In this book, authors Mabe and Ashley present readers with a comprehensive examination of the current and emerging role of public libraries in the United States to engage in the coordination of re
Library and information scientists describe the new resources and concepts that their professions are making available to educators and researchers in bioinformatics, as libraries become informatio
"This book serves as a practical guide to fostering the kinds of environments and organizational structures that allow teams and individuals to accomplish technology projects; by including sections on
"This book provides modern research on research methods currently facing educational technology and learners. While highlighting the innovative trends and methods, readers will learn valuable ways to
"This book examines how consistent and compatible are the usage reports librarians receive from various e-books vendors by analyzing three vendor cases. It focuses on what types of usage data are deli
"This book explores the emotional dimensions of academic librarianship. It presents concepts that provide some psychological and emotional context to help academic librarians understand their experien
"This book explores how information literacy skills are used by the library and information science professionals on the job the ability to find, evaluate, use and share information is an essential sk
"This book explores the ethics of research and innovation and examines the importance of the protection of human subjects involved in medical and social research and the ethical standards for the publ
While high quality library and information services continue to thrive and strengthen economic and social development, much of the knowledge that exists on user’s needs and behaviors is fundamentally
"This book explores the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) concept with its potential in library and information science domain. It focuses on exploring how library and information science professional
Chinese library and information scientists describe representative projects and academic research in Chinese academic libraries since the 1990s, particularly looking at significant foundational infras