,不只對中國的孩子們來說很睿智,對所有希望突破文化藩籬、改善工作效益的人也一樣。與來自別的文化的人交流時,試著多看、多聽、少說。聽了再開口,學習後再行動。工商業發達的二十一世紀,拜科技進步之賜,事業觸角遍及全世界的跨國企業很多,瀟灑背起行囊便周遊列國的人也不少,但飽覽異國景色,經常商務旅行,說得一口流利的外語,認識很多外國朋友,就表示一個人很「國際化」了嗎?你真的看懂了坐在你面前的那位外國人嗎?真的沒有任何疑惑?▎印度客戶對你的提案半搖頭半點頭時,他是贊成?還是反對?▎美國老闆對你的表現讚不絕口,只是有點「小小建議」,一切真的沒問題?▎為什麼我的提案準備得如此充分,日本董事們卻絲毫不為所動?▎剛才法國同事對我講了那麼犀利的話,現在怎麼卻對我笑兮兮?▎我負責接待美國合作廠商,可是他什麼安排都不配合,怎麼辦?▎為什麼那個俄羅斯的合作案我拿不下來,別人一出馬就搞定?▎墨西哥老闆好熱情,開完會後請我吃飯到半夜,他怎麼不會累?▎上談判桌前要先攀好交情,但是對面那群荷蘭人裡,誰是老闆?我們看不懂的,很可能不只是外國人的文化,對於自己的文化,也一樣毫無自覺。於是戴著自己的文化有色眼鏡來看待其他人,依此作出錯誤判斷或誤判,無意間為自己製造了許多困難和挫敗。企業想要成功,你必須具有與全世界的人順利合作的能力,那麼你就要能夠和知道如何欣賞文化差異,同時也要能尊重個別差異。行為的文化模式與信仰,經常影響我們的覺察(我們所看見的)、認知(我們的想法),以及行動(我們的行為)。這本書的目標即
庫存 > 10
定價:450 元, 優惠價:79 356
作者:艾琳‧梅爾  出版社:好優文化  出版日:2024/12/05 裝訂:平裝
跨國、跨地域、跨文化的全球商務溝通指南公開讚美是客套話還是真推崇?負面評價是直接給負評,還是迂迴表達不認同?簡報應鉅細靡遺說明,還是點到為止說重點?提建議案是先闡述理論,還是先提執行建議?決策形成應多數決,還是高層直接下指令?專案時程必須嚴格按表操課,還是可彈性調整?意見相左時是正面衝突解決,還是迴避衝突?領導風格是平權式領導,還是階級嚴明不容逾越?了解不同的文化維度,才可能開始一場高效的商務溝通八個文化量表(the eight-scale model) 1. 溝通:低情境,或高情境2. 評估:直接給負評,或迂迴給負評3. 說服:先說明理論,或先提供建議4. 領導:講求平等,或注重階級5. 決策:集體共識,或高層主導6. 信任:工作導向,或關係導向7. 歧異:正面衝突,或迴避衝突8. 時程:線性時間,或彈性時間「你有兩隻眼睛,兩隻耳朵,一張嘴,你應該按照比例使用他們」,這句中國俗諺,不只對中國的孩子們來說很睿智,對所有希望突破文化藩籬、改善工作效益的人也一樣。與來自別的文化的人交流時,試著多看、多聽、少說。聽了再開口,學習後再行動。我們看不懂的,很可能不只是外國人的文化,對於自己的文化,也一樣毫無自覺。於是戴著自己的文化有色眼鏡來看待其他人,依此作出錯誤判斷或誤判,無意間為自己製造了許多困難和挫敗。企業想要成功,你必須具有與全世界的人順利合作的能力,那麼你就要能夠和知道如何欣賞文化差異,同時也要能尊重個別差異。行為的文化模式與信仰,經常影響我們的覺察(我們所看見的)、認知(我們的想法),以及行動(我們的行為)。這本書的目標即在協助你,改善你解讀文化這三個面向的能力,以及提升你的處理效益。作者以循序漸進的方式,穿插歷史、哲學、語言學、文學等等文化根源解說,抽絲剝繭,帶領大家理解各種文化風格形成的原因和內涵,搭配豐富生動的商場實際案例,系統化說明由文化差異所引發的最為常見的商業溝通挑戰。提供最有效的處理手法,解決因跨文化誤解而產生的棘手問題,甚或能完全避免問題發生。法國有句諺語," Quand on connait sa maladie, on est a moitie gueri." 意思是,當你知道你得的是什麼病時,你也就離痊癒不遠了。同樣的道理也可以應用在大多數跨文化亂局裡。只要能建立起你自己的覺察力,一旦你對你的團隊有了覺察,在改善合作關係的道路上,就已經成功跨
定價:450 元, 優惠價:79 355
Keywords in Chinese Culture
作者:Wai-Yee Li (EDT); Yuri Pines (EDT)  出版社:香港中文大學出版社  出版日:2020/03/01 裝訂:精裝
What elevates a mere word to the status of keyword? What does it mean to translate a keyword and map its meaning against other languages? Like every major culture, Chinese has its set of “keyword
定價:1700 元, 優惠價:9 1530
作者:Mike Featherstone  出版社:SAGE Publications UK  出版日:2007/08/10 裝訂:精裝
The First Edition of this contemporary classic can claim to have put ‘consumer culture’ on the map, certainly in relation to postmodernism. Updated throughout, this expanded new edition includes a ful
Business Culture Design : Develop Your Corporate Culture with the Culture Map
作者:Simon Sagmeister; Joe Paul Kroll  出版社:Campus Verlag Gmbh  出版日:2018/07/15 裝訂:軟精裝
The idea of corporate culture is a much-discussed concept in today’s business world, but often it only comes into focus as a response to problems in the workplace. Business Culture Design change
定價:2940 元, 優惠價:9 2646
Business Culture Design: Develop Your Corporate Culture with the Culture Map
作者:Simon Sagmeister  出版社:Haus Pub  出版日:2023/11/14 裝訂:平裝
定價:3190 元, 優惠價:1 3190
The Culture Map ─ Breaking Through the Invisible Boundaries of Global Business
