Describes the three great revolutions in its history, and the fourth which is happening now. This title brings the crisis into full view and points toward our future.
The USA has been going through a new kind of revolution, which though it did not literally overthrow the government, transformed racial, gender, and other social relationships, and bequeathed the deep
In The Fourth Revolution, John Micklethwait and Adrian Wooldridge ask: what is the state actually for? Their remarkable book describes the three great revolutions in its history, and the fourth which
From the bestselling authors of The Right Nation, a visionary argument that our current crisis in government is nothing less than the fourth radical transition in the history of the nation-stateDysfun
From the bestselling authors of The Right Nation, a visionary argument that our current crisis in government is nothing less than the fourth radical transition in the history of the nation-state
Digital is far-reaching and ubiquitous - everything you know is about to change. We are living in the fourth age of humanity. First, we became human. Then we became civilized. The third age saw the cr
The USA has been going through a new kind of revolution, which though it did not literally overthrow the government, transformed racial, gender, and other social relationships, and bequeathed the deep
Professor Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, argues that we on the brink of a technological revolution unlike anything humankind has experienced before, and desc