George E. Demacopoulos (EDT)/ Aristotle Papanikolaou (EDT)
Alexandra Sellassie Antohin
Brian Butcher/ Andrew Louth (FRW)
John Chryssavgis (EDT)/ Bruce V. Foltz (EDT)/ Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew/ Bill McKibben (FRW)
Christina M. Gschwandtner
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew/ John Chryssavgis (EDT)/ His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh (FRW)
Georgia Frank (EDT)/ Andrew Jacobs (EDT)/ Susan Holman (EDT)/ Thomas Arentzen (CON)/ Georgia Frank (CON)
Papanikolaou, Aristotle,Demacopoulos, George E.