IG超人氣療癒美字‧小清新插畫作家 Mandie Kuo首部全新圖文創作 吐司將的A TO Z勇氣辭典千萬粉絲英國知名Youtuber‧美妝部落客Zoella也愛不釋手!有時候,不是我們不夠勇敢,而是已經堅強太久。小小的吐司將,給你滿滿的正能量!夢想路上不孤單,我們一起努力,成為最勇敢的自己。敬!吐司將的人生!隨書贈送!○1「Take a break」美字語錄萬用卡(尺寸:9.5 X 13.2 c
Helen Levitt’s photographs from the 1930s and 1940s of the communities of New York City’s Harlem are startling achievements of street photography. They catch the evanescent configurations of gesture,
Fleeing to a backwoods town after a devastating tragedy, once-famous Irish film director Rill Pierce shares an intimate night with his best friend's sister, Katie Hughes, and embarks on a relationship