In these classic lectures, Richard Feynman first considers the basic ideas of quantum mechanics, treating the concept of amplitude in special detail and emphasizing that other things, such as the comb
First published in 1984, Basic Notions of Condensed Matter Physics is an accessible introduction to some of the most significant concepts in the physics of condensed matter. The general principles of
Combines a two-volume graduate textbook for students with a knowledge of elementary quantum mechanics and statistical physics. NoziFres (statistical physics, College of France, Paris) and Pines (physi
This monograph presents thirty research papers dealing with the classification of strongly interacting particles and their interaction according to the eightfold way. In each chapter the authors' comm
Physics, rather than mathematics, is the focus in this classic graduate lecture note volume on statistical mechanics and the physics of condensed matter. This book provides a concise introduction to basic concepts and a clear presentation of difficult topics, while challenging the student to reflect upon as yet unanswered questions.
Based on lectures given at the University of Illinois in 1961, Elementary Excitations in Solids provides a pedagogical introduction to our present view of solids as a system of interacting electrons a
"A classic from 1969, this book is based on a series of lectures delivered at the Les Houches Summer School of Theoretical Physics in 1955. The book outlines a general scheme of quantum kinema
This practical book provides recipes for the construction of devices used in low temperature experimentation. It emphasizes what works, rather than what might be the optimum method, and lists current
"Graduate students in both theoretical and experimental physics will find this third edition of Intermediate Quantum Mechanics, refined and updated in 1986, indispensable. The first part of the book d