作者:徐宗懋圖文館 主編
規格:30cm*30cm*2.3cm (高/寬/厚)
Since photography was introduced to China from the West, photo studios became popular in a number of commercial ports along the coast. Adventurous travelers and missionaries to Far East recorded what they saw and took photos for the Eastern world with civilizations dating back for millennia. This book selected images from the late Qing Dynasty to China’s Republican Era, concerning the following cities: Wuxi, Nanjing, Shanghai, Xuzhou, Yangzhou, Zhenjiang, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Ningbo, and Shaoxing. Many historical sites were recorded in detail, such as Huangbudun, Dragon Light Pagoda, Jiangnan Examination Hall, Yifeng gate, Ming Lou (Ming Mansion), Kuishan pagoda, Fuyun gate of Jiangdu county, Wenchang Pavilion, Leifeng pagoda, former city wall of Shaoxing and so forth. Their original looks are nowhere to be seen except in the old photos.
Additionally, modern buildings had replaced the old ones in the Chinese modernization process. The images in this book not only involve a number of historical sites, but also deal with Chinese people’s living in China’s Republican Era. There are approximately 100 images in this book, most of which are albumen prints. Other images, especially those about Wuxi and Suzhou in the late Qing Dynasty, were created in the wet-plate collodion process, an invention of the 1850s. Also, film colorization was applied with the help of digital image processing in order to make these images look more authentic and to encourage the reader to pay attention to detail in the photos.
The colorized historical photographs are the re-creation of the original black and white photos. By using the colorization method, there are more details revealed to the readers which might not be seen on the original photographs. The art of the colorization of the historical images not only enhance the visual effect while represent the historical event, but also at the same level enrich the artistic value for the photographs.
General speaking, every single image represents a historical event. When an image was captured, there were endless information in the content to provide viewers to research, appreciate and observe the beauty within. From generation to generation, people document what they see by using cameras. The ways of seeing based on different perspectives, and the perception represents the view point of the world through the eyes of the beholder.
002 目錄
010 序 楊世緘
012 古韻風華之當代影像再現 張維晏
016 無錫
018 錫水上的黃埠墩
020 惠山古剎聽松賞杏
022 二泉龍池盛名天下
024 惠山古鎮的人傑地靈坊
026 錫山寺塔山水一色
028 小箕山上的樓閣亭榭
030 太湖三山帆影水色蒼茫
031 長春橋畔的動人湖色
032 秀麗婉約的梅園即景
033 梅叢中的念劬塔
034 碧波弄影的蠡園水亭
035 曲徑通幽的漁莊長廊
036 太湖佳絕處的鼋頭渚
038 怪石嶙峋的雲窩
039 江南四大名園之寄暢園
040 南京
042 江南貢院與號舍
044 秦淮河兩岸風光
046 秦淮河畔的酒家
048 秦淮河畔的夫子廟
050 夫子廟前的攤販
051 儀鳳門舊影
052 明故宮遺址
053 從明孝陵內紅門遠望明樓
054 明孝陵神道鎮墓獸
055 中山陵風貌
056 遠眺玄武門
058 玄武湖全景圖
060 上海
062 洋槍隊訓練場景
064 伊爾底斯紀念碑揭幕儀式
066 湖心亭邊的孩子們
067 參加龍華寺廟會的母女
068 龍華寺廟會肅穆的隊列
069 龍華寺廟會圍觀的群眾
070 興起的上海灘
072 四川路橋與上海郵政總局
074 南京路上的雙層巴士和電車軌道
076 繁華昌盛的南京路
078 上海老城廂老西門路口
080 百老匯大廈街景
082 上海市渡輪
083 上海街頭的路邊書攤
084 河南路英租界
086 法國租界區
088 兆豐花園水榭絮雨一景
090 徐州
092 徐州城溪岸即景
094 從戲馬台俯瞰徐州城街景
096 鐘鼓樓附近街景
097 雲龍山勝景
098 江北第一塔奎山塔
099 中央公園荷花池一隅
100 揚州
102 江都縣城福運門外的古運河
104 江都縣城福運門
106 人聲鼎沸的商業街口
107 形形色色的江都商店街市招
108 轉型中的古運河
109 汶河文昌閣故影
110 鎮江
112 寒冬時節鎮江老城
114 運貨的獨輪車伕
116 金山寺慈壽塔
117 慈壽塔上俯瞰金山寺
118 鎮江定慧寺
119 醬園醋坊
120 西津渡口
122 蘇州
124 煙雨江南的美景
126 二山門與虎丘塔
128 山塘河畔遠觀虎丘塔側影
130 江南鄉間牛力水車
132 巍峨壯麗的北寺塔
134 蘇州古都午後的街道
135 船泊楓橋
136 杭州
138 白堤春望
140 斷橋殘雪
142 平湖秋月
144 岳武穆墓
146 花港觀魚
148 雷峰夕照
150 韜光觀海
152 寧波
154 寧波港車水馬龍之景
156 熙來攘往的大街
158 批發街絡繹不絕的商賈
160 老字號陳萬豐酒棧
162 甬江兩岸的貯冰屋
163 普陀碼頭等待攬客的轎夫們
164 水鄉裡的廟亭
166 紹興
168 昔日的紹興古城牆
170 東浦岸上的酒甕堆