作者:Erin Meyer  出版社:Public Affairs  出版日:2014/05/27 裝訂:精裝
As today’s business world becomes ever-more global and virtual, executives and managers are expected to work harmoniously together with counterparts from a broad array dramatically different cultures and backgrounds, often without leaving their desks. But when you throw people together who come from starkly different backgrounds and cultures? from Americans who precede anything negative with three nice comments to French, Dutch, Israelis and Germans who get straight to the point (?your presentation was simply awful”); from Latin Americans and Asians who are steeped in hierarchy to the Scandinavians who think the best boss is just one of the crowd? the result can sometimes be disastrous. Even with English as a global language, it’s easy to fall into cultural traps that endanger careers and sink deals.In The Culture Map, renowned expert Erin Meyer offers highly practical and timely perspective on one of today's most pressing business issues: how do different cultures influence the way to
定價:1140 元, 優惠價:79 901
The Culture Map: Decoding How People Think, Lead, and Get Things Done Across Cultures
作者:Erin Meyer  出版社:Perseus Books  出版日:2016/01/05 裝訂:平裝
Whether you work in a home office or abroad, business success in our ever more globalized and virtual world requires the skills to navigate through cultural differences and decode cultures foreign to
定價:760 元, 優惠價:79 600
作者:Robbie Mclaughlan  出版社:Columbia Univ Pr  出版日:2012/10/01 裝訂:精裝
Robbie McLaughlan maps the fin de si?cle mission to open up the "Dark Continent." Although nineteenth-century map-makers imposed topographic definition upon a perceived geographical void, writers of a
Symbolic Structures:An Exploration of the Culture of the Dowayos
作者:Nigel Barley  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2009/03/19 裝訂:平裝
Many opposing theories have been elaborated by different anthropologists in an attempt to explain the nature of symbolism. In this work Nigel Barley uses a particular ethnographic case to examine the relevance and limitations of these existing theories and to develop a new alternative approach which draws on areas of linguistics and folkloristics at one time neglected by symbolic theorists. The book is a detailed study of the symbolic universe of the Dowayos of north Cameroon, as displayed in their ritual and beliefs. Considering matters as diverse as their oral literature, their material culture and their festivals, Dr Barley's analysis develops by unfolding sequentially a map of the symbolic structures that underlie Dowayo culture and shape their apperception of the world about them. This book will be particularly useful for students. It will also interest all anthropologists concerned with the study of symbolism and with the application to anthropology of models derived from linguis
定價:1624 元, 優惠價:9 1462
