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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:庫爾特.貝克  出版社:美藝學苑出版社  出版日:2024/08/01 裝訂:平裝
★ 上市後再版不斷,補習班、課輔老師推薦用書 ★國、高中生都適用!天體物理學博士的「基礎物理圖解大全」國立自然科學博物館館長/焦傳金、賽先生科學工廠創辦人/林厚進,好評推薦!建構「物理基礎」的最強課外輔助讀物! 本書涵蓋國、高中生物理課程中,從基礎到進階的核心主題, 用創新的圖像視覺學習法,以有助於快速記憶的插圖、圖表、圖例, 加上簡潔有力的說明,幫你快速奠定最全面的物理根基。 從力學的牛頓定律、直線運動、旋轉運動、質量守恆定律、電力, 到場域和力學、法拉第感應定律、現代物理學、宇宙的起源與盡頭, 用一本書,掌握物理必學13大主題,易讀、好懂,充滿趣味性! 培養自然科學軟實力的視覺圖解百科! 你知道力的作用有多少種類?半導體為什麼左右科技發展嗎? 因為有電,我們不必活在伸手不見五指的永夜,但電怎麼來?光又是什麼原理? 從日常生活到宇宙形成,整個世界的運作,可以說都是建構在物理的基礎上! 書中以力、電、熱、光等13個物理學關鍵元素為章節, 以豐富的邏輯性圖像,將複雜知識視覺化,易讀、好懂、好記憶, 帶你無壓力探索不可思議、充滿樂趣的物理世界! 無論是對物理感興趣,想要課外輔助讀物,還是正在找尋教材, 這本書都能滿足你的需求,用更宏觀的角度,建構最強物理基礎!本書特色 特色1:簡單有趣的物理基礎!從生活的角度切入,深入淺出的解說,帶你快速理解課程內容。 特色2:加強記憶的視覺圖解!將複雜構造圖像化,一眼看懂力學、光學、熱力學的整體架構。 特色3:系統化的物理科普書!貼合課程需求,最適合國高中生的補充教材,奠定科學軟實力。亞馬遜讀者★★★★★好評推薦 「書裡的插圖很棒,能夠把主題圖像化,非常適合入門或複習。」──J Rose 「我是一名ADHD的高中生,需要更多課外輔助才能理解課程內容,這本書非常有用!」──Teresa 「我兒子從圖書館借了這本書後讀個不停,最後我們自己買了一本。」──Dan 「當我把書送給侄子時,我妹妹翻了白眼,沒人覺得8歲的小孩會喜歡它。結果他把書放在床頭,超級喜歡!」──Natalie
定價:580 元, 優惠價:79 458
作者:海倫.皮契爾  出版社:美藝學苑出版社  出版日:2024/08/29 裝訂:平裝
★ 上市後再版不斷,補習班、課輔老師推薦用書 ★由細胞生物學博士、國際科學雜誌專業筆者所寫,以系統化邏輯完整爬梳的「基礎生物圖解大全」。國立自然科學博物館館長/焦傳金、賽先生科學工廠創辦人/林厚進,好評推薦!最適合國、高中生的生物補充課外讀物!本書內容涵蓋國、高中生物課程,從基礎到進階的核心主題,帶你用創新的圖像視覺學習法,以有助於快速記憶的插圖、圖表、圖例,加上簡潔有力的說明,讓複雜的生物知識零壓力吸收!書中包括從生命起源的生物概論、細胞結構、性別決定與遺傳,再到生物進化史、生物圈分類、人體結構功能與疾病、生態系統與溫室效應,一次掌握生物學的11大主題,易讀、好懂、充滿趣味性!不僅能夠培養生命科學軟實力,也是學習基礎生物不可或缺的最佳圖文百科!你知道動物細胞與植物細胞的差別嗎?哪些生物是無性生殖?哪些動物是靠溫度決定性別?當體內細胞停止運作會發生什麼狀況?又容易引發什麼疾病?全書共分為11章節,以生命的誕生為起點,探討DNA、蛋白質與細胞的生物結構,透過天擇演化論,掌握整體概念,進而學習生物的分類法、人體運作及人類的未來。無論做為國高中生的自學書、課外讀物,或者老師用來輔助教學的課程教材,都可以讓「生物課」精彩又有趣,快速內建完整的生物概念!◎ 亞馬遜讀者★★★★★好評推薦:「我是一名家教,不斷在尋找更好的教材。這本書的視覺效果非常出色,配合的文字也恰到好處,很容易理解。」──Andrew Menzie「我買了這本書送朋友的女兒,她即將進入高中。學校教的內容對她來說太難,因為教得太快了。她告訴我,這本書很有幫助!」──Nana7「這是視覺型學習者的極佳資源。書中知識量大,表達方式卻簡單易懂,非常棒。」──AKStevenson「我超喜歡這本書!我正在大學裡準備一門生物課,但我對生物一無所知,還好有這本書。」──Kaela◎ 本書特色:特色1:最生動有趣的教學法!深入淺出的重點式說明,以貼近生活的角度介紹生物基礎。特色2:以圖像掌握整體概念!將複雜的知識視覺化,一眼看懂細胞、遺傳、演化的結構。特色3:系統化的生物科普書!以11大主題建構生物學的基礎,培養紮實的科學軟實力。
定價:580 元, 優惠價:79 458
作者:阿里.塞澤  出版社:美藝學苑出版社  出版日:2024/08/29 裝訂:平裝
★ 上市後再版不斷,補習班、課輔老師推薦用書 ★第一本由化學與材料工程博士撰寫的「基礎化學圖解大全」,最適合國、高中生的物理補充課外讀物!國立自然科學博物館館長/焦傳金、賽先生科學工廠創辦人/林厚進,好評推薦!本書涵蓋國、高中化學課程中,從基礎到進階的核心主題,透過創新的圖像視覺學習法,將簡潔有力的說明,以強而有力的圖像輔助, 讓複雜的化學知識成為引人入勝的插圖、圖表和圖例,不必死背就能建構完整概念!包括什麼是科學的核心?從原子、核子化學、原子中的電子、量子數和元素週期表,到化學鍵的類型、分子化合物的結構、如何定義酸和鹼、平衡熱力學、電化學等等,一書掌握化學的14大基本概念,不僅易讀、好懂,充滿趣味,更有助於記憶,是培養自然科學軟實力的最佳視覺圖解百科!你知道嗎?宇宙中所有具有質量和體積的東西,包含我們日常生活中的食、衣、住、行,都是建構在化學之上!如果沒有化學,我們很難理解周圍的一切是如何運作?如何轉變?又是為何轉變? 在這本書中,我們將透過14個章節,以圖文並茂的視覺學習法,帶你觀察、實驗、假設理論,並深入理解物質的質量、顏色、氣味和密度,由深入淺,進入變化多端的化學世界,探索基礎化學的不同面向。無論是想要自學的人,有教課需求的人或是化學愛好者,這都是一本有助於快速內建化學整體概念的必備好書!◎ 亞馬遜讀者★★★★★好評推薦:「我第一次看到插圖這麼豐富的科普書,自己讀就很好懂,連我10歲的孩子都非常喜歡!」──SRINIVASA MANIKANTH PASUMARTI「這是一本很適合高中生的輔助教材。每章最後的總結,完整連接了所有概念。」──Lauren「這本書在翻閱時充滿樂趣,光看圖片就很有趣,解釋也簡明扼要。」──Svetik「書裡的插圖很多,對於理解內容很有幫助。」──Kayce◎ 本書特色:特色1:化學原來這麼有趣!創新視覺學習法,不必死背就能建構完整概念。特色2:用圖像開啟化學腦!逐一拆解原子、元素和化學公式,輕鬆理解化學中的「為什麼」。特色3:史上最強化學科普!一看就懂的系統化說明,快速奠定科學基礎、提高升學實力。