172 東浦街上修缸補罈的匠師
173 酒庫釀酒即景
174 紹興酒的釀造過程
175 紹興酒的貯藏
176 紹興酒的封罈
177 紹興大禹陵
178 水鄉澤國
180 民間買賣
182 銀飾工藝
184 米莊糧行
186 菸草販賣
188 藥鋪
190 書店
192 蜜餞鋪
193 皮革商鋪
194 糕點鋪
196 餐館
006 Contents
011 Foreword Yang, Shih-Chien
014 Historical Photos of Wuxi and Famous
Jiangzhe Cities Zhang, Wei-Yan
017 Wuxi
018 Huang Budun on the Old Lotus Lake
020 Huishan Temple
022 The Second Spring Under Heaven
024 Ren Jie Di Ling Arch
026 Mount Xi Pagoda
028 Pavilions on Mount Little Qi
030 Taihu Lake and Sanshan Islands
031 The Charm of the Lake by Changchun Bridge
032 Mei Garden
033 Nianqu Pagoda
034 Li Garden
035 The Long Gallery of Yu Zhuang
036 Yuan Tou Zhu (The Turtle Head Park)
038 Yun Wo
039 Jichang Garden
041 Nanjing
042 Jiangnan Examination Hall
044 The Scenic Belt Along the Qinhuai River
046 Tea Houses and Restaurants by Qinhuai River
048 Confucius Temple by Qinhuai River
050 Street Vendors by Confucius Temple
051 Yifeng Gate
052 Relics of Ming Dynasty Palace
053 Watching Ming Lou from Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum
054 Zhen Mu Shou at Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum
055 Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum
056 Xuanwu Gate
058 The Panorama of Xuanwu Lake
061 Shanghai
062 The Training of Ever Victorious Army
064 The Unveiling of the Iltis Monument
066 Children at Huxin Pavilion
067 The Longhua Temple Fair
068 Solumn Queue at the Longhua Temple Fair
069 The Crowds at the Longhua Temple Fair
070 Rise of the Shanghai Bund
072 Shanghai General Post Office Building
074 Double-decker Buses and Tramways on Nanjing Road
076 Bustling Nanjing Road
078 Intersection of the Old West Gate
080 Broadway Mansions
082 The Shanghai Ferry
083 Bookstalls at the Roadside
084 Shanghai British Settlement on Henan Street
086 Shanghai French Concession
088 Jessfield Park
091 Xuzhou
092 Scenery at the Riverbank
094 Overlooking the City of Xuzhou at Horse-training Terrace
096 Bell and Drum Tower
097 Yunlong Mountain
098 Kuishan Pagoda
099 Lotus Pond in Central Park
101 Yangzhou
102 The Ancient Canal by Fuyun Gate in Jiangdu County
104 Fuyun Gate in Jiangdu County
106 Crowded Business Street
107 Various Shops on the Business Street
108 The Ancient Canal in Transition
109 Wenchang Pavilion
111 Zhenjiang
112 The Old Town of Zhenjiang in Wintertime
114 A Wheelbarrow for Shipping Goods
116 Cishou Pagoda at Jinshan Temple
117 Looking Down at Jinshan Temple on Cishou Pagoda
118 Dinghui Temple
119 Vinegar and Soy Sauce for Sale
120 Xijin Ferry Terminal
123 Suzhou
124 Shihu Lake
126 Tiger Hill Pagoda
128 The Silhouette of Tiger Hill Pagoda
130 Ox-drawn Water Wheel
132 The Majestic North Temple Pagoda
134 An Old Street at Sunset
135 Maple Bridge
137 Hangzhou
138 Bai Causeway in Spring Sights
140 Melting Snow at Broken Bridge
142 Autumn Moon Over the Calm Lake
144 The Tomb of Yue Fei
146 Viewing Fish at Flower Harbor
148 Leifeng Pagoda in the Sunset
150 Viewing the Sea from the Taoguang Temple
153 Ningbo
154 The Ningbo Port
156 A Bustling Street
158 Wholesale Street
160 Chen Wanfeng Liquor Store
162 Igloos on the Banks of Yong River
163 Sedan Bearers at Putuo Wharf
164 Pavilions in the Water Town
167 Shaoxing
168 The Former City Wall of Shaoxing
170 Rice Wine Urns in Dongpu
172 Artisans Fixing Rice Wine Urns
173 Rice Wine Production in the Wine Cellar
174 The Process of Making Shaoxing Rice Wine
175 The Storage of Shaoxing Rice Wine
176 The Sealing of the Urns
177 The Tomb of Yu the Great
178 The Water City
181 Commercial Ac tivities
182 Silver Arts Shop
184 Grain Shop
186 Tobacco Shop
188 Chinese Herbal Medicine Shop
190 Bookstore
192 Preserved Fruit Shop
193 Leather Shop
194 Bakery
196 Restaurant