"Without a doubt a significant contribution to an overall understanding of northeast Florida. . . . Reveals much about land use in the state of Florida and the larger southeast U.S. . . . Frees the re
"An invaluable, splendidly illustrated overview of the grand construction projects of the precolumbian inhabitants of eastern North America."--Eduard F. Sekler, professor emeritus of architecture, Har
"Author is the premier historian of Native American groups that lived in Florida during period of European colonization. This work - a solid, ground-breaking, in-depth study of the Timucua - is as sch
? This is the first systematic analysis of Tatham Mound, one of the most important archaeological sites in Central Gulf Coast Florida. Because it documents the earliest years of contact between the re
"A genuine tour de force for the integration of anthropology, archaeology and ethnohistory at this first, unequivocal de Soto expedition site."--Russell K. Skowronek, Santa Clara University"Indispensa
“Finally, a comprehensive set of translations now exists for the enigmatic Calusa. Hann and Marquardt have assembled an exhaustive and diverse set of documents which locates the Calusa in their rightf