定價:580 元, 優惠價:79 458
作者:肯.阿什韋爾  出版社:美藝學苑出版社  出版日:2024/08/29 裝訂:平裝
★ 上市後再版不斷,補習班、課輔老師推薦用書 ★第一本由解剖學教授撰寫,完整解構身體機制的「基礎人體圖解大全」。國立自然科學博物館館長/焦傳金、賽先生科學工廠創辦人/林厚進,好評推薦!最適合國、高中生的人體補充課外讀物!本書涵蓋從基礎到進階的人體構造相關知識, 帶你用創新的圖像視覺學習法,以強而有力的圖像輔助,加上簡潔有力的說明, 以準確又繽紛的插圖、圖表和圖例,讓你一看秒懂複雜的人體知識!包括從人體概述、細胞皮膚的結構、骨頭關節、肌肉系統、神經感覺系統,到心血管、免疫淋巴、呼吸、消化、泌尿、生殖、內分泌等,一次掌握在我們身體裡的11大系統,易讀、好懂,充滿趣味性!是想要深入瞭解人體構造,不可或缺的最佳圖文百科!你知道,我們的身體是由37兆個細胞協力構成組織、再組裝成器官的嗎?你知道,人體收縮最快的肌肉是在哪裡嗎?你知道,嬰兒骨頭數比成人多?把血管接起來會長達10萬公里嗎?本書以豐富的圖片式解說,深入淺出驚奇連連的人體世界,從微小的免疫細胞構成,到維繫生命系統的複雜大腦、心臟或肝臟,透過12個章節,帶你一同拆解我們的身體運作機制!無論是自學讀物還是課程教材,這本書都能滿足你的需求!◎ 亞馬遜讀者★★★★★好評推薦:「這本書正是我閱讀障礙的女兒所需要的!繽紛的圖片完整解釋了內容,大力推薦給視覺型學習者。」──Teresa McDaniel「我認為這本書非常棒,尤其是插圖!豐富的色彩孩子很喜歡,對大人來說也更好理解。」──Svetik「我滿意這本書的全部,包括精美插圖和知識,是非常好的輔助!」──Carlita Willis-Stallings「多麼精彩的一本書啊!書中的圖片色彩繽紛,我們很喜歡它!」──Erica◎ 本書特色:特色1:專業與樂趣兼具!醫學教授親自撰寫,循序漸進探索人體構造,最好懂的人體入門書。特色2:創新視覺學習法!將複雜的知識畫成生動插圖,有助於快速建構人體系統的全面概念。特色3:進入醫學院前的最佳讀物!透過熟悉人體臟器運作模式,輕鬆奠定「準醫師」的基礎。
定價:580 元, 優惠價:79 458
Visual Learning: Human Anatomy: An Illustrated Guide for All Ages
作者:Ken Ashwell  出版社:BARRONS EDUCATION SERIES  出版日:2021/11/02 裝訂:平裝
定價:646 元, 優惠價:79 510
Visual Learning: Chemistry: An Illustrated Guide for All Ages
作者:Ali O. Sezer  出版社:BARRONS EDUCATION SERIES  出版日:2021/11/02 裝訂:平裝
定價:646 元, 優惠價:79 510
作者:Sharon Clark; Andrew P. Winterstein  出版社:PBKTYFRL  出版日:2024/11/04 裝訂:精裝
Visual Learning: Biology: An Illustrated Guide for All Ages
作者:Helen Pilcher  出版社:BARRONS EDUCATION SERIES  出版日:2020/12/01 裝訂:平裝
定價:760 元, 優惠價:79 600
作者:Vishal Goar(EDI)  出版社:Springer  出版日:2024/10/11 裝訂:精裝
作者:Kumar Swarnkar; Suman; Sharma; Annu; Somasekar; J.; Bhushan; Bharat (Sharda University; India)  出版社:PBKTYFRL  出版日:2024/11/25 裝訂:精裝
Amazing Visual Math (精裝本)
作者:Inc. Dorling Kindersley (COR)  出版社:Dk Pub  出版日:2014/06/16 裝訂:精裝
Covering the essential math concepts learned in the first years of school, Amazing Visual Math brings a whole new dimension to learning. Amazing Visual Math is an interactive hands-on experience that
定價:646 元, 優惠價:79 510
Matching Game Book-Colors/Zoom/Bugs and Other Little Critters (硬頁推拉書)(共3本)
作者:Stephanie Babin; Julie Mercier; Ben Newman (ILT)  出版社:Twirl  出版日:2021/03/16 裝訂:硬頁書
