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William Shakespeare (6)
Macaw Books (COR)/ William Shakespeare (5)
Charles Dickens (3)
Macaw Books (3)
Arthur Conan Doyle Sir/ Stephanie Baudet (ADP)/ Arianna Bellucci (ILT) (2)
Kenneth Grahame (2)
Mark Twain (2)
Robert Louis Stevenson (2)
Rudyard Kipling (2)
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (2)
Stephanie Baudet (2)
Sweet Cherry (2)
William Shakespeare/ Macaw Books (COR) (2)
Charles Dickens/ Phillip Gooden (ADP) (1)
Gemma Barder (1)
Georgia Holland (1)

Sweet Cherry Publishing (40)
Sweet Cherry Pub (37)
Sterling Kids UK (9)
White Star (4)
書林 (4)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

The Complete Bronte Sisters Children's Collection (8本平裝本+音檔QRcode)
作者:Stephanie Baudet  出版社:Sweet Cherry Pub  出版日:2022/02/24 裝訂:有聲書
視聽音檔附音檔QRcode勃朗特姊妹經典小說 8本書套裝 - 適合 7 歲以上兒童輕鬆閱讀!從鬧鬼的約克郡荒原到桑菲爾德莊園高聳的城垛,體驗勃朗特姐妹關於愛、自我發現和家庭爭鬥的著名故事。An 8-book box set of the Bronte sisters classic novels – at an easy-to-read level for age 7+!From the haunted Yorkshire moors to the towering battlements of Thornfield Hall, experience the Bronte sisters’ famous stories of love, self-discovery and family feuds.This 8-book box set includes Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, Shirley, Villette, The Professor and a biography about The Life of the Bronte Sisters.Wuthering HeightsMany years ago, a young homeless boy was taken in at Wuthering Heights. Older now, Heathcliff is set on revenge, and destroying everybody around him.And there is a lonely ghost roaming the moors, who is determined to be reunited with her lover …Jane EyrePlain and poor, Jane Eyre has always been treated unkindly. Her aunt and cousins despise her, and her school is cruel. One day,
定價:3076 元, 優惠價:33 999
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Jane Austen Children's Stories (Easy Classics)(8本平裝本+音檔QRcode)
作者:Sweet Cherry  出版社:Sweet Cherry Publishing  出版日:2020/07/23 裝訂:有聲書
An adaptation of Austen's famous novels, plus her rarely published novella Love and Friendship. A perfect introduction to the works of Jane Austen and classic literature for ages 7+.Includes QR codes for the FREE audiobooks!From the gardens of Pemberley to the spooky halls of Northanger Abbey, join some of literature’s most iconic heroines on their path to self-discovery and true love. An adaptation of Jane Austen’s famous stories, illustrated to introduce children aged 7+ to the classics.This beautifully illustrated eight-book collection includes Emma, Mansfield Park, Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Northanger Abbey, Persuasion, Love & Friendship and a personal journal to inspire children to write their own stories.Sweet Cherry Easy Classics adapts classic literature into stories for children, introducing these timeless tales to a new generation.
定價:3076 元, 優惠價:33 999
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The American Classics Children's Collection (10本平裝本+音檔QRcode)
作者:Sweet Cherry Publishing  出版社:Sweet Cherry Pub  出版日:2022/09/01 裝訂:有聲書
From dapper parties with Gatsby in 1920s New York to sailing the ocean in search of the monstrous white whale Moby Dick, discover American literature’s most iconic classics adapted and illustrated for children aged 7+.This 10-book box set includes The Great Gatsby, Little Women, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Moby Dick, The Call of the Wild, The Age of Innocence, The Portrait of a Lady, Twelve Years a Slave, Rip Van Winkle and The Last of the Mohicans.
