Carrier, Jeffrey C. (Albion College, Michigan, USA),Simpfendorfer, Colin A. (James Cook Univ.),Heithaus, Michael R. (Florida International University, Miami, Florida, USA),Yopak, Kara E. (Uni. of Nor
Virtually every area of research associated with sharks and their relatives has been strongly impacted by the revolutionary growth in technology. The questions we can now ask are very different than t
Over the last decade, the study of shark biology has benefited from the development, refinement, and rapid expansion of novel techniques and advances in technology. These have given new insight into t
There is extensive concern about the impact of fishing on coral reef structure and, conversely, the impact of decreasing coral on fisheries, and stress on coral reefs seems to be increasing due to glo
This book explores the essential aspects of what makes marine mammals physiologically "different" from terrestrial mammals in regard to life in the sea. Neither a collection of scien
There are over 70 species of hagfishes inhabiting the depths of the world’s oceans. Hagfishes are essential benthic organisms that play a vital role in our understanding of the evolutionary origins of
Almost three decades after the publication of the first edition, this book remains the only published single-volume work on fish physiology. The fifth edition is an important reference for new st
Almost three decades after the publication of the first edition, this book remains the only published single-volume work on fish physiology. The fifth edition is an important reference for new st