Learning while playing is the name of the game: Parents are forever looking for things to keep children entertained while on a road trip-whether it's a 10-minute ride to Grandma's house or a flight across the country They'll find the perfect solution in Twirl's Matching Game Books.- Four activities in one Slide the panels to find matching pairs; spot the creatures in the big picture; identify them by their characteristics; play hide-and seek with the matching pairs, or even come up with games of their own- An interactive game book that trains visual memory, increases attention to detail, and builds vocabulary too- Colorful and whimsical illustrations of a wide variety of bugs and little creaturesFans of Matching Game Book: Bugs will also enjoy the interactive learning in other books in the Matching Game Book series, including Animals, Zoom , and Colors.- Ideal for travelling and learning on the go- Books for 3-5 years old- Books for preschool and kindergarten learning
庫存 > 10
定價:1862 元, 優惠價:79 1471
English for Everyone Business English Level 2 Practice Book (with Online Audio)(平裝本)(英國版)
作者:DK  出版社:DK UK (Dorling Kindersley)  出版日:2017/01/16 裝訂:平裝
English for Everyone is an exciting and comprehensive self-study course for adults learning English as a foreign language. This course is a unique new series with a visual, engaging, and easy to follow style to make the English language easy to learn. Learn business English by reinforcing key language skills, grammar rules, and vocabulary with listening, speaking, reading, and writing exercises.This unique course is easy to use, starting at beginner level and working up to advanced English to help you grow in confidence as you learn. This Business English Intermediate Practice Book introduces business topics such as interpersonal skills, meeting vocabulary, emailing a client, and attending interviews. Audio material is provided at every stage through the English For Everyone website and Android/iOS apps to provide vital experience of spoken English and make even tricky phrases easy to understand.Perfect for personal study or to support exams including TOEFL and IELTS, English for Every
定價:945 元, 優惠價:79 747
Busy Little Hands: Art Play!: Activities for Preschoolers
作者:Meredith Magee Donnelly  出版社:Storey Books  出版日:2020/10/13 裝訂:精裝
This visual activity book specially designed for preschoolers sparks creativity and fosters hands-on learning through easy, open-ended art projects that use paint, papers, clay, and other common art s
定價:570 元, 優惠價:79 450
Italian for Everyone Junior First Words Flash Cards (英國版)
作者:DK  出版社:DK UK (Dorling Kindersley)  出版日:2023/02/02 裝訂:盒裝