定價:3845 元, 優惠價:26 999
The Easy Classics Epic Collection: Tolstoy's War and Peace and Other Stories (10本平裝本+音檔QRcode)
作者:Gemma Barder  出版社:Sweet Cherry Pub  出版日:2021/11/01 裝訂:有聲書
視聽音檔附音檔QRcode從聖彼得堡令人眼花繚亂的舞廳到莫斯科戰火紛飛的街道,體驗這些著名的史詩級的俄國故事。這些故事經過改寫並加上插圖,適合 7 歲以上的年輕讀者,並附音檔QRcode!本套書包含以下10本--托爾斯泰的《戰爭與和平》和《安娜·卡列尼娜》杜斯托也夫斯基的《罪與罰》與《兄弟》契訶夫的《三姊妹》布爾加科夫的《大師與瑪格麗特》屠格涅夫的《父與子》普希金的《尤金·奧涅金》岡察洛夫的《奧勃洛莫夫》萊蒙托夫的《我們時代的英雄》From the dazzling ballrooms of St. Petersburg to the blazing war-torn streets of Moscow, experience these famous, epic Russian stories suitably adapted and illustrated for younger readers aged 7+.Includes QR codes for the FREE audiobooks!This 10-book box set includes adapted and illustrated editions of Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace and Anna Karenina, Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment and The Brothers, Anton Chekhov’s Three Sisters, Mikhail Bulgakov’s The Master and Margarita, Ivan Turgenev’s Fathers and Sons, Alexander Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin, Ivan Goncharov’s Oblomov and Mikhail Lermontov’s A Hero of Our Time.War and PeacePierre is nothing like his confident, handsome friend Andrei. He is awkwa
定價:3845 元, 優惠價:26 999
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Christie and Agatha's Detective Agency 5 Book Box Collection (附音檔QRcode)
作者:Pip Murphy  出版社:Sweet Cherry Pub  出版日:2023/09/07 裝訂:有聲書
附音檔QRcode這部偵探系列以有趣的偵探手法虛構了 1920 年代的發現和事件,讓讀者回到 100 年前!在20世紀長大並不容易。 雖然克莉斯蒂通常會在樹上或在某處嘗試業餘工程,但她那害羞的雙胞胎阿嘉莎卻埋頭讀書,夢想成為作家。他們有著天壤之別。 但當一項科學研究失竊時,他們居然能成為搭檔,克莉絲蒂和阿嘉莎的偵探社誕生了。與雙胞胎偵探一起解開世界各地驚心動魄的謎團!本套書包含以下5本--#1: A Discovery DisappearsWhen Agatha accidentally eats a major scientific discovery (hidden in a sandwich!), it’s a race against time for twins Agatha and Christie to find out who’s trying to ruin physician Sir Alexander Fleming’s reputation.#2: Of Mountains and MotorsMany are unhappy about Mr Alexander Jr’s daring drive to the summit of Ben Nevis, but who is trying to sabotage the record-setting expedition? Willing passengers Christie and Agatha are keen to embark on a rip-roaring adventure, but soon they’re embroiled in a thicker plot than they bargained for.#3: Tombful of TroubleDuring the excavation of an Egyptian pharaoh’s tomb, Christie and Agatha find themselves at the heart of a mystery. Lord and Lady Carnarvon’s dig is in jeopardy unless the thief at the site can be found. But time i
定價:1922 元, 優惠價:52 999
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Hopeless Heroes: The Greek God 10 Book Collection (include free audiobook)
作者:Stella Tarakson  出版社:Sweet Cherry Publishing  出版日:2020/02/06 裝訂:有聲書
附音檔QRcode本套書共10本,每本約208頁。講述了蒂姆貝克 (Tim Baker) 穿越時空並遇見傳奇希臘諸神的冒險經歷。 只是,有時他們讓他的生活變得有點複雜…《絕望英雄》故事有趣,講述希臘神話、冒險以及英雄的意義。 適合中高年級的小朋友。非常適合 Who Let The Gods Out (誰放開諸神) 和 Percy Jackson(波西傑克森) 系列的粉絲。 線上活動包可在 上找到。This ten book collection follows the adventures of Tim Baker as he travels back in time and meets legendary Greek Gods. Only, sometimes they make his life a little complicated…Hopeless Heroes is a fun-filled series about Greek mythology, adventure and what it means to be a hero. Readers aged 6+ will love diving into the world of Tim Baker and his (sort of) friend Hercules.Great for fans of Who Let The Gods Out and the Percy Jackson series. Online activity packs can be found at www.sweetcherrypublishing.com本套書包含以下10本-- Here Comes Hercules! - 9781782263784 Hera's Terrible Trap! - 9781782263791 Arachne's Golden Gloves! - 9781782263470 Problems With Phythagoras! - 9781782263487 Apollo's Mystic Message! - 9781782263494 Jason's Wild Winds
