全球約有14,000種冷血動物,在本書中可以身歷其境地與來自各地的20多位代表,進行一次近距離接觸!如何判斷蛇類是否有毒?變色龍是如何改變顏色的?為什麼日本大鯢(俗稱大山椒魚)在野外非常罕見?試著挪動世界上最大的蜥蜴科莫多巨蜥。發現巨大陸龜加拉巴哥象龜的秘密。欣賞(但不能觸摸!)顏色鮮豔的箭毒蛙。從茂密的森林到泥濘的濕地,從沙地荒漠到湍急河流,讓我們一起體驗爬行動物和兩棲動物的非凡世界!Adventures with Reptiles and Amphibians is an immersive encounter with more than 20 representatives of some 14,000 cold-blooded species worldwide. How can you tell if a snake is venomous? How does the chameleon change its colours? Why is the Japanese giant salamander a rare sight in the wild? Lumber with the world's largest lizard, the komodo dragon. Discover the secrets of the Galapagos tortoise. And admire (but don't touch!) the brightly coloured poison dart frog. From leafy forests to muddy wetlands, and sandy deserts to fast-flowing rivers, experience the remarkable world of reptiles and amphibians as never before!
全球約有14,000種冷血動物,在本書中可以身歷其境地與來自各地的20多位代表,進行一次近距離接觸!如何判斷蛇類是否有毒?變色龍是如何改變顏色的?為什麼日本大鯢(俗稱大山椒魚)在野外非常罕見?試著挪動世界上最大的蜥蜴科莫多巨蜥。發現巨大陸龜加拉巴哥象龜的秘密。欣賞(但不能觸摸!)顏色鮮豔的箭毒蛙。從茂密的森林到泥濘的濕地,從沙地荒漠到湍急河流,讓我們一起體驗爬行動物和兩棲動物的非凡世界!Adventures with Reptiles and Amphibians is an immersive encounter with more than 20 representatives of some 14,000 cold-blooded species worldwide. How can you tell if a snake is venomous? How does the chameleon change its colours? Why is the Japanese giant salamander a rare sight in the wild? Lumber with the world's largest lizard, the komodo dragon. Discover the secrets of the Galapagos tortoise. And admire (but don't touch!) the brightly coloured poison dart frog. From leafy forests to muddy wetlands, and sandy deserts to fast-flowing rivers, experience the remarkable world of reptiles and amphibians as never before!
Children will be fascinated to discover fearsome facts about the speed, claws and venomous jaws of the world's deadliest animals as they complete the fun puzzles in this book. Packed with information, the puzzles are also designed to encourage and develop key maths, language and reasoning skills.
專論ARTICLES 4淺談農地消失對蛙類的生存威脅Impacts of agricultural land loss on the survival of amphibians林湧倫、林大利、楊懿如Yung-Lun Lin . Da-Li Lin . Yi-Ju Yang 特輯REPORTS 16人為活動對蓮華池豎琴蛙之威脅與保育行動Impacts of human activities on the population of harpist frog, Nidirana okinavana , in Lienhuachih Experimental Forest and the corresponding conservation action林春富、傅昭憲、陳運萱、蔡雅芬Chun-Fu Lin . Jhao-Sian Fu . Yun-Shiuan Chen . Ya-Fen Tsai 28世界刺毒魚類簡介Introduction of venomous fishes of the world曹德祺Tak-Kei Chou 42有點熟又不太熟的臺灣產浮萍類植物Lemnoideae of Taiwan, superficially familiar but not so if looking closely林家榮Chia-Long Lin 保育資訊INFORMATION 54圓白星椿象的多配偶現象Polygamy in Eysarcoris guttigerus (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae)鹿兒陽Erh-Yang Lu 62臺灣本島新紀錄蟬種──黃蟪蛄First record of Platypleura hilpa (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) on Taiwan Island陳建宏、王惟加、程志中Jian-Hong Chen . Uika Ong . Jyh-Jong Cherng 68翠翼鳩夏秋育雛全紀錄Observation of the breeding behavior of Asian Emerald Dove, Chalcophaps indica , in Taiwan鄭清文Cing-Wun Jheng 7
哈利波特精裝插畫版《鳳凰會的密令》全新出版!面對黑魔王的回歸,秘密地下組織「鳳凰會」再次集結…全彩、大開本、緞帶書籤、全新繪製的精美插畫圖,哈利波特迷不可錯過的完美收藏。The fifth book in the beloved, bestselling Harry Potter series, now illustrated in brilliant full color.There is a door at the end of a silent corridor. And it's haunting Harry Potter's dreams. Why else would he be waking in the middle of the night, screaming in terror? It's not just the upcoming O.W.L. exams; a new teacher with a personality like poisoned honey; a venomous, disgruntled house-elf; or even the growing threat of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Now Harry Potter is faced with the unreliability of the very government of the magical world and the impotence of the authorities at Hogwarts. Despite this (or perhaps because of it), he finds depth and strength in his friends, beyond what even he knew; boundless loyalty; and unbearable sacrifice.This stunning illustrated edition brings together the talents of award-winning artists Jim Kay and Neil Packer in a visual feast, featuring iconic scenes and mu
Did you know that a grizzly bear’s bite is strong enough to crush a bowling ball? Or that a breed of dog yodels instead of barking? How about that wombat poop is cube-shaped?Bursting with fascinating, fun-tastic facts, this treasure trove of all things animals leaves no habitat unexplored or unusual animal ability unmentioned! Ever wonder how smart a chicken is? Why a tiny island is home to thousands of venomous snakes? What sound a rhino makes when it’s happy? Find these answers and 4,997 more in this captivating and colorful collection!Featuring vibrant photography and a bold, eye-catching design, this treasure trove is perfect for both the casual browser and the truly fact-obsessed!Complete your collection with:5,000 Awesome Facts (About Everything!)5,000 Awesome Facts (About Everything!) 25,000 Awesome Facts (About Everything!) 3
Carl H. and Evelyn M. Ernst have completely revised their landmark reference Venomous Reptiles of North America to present the most comprehensive review of these animals in years. The first volume co
Locke Vinetti is a high school junior, disenchanted and more than a little hostile. In fact, for years he's had a lousy social life because of a problem he has with his anger--a force he calls "the ve
Locke Vinetti is a high school junior, disenchanted, and more than a little hostile. For years he’s had a problem with his anger—a force he calls “the venom”—that surfaced at age eight when he bit off