Swahili ─ A Language Map
作者:Inc. Bilingual Books (COR)  出版社:Bilingual Books Inc  出版日:2010/01/30 裝訂:平裝
Whether you’re going on safari in the Serengeti or diving off the shores of Zanzibar, you’ll have more fun if you can speak the language and participate in the culture.?Where is??”, ?Do you have??” an
定價:378 元, 優惠價:1 378
Japanese ― A Language Map
作者:Kristine K. Kershul  出版社:Pgw  出版日:2014/11/04 裝訂:平裝
A trip to Japan is fascinating. Its rich culture and ancient traditions are elegant and enchanting. Whether you’re on vacation or traveling on business, you’ll want the local language in your pocket a
定價:378 元, 優惠價:1 378
作者:Rosalind Galt  出版社:Columbia Univ Pr  出版日:2006/03/20 裝訂:精裝
New European Cinema offers a compelling response to the changing cultural shapes of Europe, charting political, aesthetic, and historical developments through innovative readings of some of the most p
The New European Cinema: Redrawing the Map
作者:Rosalind Galt  出版社:Columbia Univ Pr  出版日:2006/04/01 裝訂:平裝
"New European Cinema" offers a compelling response to the changing cultural shapes of Europe, charting political, aesthetic, and historical developments through innovative readings of some of the most
定價:1292 元, 優惠價:9 1163
Cultural Map of Wisconsin ─ Wisconsin's History, Culture, Land, & People More Than 1200 Sites F Interest
作者:David Woodward; Robert Ostergren; Onno Brouwer; Steven Hoelscher; Joshua Hane  出版社:Univ of Wisconsin Pr  出版日:1996/11/01 裝訂:平裝
This extraordinary map, the first of its kind created for any state, is a wonderful way to discover the history, culture, land, and people of Wisconsin. Nearly 1500 points of interest are located on t
定價:583 元, 優惠價:1 583
The History Of Western Culture: An Extraordinary Map Of The History Of Ideas: How To Improve Science
作者:Vannesa Dimiceli  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2021/06/02 裝訂:平裝
定價:624 元, 優惠價:1 624
The Imperial Map ─ Cartography and the Mastery of Empire
作者:James R. Akerman (EDT)  出版社:Univ of Chicago Pr  出版日:2009/02/15 裝訂:精裝
Maps from virtually every culture and period—from Babylonian world maps to Saul Steinberg’s famous New Yorker cover illustration, “View of the World from 9th Avenue”—convey our tendency to see our com
定價:2660 元, 優惠價:9 2394
Tree ─ Belief/Culture/Balance
作者:Ralph Lemon  出版社:Univ Pr of New England  出版日:2004/05/28 裝訂:平裝
Tree is the second installment in Ralph Lemon's critically acclaimed performance trilogy and documents his travels through India, Indonesia, China and Japan as he retraces the Buddha migration map. Mo
定價:1573 元, 優惠價:1 1573
Class, Self, Culture
作者:Beverley Skeggs  出版社:Routledge UK  出版日:2003/12/01 裝訂:平裝
Class, Self, Culture puts class back on the map in a novel way by taking a new look at how class is made and given value through culture. It shows how different classes become attributed with value, e
定價:2833 元, 優惠價:9 2550
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