定價:3845 元, 優惠價:29 1099
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The Sherlock Holmes Children's Collection 2 (10本平裝本+音檔QRcode)
作者:Sir Arthur Conan Doyle  出版社:Sweet Cherry Publishing  出版日:2019/07/25 裝訂:有聲書
Foiling sinister mysteries, recovering stolen treasure and defending the honour of the king and the country are all in a day's work for Sherlock Holmes, world-famous amateur detective, and his faithful biographer Watson. An adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes stories, illustrated to introduce children aged 7+ to mystery books and the classics. Includes 10 FREE audiobooks! (QR codes inside) This ten-book set includes A Study In Scarlet, The Sign of the Four, The Blue Carbuncle, The Speckled Band, The Red-Headed League, The Reigate Squires, The Naval Treaty, The Sussex Vampire, The Red Headed League and The Three Students.1. A Study In Scarlet2. The Sign of the Four3. The Blue Carbuncle4. The Speckled Band5. The Red-Headed League6. The Reigate Squires7. The Naval Treaty8. The Sussex Vampire9. The Veiled Lodger10. The Three Students
定價:3845 元, 優惠價:26 999
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The Sherlock Holmes Children's Collection 1 (10本平裝本+音檔QRcode)
作者:Sir Arthur Conan Doyle  出版社:Sweet Cherry Publishing  出版日:2020/07/23 裝訂:有聲書
Sherlock and Watson - the original crime-fighting duo - are back to solve more mysteries! Smashing statues, painting horses, and solving ancient riddles are all in a day's work for this world-famous amateur detective and his faithful biographer. An adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes stories, illustrated to introduce children aged 7+ to mystery books and the classics. Includes 10 FREE audiobooks! (QR codes inside) This ten-book set includes A Scandal In Bohemia, The Copper Beeches, The Six Napoleons, The Engineer's Thumb, Charles Augustus Milverton, Silver Blaze, The Bruce-Partington Plans, The Musgrave Ritual, The Stockbroker's Clerk and The Final Problem.1. Scandal In Bohemia2. The Copper Beeches3. The Six Napoleons4. The Engineer’s Thumb5. Charles Augustus Milverton6. Silver Blaze7. The Bruce-Partington Plans8. The Musgrave Ritual9. The Stockbroker’s Clerk 10. The Final Problem
定價:3845 元, 優惠價:26 999
The Sherlock Holmes Children's Collection (30本平裝本+音檔QRcode)
作者:Stephanie Baudet  出版社:Sweet Cherry Publishing  出版日:2021/07/29 裝訂:有聲書
收錄30篇膾炙人口的經典故事,看柯南道爾爵士筆下這位名偵探如何破解謎案、化解危機。搭配書中的QRcode音檔,帶領讀者穿越到貝克街221B,沉浸於一場場驚心動魄的冒險,及福爾摩斯令人拍案叫絕的精彩推理。Introduce young readers aged 7+ to Sherlock and Watson – the original crime-fighting duo!Catching curious criminals, solving ancient riddles and defending the honour of the king and the country are all in a day’s work for this world-famous detective and his faithful biographer.A collection of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s timeless Sherlock Holmes stories, adapted and illustrated to introduce children aged 7+ to the classics.This 30-book box set includes 01-A Study in Scarlet 血字研究02-The Sign of the Four 四簽名03-The Blue Carbuncle 藍寶石案04-The Speckled Band 花斑帶探案05-The Red-Headed League 紅髮會06-The Reigate Squires 瑞蓋特村之謎07-The Naval Treaty 海軍協約08-The Sussex Vampire 吸血鬼探案09-The Veiled Lodger 蒙面房客探案10-The Three Students 三名學生探案11-A Scandal in Bohemia 波希米亞醜聞12-The Copper Beeches 紅樺莊探案13-The Six Napoleons 六座拿破崙半身像14-The Engineer's Thumb 工程師拇指探案15-Charles Augustus Milverton 米爾沃頓探案16-Silver Blaze 銀斑駒1
