A synthetic assessment of Heidegger’s entire path of thinking as a radical attempt to thematize and rethink the fundamental notions of unity dominating the Western metaphysical tradition.
The a€?theological turna€? in continental philosophy and the a€?turn to Paula€? in political philosophy have occasioned a return to radical theology, a tradition whose philosophical heritage can be tr
A Philosophy of Christian Materialism offers a new religious engagement with the public sphere via means of interdisciplinary analysis and empirical examples, developing what the authors call a Relati
This book examines the question of death in the light of Heidegger's paradigmatic discussion in Being and Time. Although Heidegger's own treatment deliberately refrains from engaging theological persp
Is the affirmation or intensification of life a value in itself? Can life itself be thought? This book breaks new ground in religious and philosophical thinking on the concept of life. It captures a m
This book examines the question of death in the light of Heidegger's paradigmatic discussion in Being and Time. Although Heidegger's own treatment deliberately refrains from engaging theological persp
As a phenomenologist Lacoste is concerned with investigating the human aptitude for experience; as a theologian Lacoste is interested in humanitya€?s potential for a relationship with the divine, what
The story of Martin Heidegger's enigmatic search for truth in the land that inspired his philosophy, Aufenthalte (Sojourns) is the philosophical journal that he kept during his first visit to Greece i