"Recent US and UN reports document the startling incidence of human trafficking in the world today. Yet the situation is hardly new.The fact that some early Christians were slaves does not present a m
This book argues that the idea of human rights is not exclusively religious, but that its realization in practice requires urgent action on the part of people of all faiths, and of none. Acknowledging
Is war inevitable? Early Christians, says Maguire, were unanimous in opposing this view. They didn't see war as normal but as an outrage and even a sacrilege. Later Christians succumbed to the suppose
Bal (theory of literature, U. of Amsterdam) addresses basic questions in semiotics, the theory of signs, in this companion piece to her earlier book, On Story Telling . She explores the continuity bet
Concerned with writing software that matters and filled with tutorials and practical examples, this approach to agile software development takes cues from Test Driven Development, Domain Driven Desig