Learn 100 essential first words with this pack of beautifully illustrated flashcards, perfect for children learning to read and speak Italian. Make learning a new language fun with this pack of 100 beautifully illustrated flash cards. Young learners of Italian will be captivated and engaged by the dynamic, visual approach that sets Italian for Everyone Junior apart from other language materials for children.Italian for Everyone Junior: Flash Cards have been designed for children who are starting to read and speak Italian. Each beautifully illustrated card features an image plus an essential first word, introducing nouns, verbs, and adjectives. On the reverse of the card, just the image is shown so children can test their knowledge.Interactive and engaging, these flash cards for kids include: - A beautifully illustrated pack of 105 flash cards for young children who are learning Italian either as a first or second language. - An essential first word and an illustration on each card, to
定價:384 元, 優惠價:79 303
French for Everyone Junior First Words Flash Cards (英國版)
作者:DK  出版社:DK UK (Dorling Kindersley)  出版日:2023/02/02 裝訂:盒裝
Learn 100 essential first words with this pack of beautifully illustrated flashcards, perfect for children learning to read and speak French. Make learning a new language fun with this pack of 100 beautifully illustrated flash cards. Young learners of French will be captivated and engaged by the dynamic, visual approach that sets French for Everyone Junior apart from other language materials for children.French for Everyone Junior: Flash Cards have been designed for children who are starting to read and speak French. Each beautifully illustrated card features an image plus an essential first word, introducing nouns, verbs, and adjectives. On the reverse of the card, just the image is shown so children can test their knowledge.Interactive and engaging, these flash cards for kids include: - A beautifully illustrated pack of 105 flash cards for young children who are learning French either as a first or second language. - An essential first word and an illustration on each card, to help y
定價:384 元, 優惠價:79 303
Microsoft Access 2013 Plain & Simple
作者:Andrew Couch  出版社:Microsoft Pr  出版日:2013/04/02 裝訂:平裝
Learn the simplest ways to get things done with Microsoft Access 2013Get the full-color, visual guide that makes learning Microsoft Access 2013 plain and simple! Follow the book’s easy steps and scree
定價:1125 元, 優惠價:1 1125
English for Everyone Business English Course Book, Level 1 (with Online Audio)(平裝本)(美國版)
