Sound can be deployed to produce discomfort, express a threat, or create an ambience of fear or dread—to produce a bad vibe. Sonic weapons of this sort include the "psychoacoustic correcti
With Relationscapes, Erin Manning offers a new philosophy of movement challenging the idea that movement is simple displacement in space, knowable only in terms of the actual. Exploring the relation
Gilbert Simondon (1924--1989), one of the most influential contemporary Frenchphilosophers, published only three works: L'individu et sa genese physico-biologique(The individual and its physico-biolog
An accessible yet rigorous introduction to the influential French philosopher Gilbert Simondon's philosophy of individuation.Gilbert Simondon (1924–1989), one of the most influential contemporary Fren
Events are always passing; to experience an event is to experience the passing. Buthow do we perceive an experience that encompasses the just-was and the is-about-to-be as much aswhat is actually pres
Today almost every aspect of life for which data exists can be rendered as a network.Financial data, social networks, biological ecologies: all are visualized in links and nodes, linesconnecting dots.
In Experimental Politics, Maurizio Lazzarato examines the conditions of work, employment, and unemployment in neoliberalism's flexible and precarious labor market. This i
In "Contagious Architecture," Luciana Parisi offers a philosophical inquiry into the status of the algorithm in architectural and interaction design. Her thesis is that algorithmic computation is not
Digital technologies offer the possibility of capturing, storing, and manipulating movement, abstracting it from the body and transforming it into numerical information. In "Moving without a Body," St
Events are always passing; to experience an event is to experience the passing. Buthow do we perceive an experience that encompasses the just-was and the is-about-to-be as much aswhat is actually pres
In Without Criteria, Steven Shaviro proposes and explores aphilosophical fantasy: imagine a world in which Alfred North Whitehead takes the place of MartinHeidegger. What if Whitehead, instead of Heid
Sound can be deployed to produce discomfort, express a threat, or create an ambienceof fear or dread--to produce a bad vibe. Sonic weapons of this sort include the "psychoacousticcorrection" aimed at
The sonic has come to occupy center stage in the arts and humanities. In the age ofcomputational media, sound and its subcultures can offer more dynamic ways of accounting for bodies,movements, and ev
With Relationscapes, Erin Manning offers a new philosophy ofmovement challenging the idea that movement is simple displacement in space, knowable only in termsof the actual. Exploring the relation bet