Espen Gamlund (EDT)/ Carl Tollef Solberg (EDT)/ Jeff McMahan (FRW)
Eyal, Nir (Professor of Global Health and Population, Professor of Global Health and Population, Department of Global Health and Population, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health),Hurst, Samia A.
I. Glenn Cohen (EDT)/ Norman Daniels (EDT)/ Nir Eyal (EDT)
Nir Eyal (EDT)/ Samia A. Hurst (EDT)/ Ole F. Norheim (EDT)/ Dan Wikler (EDT)
Of every thousand children born in Iceland, two will die before their first birthday, but in Mozambique the death rate is sixty times higher. Even within countries - including some of the wealthiest -
In Valuing Health Daniel M. Hausman provides a philosophically sophisticated overview of generic health measurement that suggests improvements in standard methods and proposes a radical alternative. H
The identified lives effect describes the fact that people demonstrate a stronger inclination to assist persons and groups identified as at high risk of great harm than those who will or already suffe
Death is something we mourn or fear as the worst thing that could happen--whether the deaths of close ones, the deaths of strangers in reported accidents or tragedies, or our own. And yet, being dead