定價:11534 元, 優惠價:24 2699
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The Charles Dickens Children's Collection (10本平裝本+音檔QRcode)
作者:Charles Dickens  出版社:Sweet Cherry Publishing  出版日:2020/10/15 裝訂:有聲書
10冊經典搭配QRcode音檔,狄更斯筆下的19世紀倫敦眾生相。Bah humbug! Who says the classics are just for adults? Join Ebeneezer Scrooge on his ghostly Christmas adventure, or follow orphaned Oliver Twist from rags to riches in some of literature’s most famous tales from the foggy streets of Victorian London.Adapted and illustrated for children aged 7+.◆ Includes QR codes to the free audiobooks◆ Engaging illustrations that bring the stories to life◆ A great introduction to classic literature◆ An easy-to-read format adapted for childrenThis 10-book box set includes 01-A Christmas Carol (小氣財神)02-Oliver Twist (孤雛淚)03-The Old Curiosity Shop (老古玩店)04-Great Expectations (遠大前程)05-Nicholas Nickleby (尼古拉斯‧尼克貝)06-Hard Times (困難時期)07-A Tale of Two Cities (雙城記)08-David Copperfield (塊肉餘生錄)09-Bleak House (荒涼山莊)10-Little Dorrit (小杜麗)
定價:3845 元, 優惠價:26 999
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Charles Dickens: A Christmas Carol (Includes a QR code for the FREE audiobook!)
作者:Charles Dickens  出版社:Sweet Cherry Publishing  出版日:2020/10/15 裝訂:平裝
Includes a QR code for the FREE audiobook!Who can help a mean old man to love Christmas? How about a ghost? (… or three!)Scrooge’s heart is colder than snow, he’s richer than half the banks in England
定價:384 元, 優惠價:79 303
Charles Dickens: Oliver Twist (Includes a QR code for the FREE audiobook!)
作者:Charles Dickens  出版社:Sweet Cherry Pub  出版日:2021/09/14 裝訂:平裝
About Sweet Cherry Easy Classics: From Shakespeare to Austen, Sweet Cherry Easy Classics adapts classic literature into stories for children, introducing these timeless tales to a new generation. All
定價:384 元, 優惠價:79 303
Andersen's fairy tales安徒生童話
作者:HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN  出版社:書林  出版日:2010/05/14 裝訂:平裝
安徒生童話─世界最經典、最美麗的童話。 精選童話大師經典童話12篇,書中所使用的英文簡明流暢、難易適中,且篇篇精彩、動人、有趣;能引發閱讀的樂趣,並提昇英文詞彙與閱讀能力。每篇均附有生動的插圖輔助閱讀。打開這本書,走進兒童文學的寶庫,細讀這些神奇美麗,又富有童心與詩意的故事,品嘗幸福的滋味。 本書特色1.文字淺顯易懂,搭配經典插圖,深受各年齡層讀者喜愛。2.書末提供重要字彙的中譯與同義字注釋。
定價:150 元, 優惠價:9 135
The Arabian Nights Children's Collection (Easy Classics) (10本平裝本+音檔QRcode)
作者:Georgia Holland  出版社:Sweet Cherry Publishing  出版日:2023/09/07 裝訂:有聲書
Adapted and illustrated editions of classic Middle Eastern and Asian tales at easy-to-read levels for all ages!Do you want stories with genies, a flying carpet and a magic lamp? Your wish is our command! Join Aladdin, Ali Baba, Sinbad and others on their thrilling adventures. This 10-book set is perfect for young readers to enjoy for a thousand and one nights and beyond ... Suitably adapted and illustrated for younger readers aged 7+.Includes QR codes for the FREE audiobooks!本套書包含以下10個改寫過的故事,並附有插圖Aladdin and the Magic Lamp 阿拉丁神燈Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves 阿里巴巴與40大盜Gulnare of the Sea 海的古納爾Prince Camar and Princess Badoura 卡馬爾王子和巴杜拉公主Sinbad the Sailor 水手辛巴達The Fisherman and the Genie 漁夫與精靈The Magic Horse 神奇的馬The Merchant and the Genie 商人與精靈The Three Princes and the Magic Carpet 三個王子與魔毯Zobeida and the Three Qalandars 佐貝達和三個聖人乞討者
