Nadeshiko's falls deeper and deeper in love with camping, and Rin's learning the joys of group camping for the first time! This time, everyone's going together...!
As Rin continues to experience the joy of camping with others, Nadeshiko is becoming obsessed with camping herself. Now that finals are over, where will the girls be off to next?
Rin enjoys camping by the lakeshore, Mt. Fuji in view. Nadeshiko rides her bike to see Mt. Fuji, too. As the two eat cup noodles together, what scenery will they behold? This series will make readers
Rin's always loved to go camping solo, while Nadeshiko's learning to appreciate camping more and more. What sights will they take in when they bump into each other, especially with the entire Outdoor
After a fun-filled Christmas are New Year's Eve and New Year's...Everyone passes the time differently-will Rin do the obvious thing and go solo camping...? What will her view be on the first day of th