An updated look at best rules ofinvesting provided by two ofthe world's greatest financial thinkers In the updated edition ofTheElementsofInvesting, authors Charles Ellis and Burton Malkiel—two
A blueprint to successful value investing Successful value investors have an ingrained mental framework through which all investments decisions are made. This framework, which stems from the father of
Sustainable investing is an approach to investing driven by the long-term economic, environmental, and social risks and opportunities facing the global economy. It can also encompass elementsof ethic
The book examines the origins and development ofthe modern liberal tradition and explores the relationship between republicanism and liberalism between 1750 and 1830. The authors consider the diverse settings of Scotland, the American colonies, the new United States, and France and examine the writings of six leading thinkers of this period: Adam Smith, Adam Ferguson, James Madison, Thomas Paine, Germaine de Staël, and Benjamin Constant. The book traces the process by which these thinkers transformed and advanced the republican project, both from within and by introducing new elements from without. Without compromising civic principles or abandoning republican language, they came to see that unrevised, the republican tradition could not grapple successfully with the political problems oftheir time. By investing new meanings, arguments, and justifications into existing republican ideas and political forms, these innovators fashioned a doctrine for a modern republic, the core of which
The book examines the origins and development ofthe modern liberal tradition and explores the relationship between republicanism and liberalism between 1750 and 1830. The authors consider the diverse settings of Scotland, the American colonies, the new United States, and France and examine the writings of six leading thinkers of this period: Adam Smith, Adam Ferguson, James Madison, Thomas Paine, Germaine de Staël, and Benjamin Constant. The book traces the process by which these thinkers transformed and advanced the republican project, both from within and by introducing new elements from without. Without compromising civic principles or abandoning republican language, they came to see that unrevised, the republican tradition could not grapple successfully with the political problems oftheir time. By investing new meanings, arguments, and justifications into existing republican ideas and political forms, these innovators fashioned a doctrine for a modern republic, the core of which
“Long a secret weapon for the hedge-fund elite,” says Trader Monthly, the DeMark Indicators are now used by more than 35,000 traders. This book provides an easy-to-follow system for using the indicators to identify market turns as they happen.Author Jason Perl gives a concise introduction to thirty-nine ofthe DeMark Indicators, and then shows how to combine the indicators and time frames to achieve a higher probability of trading success. Thomas R. DeMark, the creator ofthe DeMark Indicators and one ofthe most well-respected practitioners of technical analysis wrote the Foreword to this book. This is the second book in the Bloomberg Market Essentials™: Technical Analysis series, which covers the key elementsofthe most widely used technical analysis tools. Silver Medal Winner, Investing Category, Axiom Business Book Awards (2009)Winner: Book Series Cover Design, The Bookbinders Guild of New York/2009 New York Book Show Awards
TheElementsofInvesting: Easy Lessons for Every Investor由兩位享譽國際的投資大師麥基爾和艾里士所著的短小精幹袋裝書,2009年初版,深受廣大投資者歡迎;及後更在2013年因應後金融海嘯時代推出增訂版。天窗出版獲John Wiley & Sons授權,推出中文翻譯版。 最新增訂版,由兩位享譽國際的投資大師──《漫步華爾街》名著作者、