定價:3845 元, 優惠價:26 999
20 Shakespeare Children's Stories: the Complete Collection (20本平裝本+音檔QRcode)
作者:Sweet Cherry  出版社:Sweet Cherry Publishing  出版日:2021/01/28 裝訂:有聲書
20 Shakespeare Children’s Stories – Hardback with FREE audiobooks (20本平裝本+音檔QRcode)01-Hamlet, Prince of DenmarkHamlet is one of the most popular tragedies written by Shakespeare. It tells the sad story of Hamlet; the Prince of Denmark returns home after gearing of his father’s death it is then that he discovers the evil plot of his Uncle Claudius. The play is focused around how Hamlet learns the truth about his father’s death and seeks revenge – only for this to be his own downfall.02-Romeo and JulietRomeo and Juliet needs no introduction. Younger readers with be suitably introduced to one of the greatest love stories ever to be written. Romeo and Juliet is the tragic love story of the “star-crossed lovers,” Romeo and Juliet. Set in the city of Verona, Italy, the play revolves around the feud between two affluent families, the Montagues and the Capulets. Despite the enmity, Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet fall passionately in love and wed in secret. However, the enmity between both d
定價:8789 元, 優惠價:15 1299
The Legends of King Arthur (10本平裝本+音檔QRcode)
作者:Tracey Mayhew  出版社:Sweet Cherry Publishing  出版日:2020/10/15 裝訂:有聲書
試聽音檔 retelling of the Arthurian legends, adapted and illustrated to introduce children aged 7+ to classic folklore.Epic battles, thrilling quests and forbidden love combine in the medieval story of the boy who would be king.A retelling of the Arthurian legends, adapted and illustrated to introduce children aged 7+ to classic folklore. Great to share aloud, just like the original tales.This 10-book box set includes No Ordinary Boy, The Dark Sorceress, The Sword in the Stone, Twelve Rebel Kings, Gawain and the Green Knight, Tristan and Isolde, Lancelot, The Quest for the Holy Grail, The Death of Merlin andThe Fall of Camelot.No Ordinary BoyAll Merlin knows is the village where he mixes potions for wary customers, and dreams strange dreams that sometimes come true. Then a mysterious hooded man appears, seeking a boy with no mortal father, and Merlin is taken far away, to a crumbling tower and a ruthless king.To
定價:3845 元, 優惠價:26 999
作者:NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE  出版社:書林  出版日:2008/05/01 裝訂:平裝
A Christmas Carol
作者:Charles Dickens; Phillip Gooden (ADP)  出版社:Sweet Cherry Pub  出版日:2020/09/29 裝訂:平裝
定價:243 元, 優惠價:79 192
Pride and Prejudice
作者:Jane Austen; Gemma Barder (ADP)  出版社:Sweet Cherry Pub  出版日:2020/09/29 裝訂:平裝
定價:243 元, 優惠價:79 192
The Musgrave Ritual
作者:Arthur Conan Doyle Sir; Stephanie Baudet (ADP); Arianna Bellucci (ILT)  出版社:Sweet Cherry Pub  出版日:2020/10/06 裝訂:平裝
定價:243 元, 優惠價:79 192
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