替代書名:Understanding Lao Sze-kwang: Beyond the Crisis of Culture and Philosophy
規格:22.8cm (高)
本書專論當代中國哲學家勞思光先生 (1927-2012) 的哲學思想,尤其著重於勞先生後期哲學的發展與規模。
勞思光先生以《中國哲學史》名家,然而《中國哲學史》卻只是他一生哲學關懷──為危機中的哲學及文化尋找突破困局之道──的預備工作。《中國哲學史》之後,也就是1980年代起,勞先生在三十年間逐步發展、修正他的哲學思想,主要是:(1) 建立一種基於開放思維之哲學概念的文化哲學;(2) 為二十世紀「哲學之終結」問題把脈,提出「非絕對主義的新基礎主義」,以顯示哲學思維應有的新取向;與此同時,他也發表了關於 (3) 中國文化之路向,與 (4) 中國哲學之未來的大量論著。
This book specializes in the philosophy of contemporary leading Chinese philosopher Lao Sze-kwang (1927-2012), particularly focuses on the development and its broad spectrum of Lao's late philosophy.
Lao is best known for his History of Chinese Philosophy, which is regarded as one of the primary texts in Chinese philosophy. However, Lao described his task in the history of Chinese philosophy as a preparatory work for his philosophical concerns. During his lengthy academic career, he was unceasingly devoted himself to pursuing the way beyond the crisis of culture and philosophy.
After History of Chinese Philosophy, that is, since the beginning of 1980s, Lao had gradually elaborated and revised his thinking, the major efforts of which are: 1. to set up a philosophy of culture based on the open concept of philosophy; 2. to identify the problematic of the end of philosophy in the twentieth century, and thus to propose his 'New Foundationalism without Absolutism' as a forward philosophical perspective; meanwhile, he had also published a large number of treaties on the issues of 3. the way out of Chinese culture; and 4. the future of Chinese philosophy.
With a sympathetic understanding, this book takes a comprehensive discussion on the aforementioned various fields of Lao's philosophy, at the same time takes account of Lao's early and late thoughts. In addition, studying through Lao's poems, the essay 'Aesthetic-Self and Spiritual Realm' in this book affords a quite different approach to explore the inner world of the philosopher.
張善穎,目前任教於國立臺北護理健康大學通識教育中心,主要學術興趣在中國古代哲學、佛學、文化哲學與道德哲學。出版:學術著作《孔子心目中的天命》;詩集《描金的影子》、《Paris, Paris》;散文《女人是天生的收藏家》、《十二個孩子的人生哲學》;譯作葛拉斯詩畫集《給不讀詩的人》。曾獲第十八屆時報文學獎新詩首獎、第十屆臺北文學年金。
Sang-Yiing Chang is Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Religion and Modern Chinese Poetry at National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences. His main areas of philosophical interests are ancient Chinese philosophy, Buddhism, cultural and moral philosophy. What Mandate of Heaven Means to Confucius is his latest published academic work. As a poet, Chang is the recipient of the 1995 Chinatimes Literature Award in poetry. Since then he has published two collections: Shadow in Gold and Paris, Paris. He is also the translator of Fundsachen für Nichtleser by Günter Grass. The prose Life Philosophy of 12 Kids won him the 2009 Taipei Literature Award.
中國近代史的文化詮釋 3
一、香港:歷史的轉捩 5
二、西潮下:中國的反應及其演變 8
三、文化變形理論的再反省 13
四、對中國文化路向的建議 18
情意我與心靈境界 23
一、前言 24
二、從哲學生命到自我境界 27
三、情意我的內涵 30
四、論「孤」的心靈境界 39
五、結語 45
附:勞思光先生詩作、論文年代對照表(己未至庚午) 46
理性意志之設準 49
一、本文宗旨 50
二、人文世界之必要:文化「解放意識」之批判 57
三、文化「建設意識」的歧出:「宗教」之批判 81
四、自由意志:本性及其限制 101
五、理性意志的工夫論:中國哲學的特性與儒學精神的特色 119
六、「新基礎主義」的啟發:「理性意志之設準」芻議 133
勞思光哲學:一個綜覽 141
一、師法「基源問題研究法」 142
二、勞思光哲學之基源問題與理論結構的內在邏輯 150
三、勞思光哲學的發展線索:「三期劃分說」的商榷 156
四、勞思光後期哲學舉要 183
附錄 223
一、勞思光:面對世界的中國哲學家 224
二、勞思光先生簡歷 238
三、勞思光先生著作簡編 241