Don't you ever, You up in the sky, Don't you ever get tired Of having the clouds between you and us? -- Nootka Prayer There are Sweets of Pathos, when Sweets of Mirth have passed away -- -- Emily
Guiding the reader through the stages of mystical prayer—a way to create a living relationship with the Divine within the heart—this book draws upon Christian and Sufi sources such as St. Teresa of Av
Those who pray the Lord's Prayer from their heart in the spirit of the prayer will find a deeper relationship with God, promises Mary Lou Redding in this 6-week study of Jesus' model prayer.And those
People know the words of the Lord's Prayer by heart. With the words repeated so often, the freshness and meaning begins to disappear. This book contains original Biblical texts.
Before Claudia Masters even meets Seth Lessinger, she leaves him a message from the Psalms: "May the Lord give you the desire of your heart." She knows there's something different about this man. Some
Michael Widmer reconsiders the significance of the canonical portrayal of Moses as intercessor. At the heart of this study is a close reading of Exodus 32-34 and Numbers 13-14 with particular focus on
Rev. James Kubicki, S.J., national director of the Apostleship of Prayer, offers a lively introduction to one of the greatest Catholic devotionsthe Sacred Heart of Jesusshowing how the Heart of Christ
Elizabeth George, author of the bestseller A Young Woman After God's Own Heart (more than 300,000 copies sold), now shows teen women how to make prayer a part of their busy lives.From her own journey
You are invited to discover a new love for God, come into a deeper prayer life, and see the results of your prayers. Sister Ann Shields brings her warm speaking style to this book about our joyful obl