David L. Ellis analyzes the connections between political conservatism and Prussia’s neo-Pietist religious revival, especially in Brandenburg and Pomerania, in the years surrounding the revolution of
Covering Reformation era polemics, theology, and thought, these essays cut new paths in reformation scholarship, with each taking in some measure a cue from directions already offered by John Patrick
Nicholas of Cusa’s Brixen Sermons presents the concepts of church and reform that the fifteenth-century speculative thinker preached as a residential bishop and relates them to the challenges of late
The Tragic Couple is the first book length examination of the historical encounters between Jesuits and Jews from the modern period through the twentieth century where a special focus is placed on eve
Few medievalists of the last generation have contributed more to our understanding of late medieval religious life than Kaspar Elm. This books makes several of his most important essays available for
The writings of Ademar of Chabannes (ca 990-1034) on Jerusalem and the Cross offer a valuable, albeit at times, clouded window on many central developments of the pivotal tenth and eleventh centuries
The aim of this project is to offer the reader a critical edition and an English translation of 139 letters that were exchanged between the victims of Mussolini’s racial laws and the Jesuit Pietro Tac
Using the commentaries of a group of scholars from c. 1150-1350, along with confessors’ manuals, mystery plays and sermon material, this book investigates the place of the Decalogue in medieval religi
Calixtus was from a noble family in Burgundy that functioned as virtual royalty, says Stroll (history, U. of California-San Diego), and when he became pope, he fashioned himself more as the ruler of C
In a Preacher of Grace Dupont offers an account of the presence of the theme of grace in Augustine of Hippo’s sermones situated in the Donatist controversy or preached on important liturgical feasts (
Wilkinson charts Western Christian knowledge of and reaction to the Hebrew divine name yhwh from the beginnings of Christianity to the middle of the 17th century. He considers such topics as the Tetra
An examination of the charge of barbarism against the early Christians in the context of ancient rhetorical practices and mechanisms of othering, marginalization and persecution in the Roman Empire.