Der Band enthält 41 Beiträge, die im August 2005 beim 40. Linguistischen Kolloquium an der Pädagogischen Universität der Stadt Moskau im Rahmen von «Sprache und Kognition» vorgetragen wurden. Die Auto
The proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages in Leipzig 2013 offer current formal investigations into Slavic morphology, phonology, semantics, syntax and i
The volume comprises papers that were presented at the 14th European conference on «Formal Description of Slavic Languages 10.5» at Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic. The conference focuses o
Russian-speaking immigrants residing in the Czech Republic or Germany are faced with the challenge of acquiring the Slavic (Czech) or Non-Slavic (German) language of the new environment. This process
This volume comprises papers from the third half time conference Formal Description of Slavic Languages 8.5 which took place in November 2010 in Brno (Czech Republic). The papers focus on topics rangi