全球暢銷60萬冊的當責經典、《紐約時報》暢銷書 把「那不是我的工作」「告訴我該怎麼做」當成口頭禪,找人抱怨博取同情、頻頻訴苦尋求慰藉,以為四處取暖,就能逃避責任、推卸責任——其實,這就是陷入了「被害者循環」。一本書,讓人即刻起脫離抱怨、否認、怪罪、等待的被害者循環,採取正視現實、承擔責任、解決問題、著手完成的當責步驟,交出成果、達成目標!本書以《綠野仙蹤》(The Wizard of Oz)為架
The Oz Principle is the groundbreaking work that demonstrated the vital role of accountability in the achievement of business results and the improvement of both individual and organizational performa
The Oz Principle is the groundbreaking work that demonstrates the vital role of accountability in the achievement of business results and the improvement of both individual and organizational performa
The groundbreaking work that demonstrated the vital role of accountability in the achievement of business results and the improvement of both individual and organizational performance.
The Oz Principle is the groundbreaking work that demonstrates the vital role of accountability in the achievement of business results and the improvement of both individual and organizational performa
A decade ago, The Oz Principle took the business world by storm. At its root, the principle works like this: Like Dorothy and the gang in The Wizard of Oz, most businesspeople have the tools to succe
The definitive book on workplace accountability by the New York Times bestselling authors of How Did That Happen? Since it was originally published in 1994, The Oz Principle has sold nearly 600,000 c
Connors and Smith explore the direct link between a company's culture and the results it produces, providing a program to transform entrenched patterns into potent new ways of being and doing. Getting
An updated and more modern edition of Partners In Leadership's classic guide to personal and organizational accountability. The Oz Principle has sold more than a million copies since it debuted in 199
Vivimos inmersos en un mundo de excusas, donde a menudo encontramos manera de autojustificarnos para presentarnos como víctimas más que como protagonistas de nuestro propio futuro. El principio de Oz
A revised edition of a strategic guide by the best-selling authors of The Oz Principle demonstrates how professional leaders can enable record-breaking results by creating a people-centric organizatio
The bestselling authors of The Oz Principle return with a time-tested guide for achieving more in life Since 1994, New York Times bestseller The Oz Principle has been the bible of business ac
Building on the success of their previous book, The Oz Principle, Connors and Smith explore the direct link between a company’s culture and the results it produces. Journey To The Emerald City
The hugely popular bestselling authors of The Oz Principle take readers to the next level of experiencing the results of personal and team accountability by revealing the sixteen accountability traits
The hugely popular bestselling authors of The Oz Principle take readers to the next level of experiencing the results of personal and team accountability by revealing the si
把事情做完,是負責;把事情做對、做好,是當責(accountability)。隨時自問:「我能多做什麼,把事情做對又做好?」就能脫離受害者循環,進而勇於當責、交出成果、達成目標。 這套經典叢書是「當責三部曲」,包括個人篇的《當責,從停止抱怨開始》(The Oz Principle)、組織篇的《從負責到當責》(How Did that Happen?),以及企業文化篇的《建立當責文化》(Chang