作者:Inc. Dorling Kindersley (COR)  出版社:DK Pub  出版日:2017/01/17 裝訂:平裝
Build your English language skills and grow your career with English for Everyone: Business, Course Book.A visual guide to learning English, English for Everyone: Business, Course Book is a complete s
定價:1138 元, 優惠價:79 899
English for Everyone - English Vocabulary Builder (平裝本)(美國版)*內附音檔網址
作者:DK  出版社:DK Pub  出版日:2017/12/12 裝訂:平裝
A combined reference book and workbook covering over 3,000 entries of essential words and phrases to expand your English vocabulary.Designed around the most up-to-date theories of language acquisition, English for Everyone: English Vocabulary Builder includes all the words and phrases English learners need to know. Question words, feelings, hairstyles, technology, seasons, entertainment, sports, and more are covered and illustrated, plus paired with audio in the accompanying app available for download. Readers can write their own translations and work through practice exercises to improve their English language skills. Ideal for ESL learners at all stages, from beginner to advanced.Series Overview: English for Everyone series teaches all levels of English, from beginner to advanced, to speakers of English as a second language. Innovative visual learning methods introduce key language skills, grammar, and vocabulary, which are reinforced with a variety of speaking, reading, and writing
庫存 > 10
定價:988 元, 優惠價:79 781
Wee Gallery Board Books: Safari (硬頁推拉書)
作者:Surya Pinto  出版社:QED Publishing UK  出版日:2016/03/21 裝訂:硬頁書
這系列有Pets (寵物) 跟 Safari (非洲大草原)兩本。給小小孩的書一定要有硬頁圓角的設計;內頁以黑白呈現,刺激小小孩的視覺發育;推拉的拼圖功能不僅增加親子共讀的樂趣,也訓練小小孩手部肌肉的發育與手眼協調的能力;簡單的英文語句和圖文對照,更兼具了英語學習的功能。Who is very big, has a long nose and has large ears? An elephant! Get ready for some fun and interactive learning with this slide and play board book! Little fingers can easily learn how to move the sliders to reveal four favourite safari animals and their names in this interactive board book. Move the sliders to reveal words and animals with each spread having a Touch & Feel effect. Wee Gallery range This stunning new range of board, cloth, and activity books for pre-schoolers marries fresh design with engaging educational content.The result of a fantastic partnership between Wee Gallery and QED Publishing, the beautiful illustrations, bold lines, whimsical animals, and repeating patterns are designed to stimulate visual development in young infants. Family-run Wee Gallery have over 10 years' experience in graphic design and education, and so thes
庫存 > 10
定價:384 元, 優惠價:79 303
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